Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 10 Mysterious Girl

Chapter 10 Mysterious Girl
"Ninth brother, your tone of voice is exactly the same as those old guys. I finally came out, so I don't want to go back."

Lu Min shook Lu Feng's arm coquettishly, his bright eyes showed pity, and begged.

"is it?"

Perhaps it was because of the great changes he experienced in two lifetimes, Lu Feng's disposition is much more mature than his peers.

"Besides, with Brother Nine protecting me, I won't be in danger." Lu Min continued.

"Okay, but you must listen to my fate, and you are not allowed to act alone."

Lu Feng thought about it again, most of the outer areas of the Qingfeng Mountains are some savage beasts of the casting body, and there are only a few savage beasts of the Tongmai state. As long as they don't go deep, there will be no danger.

"That's great, Brother Nine."

Lu Min excitedly kissed Lu Feng's left cheek, leaving a wet saliva mark.

Lu Feng smiled helplessly, this younger sister was too innocent, but it was precisely because of this that he decided to take her with him.

"I'm hungry, Brother Nine, do you have something to eat?" Lu Min rubbed his stomach, showing a little embarrassment.

Having fought against wolves before, and experienced fright again, even though she is a master of the Nine Layers of Body Casting, she was physically exhausted.

Lu Feng nodded, just as he was also very hungry, so he took out the other two pork legs from the storage ring, and put them on the campfire to roast.

Seeing Lu Feng's proficient grilling technique and the aroma that came out, Lu Min looked at Lu Feng with admiration.

Soon, the roast meat was cooked, and it would not be a problem for each of them to eat a pork leg with their appetite.

After eating, Lu Min looked very tired, and fell asleep defenselessly leaning on Lu Feng's shoulder, with crystal saliva still dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"This sister." Lu Feng smiled helplessly.

The night in the Qingfeng Mountains was very dangerous, so he put out the bonfire and kept watch until dawn alone.

By the dawn of the next day, Lu Feng had already prepared breakfast, and the two of them were full enough to practice together outside the Qingfeng Mountain Range.

It has to be said that Lu Min's strength is very strong, and the ordinary forged body ninth-layer savage beasts are not her opponents at all, and they can be killed in a few moves.

And the long sword in her hand is not simple, it is an earth-level sword that cuts iron like mud.

Fortunately, Lu Min listened to him very much and obeyed him, and there was no danger along the way.

Time flies, and the two of them have been in the Qingfeng Mountains for ten days. During this time, the wild beast materials killed have filled their storage rings, and some necessities have been used up, so they must return to the royal city .

"Sister Min, I will return to Wangcheng tomorrow."

Beside a river, Lu Feng looked at Lu Min who had just washed off the dust from his body, rubbed her black hair, and said with a smile.

"Go home, leave for ten days, mother should be going crazy in a hurry."

Lu Min stuck out her tongue. Except for Lu Feng, no one knew that she had come to the Qingfeng Mountains.

"Wait here, I'll change my clothes."

The blue shirt on Lu Feng's body had long been stained black by the blood of the beast, and he exuded a strong bloody smell.

After speaking, Lu Feng took off his shirt and jumped into the cold pool.

"Why is the water getting colder and colder?"

At this moment, Lu Feng couldn't help shivering from the cold river water, and he saw that the originally melted river water had frozen from the upstream and was spreading down the river at an extremely fast speed.

The ice was freezing faster and faster, and something floated from upstream.

"It was a person, and it was a woman."

Lu Feng's eyes widened tightly, and he saw a woman floating down.

The woman rushed along the river at an extremely fast speed. At first, Lu Feng wanted to avoid it, but the freezing ice hindered his speed. Suddenly, a cold body hit him, and he was almost sent flying.

"This woman's body is so cold!"

The delicate body was tightly attached to Lu Feng's body, and the chill was emanating from this woman. Suddenly, a layer of frost formed on Lu Feng's body, and the bone-chilling cold made him shiver.

Lu Feng didn't have time to think about it, he immediately used the exercises to dissolve the cold air that invaded his body, and quickly jumped onto the pool with the woman in his arms.

Only at this time can he take a good look at the woman's appearance.

This woman is very beautiful, she looks about seventeen or eighteen years old, with long ice-colored hair and delicate face, she looks like a fairy in the sky. What's more deadly is that the light gauze on this woman's body is soaked with water and tightly wrapped around her body. Looking at Lu Feng's handsome figure, which is protruding forward and backward, an evil fire was born in Lu Feng.

