Chapter 998

The two walked out of the palace together, ready to meet the Sect Master of the Sword Sect.

After only the child monk and the skinny old monk were left in the hall, the child monk said slowly: "Two juniors, one is proficient in the magic method of Jiang III, and the other is proficient in Prajna, Dragon and Elephant Power. I am not afraid at all, but facing this Sword Sect Master, I am afraid that there is not much chance of winning, you and I should make plans early."

The skinny old monk said bitterly: "Since I was canonized as a living Buddha by Lin Han and given the golden vase, not only the Nahachu tribe, but also several other tribes, the vitality of nearly ten thousand women belonged to me alone, combined with the Joyful Tathagata of this temple Miao Yi, but even so, he still failed to take the last step, and he is really ashamed of senior brother's expectations."

The boy monk waved his hand and said, "This is not something that happened overnight. This time when Xu Beiyou came, I still have to wait for the four of my seniors to join forces to deal with it."

The skinny old monk clasped his hands together and nodded.

At this time, about a hundred miles away from the shore of Biluo Lake at the foot of Daxue Mountain, the two did not ride horses, but flew across the sky with the other, and approached Daxue Mountain at a fast speed.

The young swordsman who led people to fly away had a sword hanging from his waist. It was not the thunderous Zhu Xian, but the sword that had accompanied him the longest and longest, Tian Lan.

The demeanor of the sword fairy.

As for the person who was led by him to fly away, it was Chen Meng, the current Brobi Khan. Although Chen Meng was not very human, it was extremely uncomfortable to be led forward without any resistance. Comfortable, but facing this sword fairy who is almost invincible in the world, he can only smile bitterly and be speechless.

The sun gradually rose, and after finally reaching the position of the mid-heaven, it sprinkled ten thousand zhang rays of light, illuminating the sky and the earth extremely brightly.

The ray of light was overwhelming, reflecting the sword fairy in white as if he was wearing colorful streamers, which were incomparably radiant. When he was only a hundred feet away from Biluo Lake, Xu Beiyou stopped and landed on the wetland by the lake. Chen Meng snapped Staggering and almost falling, Xu Beiyou looked up at the Daxue Mountain under the sun, put his left thumb against Tianlan's sword, and gently pushed forward.

Tian Lan got out of her sheath.

With the place where he stood as the center of the circle, the sword energy spread out layer by layer like a gust of wind, making Chen Meng's robes rattle and ripples on the surface of Biluo Lake.

Xu Beiyou narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed a little.

He had already shown his sincerity and let Ge Zeng go, but the people on Daxue Mountain didn't seem to intend to respond to his sincerity, and they invited him to Daxue Mountain after a full twelve hours. Others, in his opinion, these twelve hours are probably not just to discuss whether to invite him to the Great Snow Mountain, but to prepare to deal with him as an unexpected guest.

According to what Lin Jinxiu said, there is a big formation on this snowy mountain. Ge Zeng invited him to climb the big snowy mountain, probably with the idea of ​​"inviting you into the urn", but he went to the appointment calmly, so why not bullying others?It was clear that because there was no one comparable to him in Molun Temple, he oppressed him openly and replaced him with any school of Taoism, Buddhism, or Xuanjiao. Xu Beiyou did not dare to do such a thing.

Xu Beiyou looked forward and said with a soft smile, "Prince Chen, please back away."

The Brobi Khan, who was second only to Lin Han in the secular world of the grassland, smiled wryly, "What does Sect Master Xu mean?"

Xu Beiyou said flatly: "Why does Prince Chen pretend to be confused again? I'm afraid this trip to the Snow Mountain will not be smooth. If Xu and the four living Buddhas have a dispute, it would be bad for Prince Chen."

Chen Meng smiled wryly again.

It's just that Uncle Ge Zeng's hostility was too obvious earlier, which made the master of Jianzong be on guard early.

But then again, who would have thought that the master of Jianzong who was supposed to be in the south of the Yangtze River would appear in the grassland thousands of miles away?In the current situation, the living Buddhas can only use the word "drag" first, and then prepare to deal with the matter of the Sect Master of the Sword Sect.

Chen Meng said softly: "Sect Master Xu, let me say one more word, if there is no conflict, it is better not to have conflict."

At this time, Xu Beiyou's aura had already risen, and he pushed the sword forward two points with his thumb, and the whole Tianlan was unsheathed three points, and the mighty sword energy shot up into the sky. He hummed and said: "It's natural, after all, with It's expensive."

Chen Meng sighed lightly: "Wait for the good news."

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "Prince Chen, then Xu will go ahead."

As soon as the words fell, he disappeared in a flash.

The sword energy that originally spread in all directions converged into a long rainbow, sweeping across the entire Biluo Lake.

At the same time, a golden Buddha stood up slowly with a majestic and majestic aura, surrounded by golden light, surrounded by celestial maidens, singing Sanskrit sounds, and a round of backlight behind his head. King Ming, King Kong, and Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and gods with low eyebrows and compassion, people will feel awe when they look at them. Buddha.

However, the Changhong transformed by that sword energy did not stop at all, and went straight to the Buddha.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Changhong was less than ten miles away from the Buddha.

"Sect Master Xu, please stop."

All of a sudden, there was a grand Buddha's sound resounding between heaven and earth, as if a big bell was ringing suddenly, and the sound waves rolled and echoed.

At the same time, before people arrive, sword energy arrives first.

Xu Beiyou swept forward with his sword, and the Tianlan handle on his waist was already out of its sheath by a foot.

If someone from the Sword Sect is here, they will recognize that the sword used by Xu Beiyou is not the high-end sword style in Jian 36, but just a sword-drawing technique, and it has the elegant name of "Shina Fanghua". In Bingshi, this method was used before, but it was not as terrifying as today. Today Xu Beiyou has not completely drawn his sword, but the sword energy is already surging like thunder.

In the past, Xu Beiyou used Zhu Xian to fight against the enemy. Zhu Xian's reputation was too great, and Xu Beiyou's opponent was too strong, so that many people would subconsciously forget that the master of Sword Sect was also an Earth Immortal of the eighteenth floor, and he was also an Earth Immortal The sword cultivator with the strongest combat power in the world, even if he doesn't use Zhu Xian, the strength of the sword energy and the prosperity of the sword energy are still unparalleled in the world.

Faced with such sword energy, the golden Buddha slowly stretched out a huge palm, and the seven-color brilliance flowed endlessly.

Take a volley with a palm.

The sword Qi Changhong suddenly accelerated and passed by, narrowly avoiding this earth-shattering big handprint.

At the same time, a palm print with a radius of several miles suddenly appeared on the surface of Biluo Lake, causing the lake to sink suddenly.

This time it really overflowed the lake shore.

The Buddha stretched out his other hand again, and it merged with the previously photographed hand in two, forming a handprint. Suddenly, the Buddha's light flourished, and countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats were born from it, all of them were lifelike, and each of them was solemn. There are flowers falling from the sky, golden lotuses gushing from the ground, the voice of Buddha is like the roar of a lion, shaking the mind, and there are countless voices of Buddhist disciples chanting sutras in unison, which seems to lead people to transcend into the legendary Western Paradise of Paradise.

"The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn back to the shore!"

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot!"

Accompanied by the sound of the Buddha, the light of the Buddha illuminates the three realms and ten directions.

Amidst the endless Buddha light, a sword Qi Changhong is still moving forward quickly.

Numerous sword qi were continuously generated around Changhong, and then condensed into crossbow bolts like giant siege crossbows.

"Crossbow arrows" kept firing at the Buddha.

It is not inferior to the siege battle outside Liangxiang City.

(End of this chapter)

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