Chapter 965

Xiao Shu suddenly felt a little dispirited, because this majestic city would soon fall in front of the Wei army, or become an empty city, or a pile of ruins, because the Daqi court would never give up here easily However, if Yu Kuang decided to defend to the death, it would be very difficult for this city and its people to survive.

After looking at the city of Xiangyang for a while, Xiao Shu felt a little annoyed again, as if an evil fire had been born in his heart for no reason, and it burned more and more vigorously, making his face a little gloomy.

He has lived in Jiangdu for many years and is familiar with the land in the south of the Yangtze River, but he doesn't like it here, and he yearns for the northwest of Dama Jindao more.

He once heard from his father that in the same season, the same season when the cold spring has not completely receded, the ground in Xiheyuan is still as cold and hard as iron. A faint trace will be left.

The land in the northwest is a bitter cold northwest that is completely different from the warm and moist south of the Yangtze River.

There is no willow wind blowing cold, only the westerly wind like a knife.

There is no soft fertile soil and flowing water, only the Gobi sand and dust as hard as iron.

There is no Dajiang as graceful as heaven and nobles, but Qinghe, which has experienced vicissitudes like a veteran of many battles.

There is no Jiangdu, the former capital of the Six Dynasties, only Zhongdu, which has been fighting all the year round.

Only on such a land can horseshoes step out with a forceful momentum like thunder.

Now, if the [-] cavalry under his command were placed on the land in the northwest, and [-] horseshoes trampled on the ground, it would sound like [-] thunderclaps at the same time, enough to shake the heavens and the earth.

That's where he wants to flex his muscles. That's where his fathers used to gallop. He feels that the iron horse Jing Ge from his fathers in his blood makes him feel uneasy, and he can't wait to fight Jiangnan. Then go to the northwest battlefield to show your skills.

Just when Xiao Shu's cavalry army was about to completely wipe out the remnants of the Jiangnan army, a cavalry army belonging to the Jiangnan defenders suddenly appeared in Xiao Shu's sight and was rushing towards his direction.

Although after the entire army of the Jiangnan navy was wiped out, the rear army of the south of the Yangtze River had lost the capital to compete with the army of the Wei State on the frontal battlefield, but this did not mean that the rear army of the south of the Yangtze River could only stay in the city.Today, Yu Kuang still has more than a thousand scouts and more than 6000 light cavalry in his hands. Although it is difficult to go out of the city to fight, they can be used as a surprise army in case of emergency.

Now this cavalry that has been thrown out of the sky is one of the few cavalry in the Jiangnan Army.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Shu turned his head and saw a female general with a blurred face leading the horse. She was vaguely seen wearing purple and white cotton armor, her white hair was tied into a ponytail, and she was holding a big bow half the height of a person in her hand. There is a purple-black breath around the bow.

The woman's name was Bai Yu, who was ordered by Liu Jian, the right governor of the Jiangnan Army, to attack and kill Xu Beiyou, and is now the commander of the cavalry under Yu Kuang's command.

The distance between the two sides narrowed rapidly, and with Xiao Shu's eyesight, he was gradually able to see the appearance of this female general clearly. Her complexion was snow-white, and her white hair, which was almost the same as that of the Sword Sect Master, was tied into a ponytail at the back of her head. The woman's tenderness and tenderness only have the meaning of a battle-tested killing.In terms of appearance alone, this woman was inferior to the poppies he fell in love with at first sight, but in terms of her outstanding demeanor, she was not inferior to the former in the slightest.No matter who sees it, they must give a big praise to a woman who does not give way to her eyebrows.

Xiao Shu held the long knife inlaid with nine priceless precious stones in his right hand, and patted the palm of his left hand with the scabbard. While looking up, he said softly, "Heroic and heroic, like a fierce battle, I know you have pity on my heart and courage!" .”

Then Xiao Shu clenched the scabbard tightly with five fingers on his face, turned his head and said to Huang Xiao who was beside him: "I will ask you to catch this girl later, but you must spare her life."

Huang Xiao, who had a three-foot blue blade hanging from his waist, nodded slightly.

While the two were talking, Bai Yu was no more than a hundred feet away from them. The woman in purple-white cotton armor pursed her thin lips, and picked up a special black feather arrow from the quiver behind her back.

Ninety feet.

The woman began to draw the bow, aiming at Xiao Shu's direction, and the purple-red energy visible to the naked eye quickly condensed on the arrow.

Seventy feet.

Women keep one mind, no self and no other.

Sixty feet.

The woman suddenly stood up from the horse's back, and drew the bow like a full moon, all in one go.

The next moment, Bai Yu let go of the bowstring in his hand, and shot an arrow out.

Bows and arrows are sharp weapons for killing on the battlefield. Martial arts masters who are proficient in this way temper the bow in their hands with their own efforts, and condense the arrows in their hearts with the energy in their chests. Where the arrow comes out, there is neither him nor me.

The woman is a martial arts master who has cultivated the way of bow to the realm of human immortality, and her archery is not fancy. She never pays attention to scattering or continuous arrows. One arrow is one arrow. If one arrow can kill people, there is no need for a second arrow , so every arrow she shoots is a killing move.

Feather arrows contain a domineering aura of killing, and the tip of the arrow sweeps away the vitality of the surrounding world. If the distance between the two is a curtain, then this arrow is like scissors, which instantly tears the curtain into pieces. two halves.

Huang Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and he pushed Xiao Shu off the horse regardless of his status.

Then the arrow pierced dozens of soldiers behind Xiao Shu, and the corpses fell off their horses one after another.

If it wasn't for Huang Xiao's push, Xiao Shu would have died on the spot.

Xiao Shu, who was sitting on the ground, did not become angry from embarrassment. He grinned and showed his white teeth. After going through a big change, he was much calmer than before. He didn't rush to get up, but smiled and said: "Sir, remember to stay Her life, I will give her to the father, I think the father will like it."

After Bai Yu failed with one arrow, she took a deep breath and drew her bow again without hesitation. The black and white aura surrounding the entire longbow was overwhelming, circling around her for a circle, and finally converged on the tip of the arrow. It seems like a round of yin and yang Pisces is rapidly zooming in.

As the arrow gained momentum, the vitality of the world around the woman began to tremble, as if a pot of boiling water was about to boil, tumbling and rising.

The next moment, the string was loosened and the arrow shot out.

At the same time, Huang Xiao had already drawn out his sword, and a sharp sound of metal and stone suddenly sounded in the air, piercing the eardrums.

Then two broken arrows fell from the sky.

Although Huang Xiao blocked the arrow, Xiao Shu's cheek was still drawn with a bloodstain by the vigor brought up by the feather arrow, which was bright red and glaring.

The smile on Xiao Shu's face gradually faded, and after getting up slowly, he gently wiped the blood on his face.

Bai Yu shot the third arrow without hesitation.

Xiao Shu turned his head abruptly, and his upper body leaned back.

There was another bloodstain on his face, but this time compared to the last time, the bloodstain was deeper and the blood flow continued.

Huang Xiao stood in front of Xiao Shu with his sword in his hand, not daring to make a slight movement, another feathered arrow that had been broken in two appeared at his feet.

Xiao Shu covered the wound on his face, his palms were stained red by his own blood, his eyes were cold, and he said solemnly: "Kill her."

(End of this chapter)

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