When Lu Feng saw her jade back, he found a ferocious palm print, which seemed to be injured by a wild beast.

"This should be a strong man who came to hunt beasts in the Qingfeng Mountains, and fell into the pool after being seriously injured by wild beasts."

Lu Feng saw the girl's situation at a glance, felt for her pulse, and found that she was still breathing, and the girl's strength surprised him even more.

"It turned out to be a real martial arts expert, so young. Fortunately, you met me. You are saved today."

Lu Feng immediately took out the best healing elixir and took it for the girl. At the same time, he gently tore off the veil on the jade back. Lu Feng was a little embarrassed by the slippery skin, so he applied some wound medicine very quickly.

Seeing the girl's beauty, Lu Feng was a little obsessed, but he was not a beast who took advantage of others' danger, so he called Lu Min to change into clean clothes for her.

After a whole day and night, after feeding her many elixirs, the girl slowly opened her eyes, and what caught her eyes was Lu Feng's delicate face.

"You're awake." Lu Feng quickly checked the girl's pulse and found that there was no serious problem.

"Who are you?" Like an electric shock, the girl quickly grabbed Lu Feng's arm, glanced at the clothes on her body, and showed murderous intent: "Did you change my clothes?"

After all, he is a true martial artist, even if he is seriously injured, Lu Feng is still not able to fight against him. As long as the girl injects the cold profound energy into his body, he will be disabled even if he is not dead.

"You bad woman, it was my ninth brother who kindly fished you out of the river and saved you. I changed the clothes on you."

At the moment of life and death, Lu Min rushed over and cursed angrily.

"Sorry, I was too impulsive and misunderstood you."

The girl let go of Lu Feng, showing a trace of apology, and her delicate facial features moved.

"Your body is still weak, eat something to supplement your nutrition."

Lu Feng knew that the girl's reaction was normal just now, so he was not angry, but handed a piece of greasy barbecue to the girl's hand.

The girl did not refuse, and ate the piece of barbecue in an extremely elegant way after receiving it. She was very weak at the moment and really needed to replenish her strength.

"Hmph, bad woman, almost killed my ninth brother, if I had left her here long ago." Lu Min muttered, obviously not fond of this girl.

After eating the barbecue, the girl wiped the ring on her hand, and a pill the size of a longan appeared in her palm.

What surprised Lu Feng was that it was a heaven-level elixir. Combined with the girl's strength, it showed that this person had an extraordinary background, and the forces behind him were probably a thousand times stronger than the Tianlin Dynasty.

After refining this heaven-level elixir, the girl's face returned to a rosy face, and a part of her strength had been recovered.

"Thank you, I owe you my life this time."

The girl's red lips parted slightly, and she owed her life to this young man who was only in the Casting Realm for today's matter.

This time when I came to the Qingfeng Mountains, I originally wanted to hunt a lightning bird, but I was seriously injured by a black flame tiger of the ninth level of true martial arts. Fortunately, Lu Feng fished it out of the river.

"It's easy, don't worry about it." Lu Feng raised his eyebrows and waved his hand.

"In order to compensate, I can give you a heaven-level exercise and some profound stones."

The girl smiled softly, which made Lu Feng take a few more glances.

"Cultivation skills are free, I just need some profound stones." Lu Feng's eyes lit up, he didn't lack skills, but he lacked profound stones.

The girl was a little surprised, one must know that a heaven-level exercise is invaluable in such a small place, but this kid only wants a black stone, so she became a little curious.

But the girl still nodded, and took out a bunch of profound stones to Lu Feng, among which the medium-grade profound stones cost 50 yuan, and what caught Lu Feng's eyes even more was that there were five top-grade profound stones mixed in.

In Dongxuan Domain, a medium-grade profound stone is worth 10 taels of silver, and a high-grade profound stone has reached a high price of one million taels.

Generally speaking, low-level warriors use silver taels too much, and if they reach the real martial arts realm, the currency used for trading is black stones.

"Sorry, I don't carry too many profound stones with me." Chu Yan apologized.

Compared with saving her life, these mysterious stones are really insignificant.

"These are enough, enough to solve my urgent needs." Lu Feng said excitedly, then looked at the girl, and couldn't help asking: "I don't know the girl's name?"

"Chu Yan, please forget what happened today, young master, and don't mention it to anyone."

Chu Yan fell into the water today, and Lu Feng saw a lot of it. For a girl, this is very humiliating, and naturally she doesn't want to be known by others.

