That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 996 The Girl Calls Old Xu Again

Chapter 996 The Girl Calls Old Xu Again
Xu Beiyou's sword didn't use Zhu Xian, he didn't even use any sword, he just relied on the sword's intent to attack the enemy, but even so, this sword broke through Ge Zeng Living Buddha's immovable golden body.

The golden brilliance on Ge Zeng Living Buddha's body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Xu Beiyou also withdrew his forward sword finger.

The originally stagnant world became lively and lively again. The clouds moved and the wind blew, and the fallen leaves slowly fell to the ground. The birds fluttered their wings and flew high. Chen Meng let out an ah in surprise. At a loss.

Xu Beiyou dissipated the remaining sword intent of Sword 23.

Living Buddha Ge Zeng wiped away the golden blood on the center of his brows, instead of being angry, he smiled. First he saluted Xu Beiyou with his palms together, and then said softly, "Sect Master Xu, this poor monk is being polite."

Xu Beiyou said with a faint smile, "Your Excellency is capable of bending and stretching. You are worthy of being one of the four living Buddhas of Molun Temple."

Living Buddha Gezeng smiled lightly and said, "Sect Master Xu has too much praise. The title of the so-called 'Living Buddha' was conferred by the King Khan of the Grassland, not by poor monks and others. Now that the Central Plains and the Grassland have fought, the two sides are at odds. Xu The suzerain is a dignitary in the Central Plains, so you don't need to care about the title of this grassland."

Xu Beiyou said: "Your Excellency is one of the grasslands and the Central Plains. Since Mr. Xu is a dignitary of the Central Plains, are you a dignitary of the Grassland?"

Ge Zeng said meaningfully: "It depends on what Sect Master Xu thinks. If Sect Master Xu thinks that the poor monk is a dignitary on the grassland, then the poor monk will be."

Xu Beiyou smiled, "There are three other dignitaries in the grassland like your Excellency."

Ge Zeng laughed, "If Sect Master Xu wants to see them, then the poor monk can make the decision on his behalf. Now invite Sect Master Xu to visit Daxue Mountain."

Xu Beiyou was silent for a moment, and said a good word.

Ge Zeng backed away slowly, every step was like a hill falling heavily on the ground, the whole palace seemed to be trembling, Chen Meng smiled helplessly at Xu Beiyou, and then left.

After Ge Zeng retreated, Chen Chen and Lin Jinxiu came to Xu Beiyou. At this time, Chen Chen was a little bit surprised, and couldn't help but ask, "Are you really the sword fairy on the eighteenth floor?"

Xu Beiyou was dumb at first, and then asked with a smile, "Why, did you think I was a fake earlier? Or do you think it is impossible for Xu Beiyou to have the realm of the eighteenth floor, and those previous deeds were just rumors?"

Chen Chen blinked, "I didn't say that, I just think that legends should be divided into two types, one is worthy of the name and there is no real person under the prestigious name, and the other is not worthy of the name and it is difficult to live up to the famous name. Now it seems , you should belong to the former category, a veritable [-]th-floor Great Sword Immortal."

Xu Beiyou smiled helplessly, "The [-]th floor is not bad, but it is not considered a Great Sword Immortal. For nearly a hundred years, only Master Shangguan Xianchen can be called a Great Sword Immortal."

Lin Jinxiu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked, "Old Xu, are you really going to visit Daxue Mountain?"

Xu Beiyou said softly, "I have to go."

She nodded, but her tone was full of worry, "I once heard from my grandfather that there is a large formation in Molun Temple. Although this large formation may not be as large as God's, it should not be underestimated." , if you go rashly, I'm afraid..."

Xu Beiyou followed her line of sight, looked at the big snow mountain faintly visible in the sky, and said with emotion: "When you went to the imperial capital and I went to Jiangdu, there were countless difficulties and obstacles along the way, although looking back now, those so-called difficulties The dangers may be just some insignificant things, but for me at that time, it was a major event that could collapse the sky, and there were also many "fears", but I still went to Jiangdu, so I have today."

