Chapter 989

After staring at the building in silence for a long time, Xu Beiyou withdrew his gaze and continued to move forward.

But instead of going directly to the majestic temple, which is one of the best in the world, he turned to another direction.

Not far from Biluo Lake, there are several huge prairie tribes. The people who lead these prairie tribes are called Brobi Khan by various tribes. This title has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has been hundreds of years.

Speaking of Brobi Khan, one has to mention the Lin clan of the Prairie Khan King who was canonized as the "King of Zhenbei".In fact, these two honorary titles were conferred by the Central Plains court, but not the current Daqi court, but the former Dazheng, and the later Xiao Yu just inherited the two canonized honorific titles of Dazheng.

In the 20th year of Dazheng Mingwu, Emperor Taizu of Dazheng sent the governors Feng Zhang, Fu Sheng, and Lan Canghai each to lead an army. A total of 20 troops came out from the central capital to expedition to the grassland.

In the same year, Feng Zhang's army detoured around Xiaoqiuling to surround Nahachu's garrison. Nahachu was forced to surrender and surrendered to the Dazheng court. He was named Brobi Khan, which was equivalent to the title of county king. The tribes in the grassland to the east lost their barriers, and Fu Sheng took advantage of this opportunity to approach the royal court of the grassland. The Khan of the grassland and all the Taiji had to flee to Biluo Lake.

In the 21st year of the Ming Dynasty, Lan Canghai led his army across Wusiyuan and attacked to the bank of Biluo Lake. He defeated the twelve guards of the Prairie Khan and forced the Prairie Khan to sign an alliance under the city. The king of the north is equivalent to the prince.

In the 22nd year of the Ming Dynasty, Fu Sheng set up the Duoyan Governor's Mansion on the north side of the Ulun River near the Daxue Mountain. Go to Biluo Lake, in order to check and balance the Lin clan who was named King of Zhenbei.

Later, as Zheng Ting's power weakened, Dazheng's troops continued to shrink, and gradually gave up Duoyan Dudufu, Xiulong Grassland and Xiaoqiuling, and the grasslands returned to the control of the Lin family, but in the area beside the Biluo Lake Nahachu's subordinates took advantage of the opportunity to sit big. Although they could not compete with the Golden Tent Royal Court, they also became a "vassal town" of their own.Even after the death of Khan Wang Linyuan, the princess Hong Niangzi took power, Xiao Yu opened the gap from Brobi Khan, finally overthrew Hong Niangzi, and was able to take control of the grassland with his wife Lin Yinping, and only then did he later enter the main domain , Dingding the world.

Now Xu Beiyou is going to the Nahachu tribe where Brobi Khan is.

As we all know, the Grassland King's Court is a mobile city made up of countless tents, which live in water and grass. The largest tent is painted with gold and is exclusive to the Prairie Khan King. This is the origin of the Golden Tent King's Court.However, unlike the royal court, Brobihan, the second most powerful person in the grassland, lives in a city, a city that does not move and has gates and walls.

This city is also well-known, but it was the Duoyan Duodu Mansion established by the great governor Fu Sheng. After the Dazheng border army retreated to the Central Capital, the Duoyan Duodu Mansion gradually became a city without an owner. Many caravans coming and going to and from the grassland gather here. Many grassland horse thieves will come here for entertainment after they get gold and silver. It is also a scene of peaceful coexistence between merchants and robbers. Desperadoes and even monks in exile are not uncommon in the prairie, and they are regarded as a place outside the law. It was not changed until Brobi Khan took them into his pocket.

This place is a little distance from Daxue Mountain, not the closest place to Daxue Mountain, but Brobi Khan has the habit of holding bowls at all seasons, living in the cold and heat, avoiding the cold in autumn and winter, and avoiding the heat in spring and summer. In the past two years, white disasters have occurred on the grassland The commotion was so severe that even the area around Biluo Lake was affected, so he spent most of his time in Duoyan City, which had walls to keep out the wind and cold.

This time, Xu Beiyou decided to hide his identity. Not only did he walk without a sword, but he didn't even use the previous method of shrinking the ground to an inch. He was like a pilgrim, walking step by step towards the city that was not actually majestic.

But fortunately, this place is no longer the wilderness before. As he approached the city, the population gradually became denser. On the way, he encountered a caravan traveling thousands of miles from Houjian. What's more, the leading merchant was actually his Half an old acquaintance.

Back then when Xu Beiyou practiced swords on the Xiulong Grassland, after beheading the twelve wolves and thieves, when it rained heavily at night, he had a brief encounter with a few businessmen who were sheltering from the rain, but he did not expect to meet again here today.

This made Xu Beiyou couldn't help but think of a sentence that Xiao Zhinan once chanted, every reunion in the world is always inadvertent, and every encounter in the world is a reunion after a long absence.

Xu Beiyou still vaguely remembered that the businessman's surname was Zhang, and his name was Zhang Suheng. After he called out Zhang Suheng's name, Zhang Suheng quickly remembered the young man he met outside Julu City, but he hadn't seen him for four years. The person has become resolute and mature, especially the aura of the whole person is so overwhelming that he almost didn't dare to admit it.

However, it is said that there are four major happy events in the world, namely: the wedding night in the bridal chamber, the time of the gold list, the rain after a long drought, and the encounter with an old friend in a foreign land.Being able to meet an old friend in this alien land at the ends of the earth, even if the two have no real friendship, they will quickly become acquainted.Xu Beiyou asked about Zhang Suheng's situation in recent years. This weather-stained middle-aged man repeatedly lamented that business is difficult to do. Now that the world is fighting everywhere, they have no way out. After borrowing the road and building, although the money earned is not small, the journey has doubled several times, and it takes almost two years to go back and forth. Not to mention the dangers involved, even the hard work of the journey is extremely painful.

Next, Zhang Suheng also asked about Xu Beiyou's situation, Xu Beiyou was vague, he just said that he had joined a sect and was considered a monk, which made Zhang Suheng praise the boundless future.

Before the caravan entered the city, Zhang Suheng kindly talked about many taboos in the city. For example, the city is actually divided into the inner city and the outer city. The city is the place where these merchants trade, and no matter whether it is the inner city or the outer city, killing is strictly prohibited. No matter whether it is a merchant or a horse thief outside the city, they must abide by this iron law. Beheaded on the spot, without the slightest mercy, even monks are no exception.A few years ago, a few shamanist monks made trouble here, which resulted in a large group of cavalry suppressing them. Although these monks had some means and killed hundreds of cavalrymen, they were still outnumbered and their heads were chopped off. On the gate of the city, the skin and flesh have been completely dried, leaving only the skeleton, but it has not been removed. It is said that because of this incident, several priests of the shamanism went to war. The master stopped me, but in the end it was nothing.

In this city, the only exceptions are the prairie dignitaries from the direct line, and those red-clothed monks who came down from the Daxue Mountain. However, compared with those prairie dignitaries who are full of bad deeds, these red-clothed monks can be regarded as living bodhisattvas on the prairie , rarely embarrass others, and sometimes do some good deeds.

Gradually approaching the gate of the city, Xu Beiyou raised his eyes and saw that there were more than a dozen skeletons hanging above the gate. Some of them were old and rotten, and some of them were hung not long ago. head.

Xu Beiyou couldn't help but smiled lightly, it really opened his eyes to see that the world is full of wonders.

(End of this chapter)

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