Chapter 959
Xu Beiyou only thought that Lu Xinlian had acquiesced, raised his trembling arm, clenched it into a fist, and continued: "I once met the Emperor Taizu once, it was in the Meishan Emperor's Tomb, and he talked to me a lot .”

Lu Xinlian hesitated for a moment, and said in a cold voice: "He definitely didn't mention me, at most he mentioned Qin Mumian, he looks affectionate, but in fact he is ruthless. I don't shy away from saying that I did have feelings for him when I was young. He He also helped me a lot, especially when the master was sitting in the funeral, he was the only one who traveled thousands of miles to the Dutian Peak to attend the funeral, and helped me quell the civil strife in Tianxuan Peak. It's time to let it go, and now you can help me once, and it's considered a clearing."

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "From my wife's point of view, I should call him the emperor's grandfather. The seniors have settled with the emperor's grandfather, not the younger generation."

Lu Xinlian suddenly frowned and said: "Before you saved the power of the sword, if I hadn't appeared, you would have used this sword to escape from this place, and just now you used this sword to break through the Twelve Capital Heaven Formation, and the energy in your body It's almost exhausted, what are you still holding on to?"

Xu Beiyou smiled slightly, "Senior, isn't that the case? If I'm not mistaken, in fact, senior is only at the sixteenth floor of the Earth Immortal. Facing Mrs. Murong, who is from the same line of Taoism but has a higher realm, I think senior can handle it well." It’s quite strenuous, and I’m afraid I’m not feeling well right now.”

Lu Xinlian fell silent again.

There are some things that Lu Xinlian did not say to Xu Beiyou, an outsider. In fact, she is too disappointed with the current Taoist sect. The current Taoist sect, because of the dispute between the first disciples, has caused the entire Taoist sect to be in a mess. There is still a little bit of the appearance of a fairy house outside the world, almost no different from a temple.

This kind of Taoism is not the Taoism in her impression, nor is it the Taoism she hopes for.

Therefore, after learning of Murong Xuan's plan, Lu Xinlian thought for a long time. Since Xu Beiyou is also a descendant of the Taoist ancestor, instead of letting such a Taoist sect make the world miserable, it is better to help Jianzong and the Daqi court.

At this time, Lu Xinlian might not have thought that after many years, the Sword Sect Master really fulfilled today's promise of "returning favors".Among the five major sects of Taoism, the Jishan Sect is the easiest to ascend, but its combat power is the weakest. As a member of the Jishan Sect, Lu Xinlian came to the situation of proving the Tao with a baby by chance. Among all the methods of ascension in the Taoist sect, it belongs to the last class, which is far inferior to the extremely powerful combat power of physical enlightenment, and is alone. Therefore, at the critical moment when Lu Xinlian ascended to prove the Tao, six masters of the evil way joined hands and intended to Ruining Lu Xinlian's Ascension Dao, and even imprisoning the Nascent Soul of the [-]th Floor Immortal for his own use, made Lu Xinlian fall into a critical moment of life and death.

At that time, a sword fairy who had not ascended due to various reasons came out of the sky. Although he was also an earth fairy in the eighteenth floor realm, he had the most famous name, No. 1 in the world.

That time, the Great Sword Immortal, who had lived in seclusion for many years, killed six demon heads with his own power, which shocked the world, and made the demon way that had been at its peak never recover, and could no longer compete with the righteous way.

A drink and a peck, there is a cause and effect.


Xu Beiyou didn't say anything more to Lu Xinlian, and came to Lan Yu and Zhao Qing.

In a sense, these three men, old and young, will determine the direction of southern Xinjiang and Shuzhou from now on, and the situation in these two places can indirectly affect the general trend of Jiangnan and even the whole world.

Xu Beiyou, whose face was a little pale, finally couldn't bear it any longer. He sat down slowly, breathed heavily, and exhaled a mouthful of purple-black mist.

After all, Zhu Jiuyin is the Great Elder of the Witch Cult. Even if he is seriously injured, his methods should not be underestimated. With his full strength, Xu Beiyou is not as simple as hurting his muscles and bones. Fortunately, Xu Beiyou has been injured in the past three years. Among them, injuries are commonplace. As the so-called long-term illness makes a good doctor, after strangling the poisonous gas with the self-generated sword energy in the body, he knew the extent of the injury in his heart, and said: "Mr. Lan has been in the cabinet for a long time, and Master Zhao was also Leading General, according to the opinions of the two, how should we deal with the current situation in southern Xinjiang?"

Zhao Qing didn't speak, and looked at Lan Yu from outside. After Lan Yu pondered for a while, he asked back: "Nangui wears the seal of General Pinglu on your body. In your opinion, what are the chances of winning the Jiangnan war?"

Xu Beiyou didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "If Xiao Jin still has the intention of retaining his strength, then Jiangnan can still defend for a while, but if Xiao Jin is determined to fight with all his strength, then at this time, he will be stationed in the two Xiangyang. The remnants of the Jiangnan Rear Army have only two options: death in battle and withdrawal from Jiangnan. To be honest, if the former army of Shuzhou cannot rush to help Jiangnan, even if Xiao Jin does not spare no effort to fight, just increase the number of troops, Jiangnan will still be defeated. Sooner or later, this is also the purpose of my coming to Southern Xinjiang from Jiangnan."

Xu Beiyou seldom shared these confidential words with others, especially when it came to military and state affairs involving the general trend of the world, but Lan Yu was not an ordinary person, he was the former chief assistant of the Daqi court and a key figure in the situation in Shuzhou. Since he opened his mouth to ask, Xu Beiyou had no reason to hide.

Lan Yu nodded, and said, "The reason why Shuzhou cannot send troops is rooted in southern Xinjiang. After the rebellion in southern Xinjiang, Emperor Taizong Wen decided to send troops to suppress it. The specific details of sending troops were finalized by the old man and Wei Jin. I am quite familiar with Southern Xinjiang. At that time, in the battle of Southern Xinjiang, the barbarians in the Seven Prefectures of Nanzhong were defeated and had to retreat into the [-] mountains. They were already seriously injured. They had the strength to fight, but it was a desperate battle. , now that Zhu Jiuyin is dead, whether it is witchcraft or barbarians, they are all without a leader, and they are bound to fall into civil strife.

Xu Beiyou's eyes lit up.

Lan Yu continued: "As for Sun Shaotang, he can be regarded as half of my disciple. I will go to meet him in person, explain the advantages and disadvantages to him, and ask him to send troops."

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "If Dudu Sun wants to lead troops to help the south of the Yangtze River, then Mr. Lan should also be invited to sit in Shuzhou himself to ensure that the overall situation of Shuzhou is not lost."

Lan Yu nodded, suddenly remembered something, and turned to Zhao Qing who was at the side and said: "At this time, there should be a Barbarian King in Southern Border, who is the remnant left by Mrs. Phoenix. Although he is not as good as Zhu Jiuyin, he is still a Disaster. The old man has to rush back to Shuzhou, and his vitality will be seriously injured when he returns to the south, so I have to trouble Brother Zhao."

Zhao Qing said with a smile: "You are a laborer, I am a laborer, I will do this kind of dirty work."

Before the words fell, Zhao Qing's figure had disappeared.

Xu Beiyou who was sitting on the ground let out a long breath.

Southern Xinjiang has been decided.

(End of this chapter)

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