Lin Jinxiu shook her head subconsciously, as if she wanted to refute, but she didn't know where to start.

Xu Beiyou smiled and stretched out his hand to pat her on the shoulder, "I want peace in the world, so I came here. In this life, I want to get something, not to mention what I want to lose, but I have to do something, no matter if it is strong or fierce, It's still insignificant, as long as you do it, it's better than not doing it, as for the word 'I'm afraid' you said, I know the consequences, but I can't stay out of it just because I'm afraid of this 'I'm afraid'."

Xu Beiyou paused for a moment, then asked softly, "What I said may be a bit convoluted, can you understand me?"

Lin Jinxiu nodded, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Old Xu, why do you want to fight? It's obviously a family, why do you have to fight to the death?"

Xu Beiyou was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Lin Jinxiu to ask such a question, he couldn't help being a little speechless, not knowing how to answer.

In his eyes, Lin Jinxiu and Xiao Zhinan are two completely different people. The latter is an extremely intelligent person who understands everything and can figure everything out. She has never had any doubts about this world.

But Lin Jinxiu is different, she is a very naive guy, her world is either black or white, when the gray mixed with black and white appears in this world, she has doubts and even finds it difficult to accept it.

If Xiao Zhinan was here, maybe she would come up with a reasonable reason to explain the current situation, which can solve Lin Jinxiu's confusion and not hurt her, but Xu Beiyou is not Xiao Zhinan. Although he often reasoned with people, he was better at it. The best thing to do is to solve the problem by hand, so at this time he can only be speechless.

Lin Han let out a disappointment, "Haven't you figured it out?"

Xu Beiyou sighed and said softly: "Of course I understand, but I don't know how to tell you. It's actually very simple. The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world's hustle and bustle is for profit. You said that the royal court in the grassland Well, the imperial capital of the Central Plains is better? Would you like to live in a tent in the royal court for the rest of your life, or in a palace in the imperial capital? Would you rather wear the silk and satin of the Central Plains, or the animal skins on the grassland? When it snows heavily in winter, would you rather enjoy the snow with warm wine around the stove in the imperial capital, or watch the white disaster outside in the tent of the royal court?"

Lin Jinxiu froze suddenly, opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

Xu Beiyou continued: "Maybe you will say that some people will choose the royal court instead of the imperial capital, but after all, they are only a minority, just like those scholars in the Central Plains, there are people who do not admire glory and wealth, of course there are, but more people still want to be an official. Being an official, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with being an official, but I just want to tell you that everyone benefits, and even brothers who are close to each other will have a gap in order to inherit the family property, not to mention the Central Plains and Grassland. It's not very harmonious, now your grandfather doesn't want to guard the elders in the grassland anymore, he wants to go to the imperial capital to live in a palace, Jinxiu, you understand?"

Lin Jinxiu nodded and said in a low voice, "I understand."

Xu Beiyou sighed again, and the two fell into silence.

Chen Chen looked at the two of them with a smile, and suddenly said with a smile, "It's really a good idea. I guess Sect Master Xu won't be so patient with everyone. It seems that Jinxiu really didn't call Lao Xu for nothing."

Xu Beiyou was noncommittal, and said: "Miss Chen, you are a good friend of Jinxiu, I would like to advise you two, in this troubled world, we have to be involved in the game, but you are different, if possible, don't participate Those things, the farther you can hide, the better."

The smile on Chen Chen's face slowly faded away, and he became a little dignified. He said in a deep voice, "Thank you, Sect Master Xu, for your teaching."

Xu Beiyou smiled, "Let's not talk about teaching, just a word, live well, is bigger than anything else."

After that, he turned around and left.

After Chen Chen hesitated for a while, he cast a blessing on the man's back.

(End of this chapter)

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