That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 981 It's Easy to Ask God

Chapter 981 It's Easy to Ask God

In just an instant, Xu Beiyou and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Aspect collided head-on once again.

Then there was a very strange scene, the tiny Xu Beiyou continued to run forward, while the towering and tall Heavenly Emperor Dharma Xiang kept sliding backwards, and a clear crack appeared on the sword in his hand, which was slowly spreading.

No one expected that under such circumstances, Xu Beiyou would actually turn against the customer and turn the situation around again.

Xu Beiyou continued to move forward, Qingping in his left hand came out, turned into a blue rainbow, and continuously drew swords around the Dharma figure.

Every sword pierces into the bone three points.

Numerous deep wounds appeared on the golden body of the Dharma Prime Minister, from which either overflowed with golden light or flowed out golden blood.

At this time, the land around the two of them was no longer a smooth plain, but became ravines, mottled and broken.At this time, the Heavenly Emperor's dharma figure continued to retreat, and plowed two deep and long ravines on the ground again.

In the blink of an eye, the crack on the holy sword in his hand had spread to the entire body of the sword.

Xu Beiyou made another strike.

The immortal golden body is far superior to that of ordinary earth immortal monks, and the arm of the heavenly emperor dharma is bent, and he retreats again together with the holy sword in his hand.

Without giving the Heavenly Emperor Faxiang the slightest chance to breathe, Xu Beiyou's second sword was exactly the same as the first sword in terms of aura and sword force, and fell directly again.

The Emperor of Heaven had to retreat again and again.

One sword after another kept falling on this "holy sword" cast by luck, causing the cracks to spread and expand.

In the final analysis, this sword is just a "virtual" sword condensed by luck, but Zhu Xian is a real "real" sword.

How can the two be compared.

The Heavenly Emperor's dharma kept retreating, and the cracks on the holy sword in his hand became more and more dense.

Even Fa Xiang's hands holding the sword had many fine cracks, and golden blood began to flow out, staining the hilt of the sword.

At this time, Xu Beiyou didn't pay attention to any sword style at all. It was like chopping wood with a hatchet when he was a child, one sword after another, going round and round, without any fancy at all.

At this time, the Heavenly Emperor's form only had the strength to parry, but no ability to counterattack, and his figure kept retreating, and every time he retreated, he retreated a distance of nearly two hundred sheets.

During this period, whether it's Chen Ye or Shangguan Yun, it's not that they don't want to help, but in this situation, they are really powerless and can't intervene at all. If they intervene forcefully, it's not impossible, but the two of them have to weigh it How much to bear and whether you can afford it.

While the two of them were hesitating, Xu Beiyou suddenly exerted his strength, and after jumping up, he slashed down with his sword several times faster than before.

The holy sword in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor Faxiang was finally overwhelmed and shattered inch by inch.

This sword also caused the huge Dharma Xiangsheng to sink three feet.

This time, it wasn't because the ground was broken, but because Faxiang's feet were also overwhelmed. Following in the footsteps of the holy sword, they were shattered inch by inch, turning into bits of streamer and disappearing invisible.

Xu Beiyou took advantage of the trend and slammed into Fa Xiang's forehead with Zhu Xian. The huge Fa Xiang, who was already standing unsteadily, fell backwards and fell to the ground with a loud noise.

Fa Xiang put his hands on the ground and was about to get up.

But at this moment, Xu Beiyou had already fallen from the sky, holding Zhu Xian's sword hilt with both hands, stabbing Zhu Xian fiercely into his heart, and causing Fa Xiang, who was struggling to get up, to fall to the ground again.

The huge Dharma image lying on the ground could not move.

Xu Beiyou's sword forcefully nailed him to the ground.

This sword not only knocked down Faxiang again, but also disperse the Qi mechanism in Faxiang's body, causing the Qi mechanism that was originally gathered but not dispersed to completely disperse, causing the entire Faxiang to completely collapse like a levee washed away by a flood. If it weren't for the central Heavenly Emperor's Dharma being more solid than the other four Dharma Aspects, with a bit of the magic of an immortal golden body, otherwise he would be following in the footsteps of the other four Dharma Aspects.

