Chapter 975 How the Four Heavenly Emperors Win

During the First World War at the Circular Mound Altar, Chuan Guoxi could help Xu Beiyou leap to the [-]th Floor Realm of Earth Immortal. At this time, Chuan Guoxi could suppress Xu Beiyou and Zhu Xian with his own power. Towers are different from Jade Immortals. Their strength has little to do with themselves, but depends on the strength of their masters.

Strictly speaking, the owner of Chuan Guoxi is not Xiao Xuan, and the owner of Du Tianyin is not Qiu Ye. Their owners are Da Qi and Daomen respectively. Da Qi's national fortune is prosperous, and Chuan Guoxi will naturally allow Xu Beiyou to reach the sky in one step. Ye and Du Tianyin were able to suppress Xu Beiyou and Zhu Xian. Rather than saying that the latter two lost to the first two, it would be better to say that Jianzong lost to Taoism.

In fact, Jianzong did exactly as Chen Ye expected. At this time, his luck was declining, like a candle in the wind. After Xu Beiyou appointed the three elders, his momentum seemed to rise, but this was all fake, just like Bailian back then. Teaching, the rise of power is in an instant, and the decline is also in an instant. It seems that the momentum is so great that Taoists have to avoid the edge temporarily, but it is only ten years before and after, and the same is true of Jianzong today. It has stood for thousands of years without falling down, and its foundation is profound. Even if it suffers repeated setbacks now, in terms of luck alone, it is still a complete victory over Jianzong.

Now Chen Ye is suppressing Xu Beiyou with Taoist luck, but Xu Beiyou can only resist with his own strength.

In the final analysis, this is like two people doing business, the same business, the same means, the difference is that one person has a great career, and the other has a poor family.

Today's Chen Ye, with the luck accumulated by the Taoist sect, is the person with a great family and great career. This also means that Xu Beiyou is not only facing Chen Ye alone, but Chen Ye, who is fully supported by the luck of the Taoist sect. leaf.

The luck of the Taoist sect is added to the body, and it is definitely not a joke. The person who was able to fight back at the beginning was Xiao Yu, who had already surpassed the realm of the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal. With the nine-storey mausoleum as the foundation and Daqi as the background, this That's why Du Tianyin came back in defeat, but Xu Beiyou, although he is already a rare opponent in the world, is still not as good as Xiao Yu back then.

In the situation before Xu Beiyou's eyes, there are three things that must be done.

Bingchen cannot die.

Liang Xiang cannot be lost.

Chen Ye can't leave unharmed, even if he can't kill Chen Ye, he can't let him continue to use Du Tian Yin to do whatever he wants.

Xu Beiyou spat out a mouthful of black blood, and then took a deep breath.

If there hadn't been the previous series of hard fights, if Xu Beiyou had still maintained his peak state at this time, even if Chen Ye had the seal of heaven in his body, even if he could temporarily suppress Zhu Xian, he would never be able to suppress Xu Beiyou so easily.

At this time, after Xu Beiyou was angry, he forcibly raised himself to the original peak state regardless of the consequences.

Under Du Tianyin's suppression, Xu Beiyou straightened up little by little.

The Taoist's eyes were full of pity, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a sneer: "Even if you can get rid of the oppressive luck of the poor, so what? Even if you are a sword cultivator in the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal, whether you have Zhu Xian in your hands is a big deal." farewell."

Xu Beiyou straightened his waist and said in a deep voice: "As you said, your three spells have been used up. I'm curious what you used to block my sword?"

While speaking, Xu Beiyou shook his hand, and green air billowed down from the sky.

It was the Qingping Dharma Sword that was attracted by Bingchen. Although Bingchen relied on Qingping's power, he did not use Qingping Dharma Sword itself. At this time, the body of Qingping Dharma Sword appeared directly in Xu Beiyou's hands.

At this time, Qingping is naturally not a hundred feet long, but only three feet long, but the lingering green energy is more intense, even worse than the ice dust in the sky.