As soon as the words fell, a burst of ice-colored profound energy gushed out from Chu Yan's tender body, turned into wings, and flew away like a fairy.

The Realm of True Martial Arts can be regarded as the entry into the martial arts world, the mastery of flying in the sky, and the power to overwhelm mountains and seas.

"Ninth brother, why don't you want a heaven-level exercise, the most powerful exercise in the family is only the top-grade earth-level exercise."

When Chu Yan left, Lu Min waved his powder fist, a little puzzled.

The temptation of a heaven-level exercise is too great. You must know that in the Tianlin Dynasty, the royal family can stabilize the top four families because they have the worst heaven-level exercise.

"Min'er, remember, it is a disaster rather than a blessing to have heaven-level exercises with the strength of the Lu family. In the future, Brother Jiu will give you as many exercises as you want. Now let's go back to Wangcheng."

Lu Feng said solemnly to Lu Min.

Just like he has several holy-level exercises in his mind, but he still dare not take them out in exchange for wealth, just because he can't keep his strength, taking them out rashly will bring disaster.

Lu Min moved his head slightly, and followed Lu Feng to leave the Qingfeng Mountain Range.

Back in Wangcheng, after the two bid farewell, Lu Feng first came to the Universal Business Alliance, preparing to sell the wild beast materials, and then exchange for some pills, and more importantly, to choose a good weapon.

In the Qingfeng Mountain Range, Lu Feng suffered from the lack of good weapons. Many rough-skinned and thick-skinned beasts were difficult to kill with just one palm.

He first went to replace the beast materials to get tens of thousands of taels of silver, and then went to the utensil shop.

The weapon shop of the Four Seas Merchant League is the place with the most weapons in the royal city. As long as you have money, even heaven-level weapons can be bought for you.

There are many warriors coming and going in the huge utensil shop.

"What kind of weapon does this honorable guest need? This small shop has everything you need." A young man stepped forward to welcome the guest.

Lu Feng glanced at the many weapons on the shelf and shook his head. Most of the weapons on display were human-level weapons, and there were only a few spiritual-level weapons, which were not his first choice.

"I need weapons at the peak of the spiritual level. I don't know if your store has them." Lu Feng walked around, looking at the weapon shop.

"My dear guest, this kind of transaction requires our shopkeeper."

The boy immediately understood that this was a big business, and that a weapon of that level cost at least 10 taels of silver, so he immediately went to the inner hall to report to the shopkeeper.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

The shopkeeper of the true martial arts store came out respectfully following a woman in noble attire.

This noble woman has a superior temperament, her eyes are extremely bright, and she keeps looking at Lu Feng.

And this woman can't feel any martial arts aura from her body, but the master of true martial arts respects her like a grandson in front of her.

"My lord, how can I bother you to do this kind of small business, just let the servants do it." The shopkeeper bowed and said charmingly.

"You are busy with your work. This emissary has been bored in the headquarters for too long, and finally came out to inspect, so I will leave this business to me." The woman squinted her eyes, looked at Lu Feng, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper bowed and left, handing Lu Feng over to this woman to serve him.

"I am the person in charge of the Universal Business Alliance, you can call me Sister Ling Fei."

Ling Fei said lazily.

"I want to buy a weapon, the price is not a problem, as long as I like it." Lu Feng said.

Now that he has sold a skill, he has a lot of silver on his body, and he knows very well that with a good weapon, the improvement of combat power will naturally not be sloppy.

"Well, this little guest, please follow me."

Ling Fei looked into Lu Feng's eyes, and suddenly felt a familiar feeling, like a trace of traction between souls, but it was hard to say, it was very weird.

Her eyes shone with crystal light, so bright that no one dared to look into her eyes.

Lu Feng was also in a trance for a while, but he was also a person who had experienced death and rebirth once. He shouldered blood and deep hatred, and he did not lose face in front of Ling Fei.

"This kid is interesting." Ling Fei said
"Sister Ling Fei, can you take me to the armory with you?"

With clear eyes, Lu Feng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, the slave family will take the young boy to the armory to choose."

Luo Sha fluttered, Ling Fei lifted her footsteps, walked in front, and went straight to the armory.

Following Ling Fei, Lu Feng felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He seemed to have seen this woman before, and the outline of her face was very similar to his aunt.