But even so, this dharma statue was already crumbling, and it disappeared in a moment.

Xu Beiyou looked down at the statue.

In all fairness, he didn't have any disrespect towards the Wufang Heavenly Emperor, but the Daoist sect invited the Wufang Celestial Emperor's dharma face, so he had to use his sword. Still have to draw the sword.

At this time, the Dharma image of the Central Heavenly Emperor was still alive, and the originally expressionless face was a little more vivid, looking at the young man quietly.

At this moment, the whole world is completely silent.

Xu Beiyou swallowed a mouthful of blood, stood up slowly, and then pulled out Zhu Xian.

The moment the Heavenly Emperor figure drew out the sword, it began to dissipate slowly, and the last bit of peripheral vision condensed into a blurry figure, which floated to the ground.

Xu Beiyou's expression was extremely serious.

But this figure didn't intend to do anything, just waved his big sleeves.

The dust leaf holding Du Tianyin in his hand disappeared in an instant, and he was nowhere to be found. There were only ripples left on the place where he stood.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up around Xu Beiyou's body, blowing away the yellow sand and smoke, making his clothes rattle.

Xu Beiyou didn't make any moves. If his guess was right, the figure in front of him should be the Divine Will of the Central Heavenly Emperor invited by the Taoist sect.

Although the Heavenly Emperor did not descend in person, just the dual status of the Heavenly Emperor and the First Ancestor of this deity is enough to make people feel awe.

The Emperor of Heaven didn't open his mouth, but stretched out his finger to move a little further away from Xu Beiyou.

Xu Beiyou suddenly felt the fresh air in his body rising and the turbid air sinking. His body, which was already on the verge of collapse, was actually somewhat stable, and there was no longer any fear of collapse.

However, this figure became more and more unstable. At the same time, two golden pillars covered with simple script scripts passed through the sea of ​​clouds and slowly drooped between the world.

Above the Tianzhu, the Tianmen is wide open.

It is obvious that this is a vision that only greets the Emperor of Heaven. This kind of battle is like the patriarch returning home, and the mansion opens the middle door to welcome.

Immediately afterwards, a ladder composed of colorful clouds stretched down.

This figure stepped onto the ladder and began to climb to the top step by step. After he entered the gate of heaven, the ladder, gate of heaven, and pillars of heaven all disappeared slowly, and peace between heaven and earth was restored again.

Almost at the same time, the entire Daomen Xuan was vibrated, and waves of turbulent waves were set off in Tianchi for the first time.

In the patriarch's hall, several portraits of the patriarch were wobbly, as if they might fall to the ground at any time.

Although Zixiao Palace has not been affected, the Gongde Pool in the palace is tumbling endlessly, and the purple energy in the pool falls below the word "Pool" in an instant. In the past hundred years, the three characters of Gongde Pool are revealed at the same time for the first time.

Qiu Ye in the Zixiao Palace stood by the pool of merit, looking at the purple energy in the pool, her face was solemn, but in the end she sighed helplessly, "It's easy to ask God to send God away."

Please move the number one god in the world, and then send it away, even if it is just a divine will, even if it is a great family, it still feels heavy, and even hurts the bones.Half of the luck lost in the merit pool this time was spent on Xu Beiyou's body, and the other half was taken away by the Heavenly Emperor. In the final analysis, it was because of Xu Beiyou.

A moment later, Chen Ye, who was covered in distress, staggered into Zixiao Palace, knelt down in front of Qiu Ye, and remained silent.

Qiu Ye said softly: "This is the end of the matter, it's useless to talk too much, it's time to think about how to end up in Jiangnan."

Chen Ye raised his head slowly, and said in a deep voice: "Jiangnan is a place of wealth and food in the world. If you give up easily, it will be difficult to recover from the overall situation."

Qiu Ye was silent for a while, then sighed again, nodded and said: "That's right, the overall situation is the most important."

(End of this chapter)

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