Chen Ye suddenly said: "I forgot that you still have a dharma sword, Qingping, but this sword is divided into two by you. At this time, Qingping in your hand can only be regarded as half. How can it be against the poor? And Lan Yu and Zhao Qing and the others will not appear here at this time, no matter how many tricks you have, and all the tricks, in the end, everything will come to naught, and everything will come to an end."

Xu Beiyou held Qingping in front of him, put the fingers of his right hand together, and brushed across the sword.

Different from Zhu Xian's Ziqing Sword Qi, Qingping Sword, as its name suggests, only has a vast blue sword Qi.

The entire palm of Xu Beiyou's sword-holding hand was enveloped in green energy, and he said in a deep voice, "Could it be that you can use the Ziwei magic sword? One hand has the seal of heaven, and the other hand has the Ziwei magic sword. Naturally, you are invincible in the world."

Chen Ye shook her big sleeve lightly, "Why use Ziwei to kill you."

Xu Beiyou "flicked" Qingping in his hand, and said silently "please sword", shaking off all the vast green energy, revealing a real sword, the sword is six inches and five minutes long, the hilt is black, and the sword body is blue. There is faint fresh air lingering, and at the same time, blue lotus flowers are covering it, constantly giving birth to disillusionment, making people forget the world.

In the Patriarch Hall of the Taoist Xuandu, the highest place is naturally the portrait of the Taoist ancestor, and below the Taoist ancestor are the portraits of the three Daoist Lords. The sword hanging from the waist of Da Daojun Shangqing is also named Qingping.

This sword has naturally followed the Daoist Lord Shangqing to the sky, but among the nine magic swords left by Taoist ancestors, Qingping's magic sword is based on this sword. , with the strength of Qingping, it fits the sword sect patriarch Shangqing Daodaojun in the dark.

Although Chen Ye had seen the portrait of Daoist Lord Shangqing before, recognized the Qingping sword, and glanced at the three feet in Xu Beiyou's hand, at this time it seemed that it really contained some of the true meaning of Daoist Lord Shangqing. There were nine flowers on the blue sword. The green lotus is blooming and full of immortal energy, but he is still calm and composed, because at this time there are still four heavenly emperors behind him. Even though Xu Beiyou has already destroyed one of the Eastern Heavenly Emperors, the most respected person among the five heavenly emperors is still the central one. The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan of the Emperor of Heaven.

Chen Ye's body leaned forward slightly, and his eyes left Qingping in Xu Beiyou's hand. There was a slight regret in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. means.

In an instant, Chen Ye's figure disappeared.

At the same time, four beams of light fell from the sky, covering the remaining four heavenly emperor phantoms, as if possessed by heaven and man. It is exactly the same as the previous vision of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor. The phantoms of the four heavenly emperors turned into physical statues, There are four colors of white, red, black and yellow respectively.

Although it is not the real arrival of the emperor of heaven at this time, there is also a part of the divine will of the emperor in the dark, standing between the heaven and the earth, with a majestic aura, and all living beings surrender.

The Five Heavenly Emperors of Dutianyin have the same effect as the Taoist master's technique of transforming the three cleans into one qi.

At this time, the four statues of the Heavenly Emperor are the four great monks of the Earth Immortal who have briefly entered the realm of the Seventeenth Floor of the Earth Immortal.

The next moment, the Central Heavenly Emperor, who was in the middle, folded his hands on his lower abdomen, standing with a sword, and at the same time, the phantom of an ancient sword slowly emerged.

This sword, the sword of the holy way, is even better than Xu Beiyou's Qingping.

Although neither of them descended from the body at this time, the sword still faintly suppressed Qingping's aura.

The central statue of the Emperor of Heaven holding this sword faintly broke through the barrier of the seventeenth floor of the earth fairy, and set foot on the realm of the eighteenth floor of the earth fairy.

Chen Ye's figure appeared hundreds of feet away. Although his face was extremely pale at this time, almost bloodless, and his whole body was even weaker, he finally showed a happy smile on his face.

A Xu Beiyou who has lost Zhu Xian, and a Xu Beiyou who has been suppressed by luck, facing one Earth Immortal Eighteenth Floor and three Earth Immortals Seventeenth Floor, how can he win?
(End of this chapter)

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