But then Lu Feng smiled wryly, his aunt is a strong Saint Martial Realm, an absolute high-ranking member of the Universal Merchant Alliance, who would shake the Eastern Profound Realm if she stomped her feet, how could she come to a barbaric place like the Tianfeng Dynasty, and her age is not the same, His aunt was much older than Ling Fei.

Not long after, the two of them came to the armory.

The arsenal in the weapon store is huge, and there are all kinds of weapons in it, and the most inferior ones are all spirit-level weapons, and there are even a few heaven-level weapons in the middle as the treasures of the store.

In the Tianlin Dynasty, there were only a few heaven-level weapons, each of which was invaluable, and was in the hands of the patriarchs of each family.

In fact, no matter where they are, most of the real martial arts powerhouses use earth-level weapons, and only the heavenly martial arts powerhouses can each master a sky-level weapon.

"There are all kinds of weapons here. I think you can only buy spiritual-level weapons with your strength at the casting level."

Ling Fei smiled charmingly.

"Let me see?"

Lu Feng suppressed the weirdness in his heart, and said.

"This is an earth-level low-grade sword. There are inscriptions of three attributes engraved on the sword body, namely ice, fire, and thunder." Ling Fei became more and more interested, pointing to a green sword and said.

"It's flashy. The master who made the sword pursued beauty, but forgot about practicality. The inscription of ice and fire restraint, even a real martial arts powerhouse, can't balance the two different forces."

Lu Feng shook his head. In his previous life, he was a master of inscriptions. He had seen many weapons above the heavenly level in his hands, and he could tell the truth at a glance.

If he was asked to engrave an inscription, he would choose to engrave an inscription with similar attributes of electricity, thunder, and fire, so as to maximize the power of the sword.

"I didn't expect you to understand the inscription of mutual generation and mutual restraint. How about this Fengying sword?" Ling Fei looked surprised, and pointed at another sword.

Lu Feng observed and stroked, shook his head and said: "Swords pursue sharpness, and the inscriptions engraved on this sword are wind and shadow. This kind of inscription should be engraved on boots, not on the sword. Reality."

Ling Fei was even more surprised that a teenager could understand the inscriptions so well, and then she introduced many swords in the arsenal to Lu Feng.

But what made her stomp her feet angrily was that Lu Feng could find a fatal flaw in every sword. If she hadn't seen Lu Feng's bone age, she would have suspected that Lu Feng was some old monster in disguise.

"Choose one yourself." Ling Fei picked one in her hand and said casually.

Lu Feng's gaze swept away, and he suddenly saw a dark sword among the spiritual-level swords. It didn't emit any fluctuations, and it was extremely normal.

But when Lu Feng held the sword in his hand, his eyes lit up, and he said, "This is it."

"You have chosen this ugly sword for so long."

Ling Fei rolled her eyes, doubting Lu Feng's gaze.

"How much."

Lu Feng touched the blade of the sword which was four and a half feet long and two fingers wide, showing affection.

"30 taels of silver." Ling Fei casually reported a number.

"I bought it, here is 30 taels of silver for you." Lu Feng agreed very simply, for fear that Ling Fei would regret it.

Others cannot recognize the details of this sword, but Lu Feng, who is a master of inscriptions, knows it very well.

Ordinary inscriptions are clearly engraved on the body of the sword, but the black sword does the opposite. Its inscriptions are engraved on the body of the sword in inconspicuous dots. It is necessary to find the correct route of the inscriptions before it can really use it. The strength of the black sword.

It just so happened that Lu Feng had read a book about the experience of an ancient inscription master in his previous life. This method of engraving inscriptions was a lost technique in ancient times.

"Do you really have to spend 30 taels of silver for this ugly black sword?" Ling Fei couldn't believe it. In her opinion, the black sword is useless except for being sharper.

"That's right. I like this black sword very much. As long as I like it, how much it costs doesn't matter."

Gathering his mind, he was afraid that Ling Fei would see the details of the black sword, and Lu Feng would pretend to be a prodigal, and his expression would also be frivolous, showing a smile.

"The young boy is very interesting, and his eyes are also very vicious. Can you tell me what is so magical about this black sword?"

Ling Fei approached Lu Feng.

"I don't know what is so magical about this black sword. I just like it. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Lu Feng laughed. After getting the benefit, he didn't want to stay for a long time, and this shrewd Ling Fei saw the clue.

"Interesting, really interesting. This kid actually plotted against me once. I'm afraid there is something weird about that black sword, even I don't know."

Looking at Lu Feng's leaving back, Ling Fei looked strange.

(End of this chapter)

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