Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 100 Stop Playing

Chapter 100 Stop Playing

The first layer of mountains, the seventh layer of caves flashing light.

The purple-robed youth still appeared on the stone wall, but his strength has been raised to the seventh level of Tongmai Tongmai, which is at the level of a top genius.

"Sure enough."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth.

"Beat me!"

An emotionless mechanical voice drank from the mouth of the purple-robed man, and then rushed out.

The purple palm prints like mountains and rivers surged, and the strong wind howled, rolling towards Lu Feng in a fixed way.


It is still the second-level Tianhuangquan, which raises the strength of the whole body to a limit.

Lu Feng chose to confront the man in purple in a violent and savage way instead of shrinking back.

The man in purple slapped Lu Feng's chest with a powerful palm, and the force of the palm made Lu Feng's chest hurt.

But Lu Feng suddenly pointed out a finger, like a starlight flashing across the void, directly ignoring his attack, and pointed out the purple-clothed man.

In just a few breaths, Lu Feng passed the test of the seventh floor with just one finger.

The hole on the seventh floor is dim, and the light on the eighth floor is shining.

It was still a man in purple robe, but his aura was thick and terrifying like a mountain.

"Come on!" Lu Feng smiled.

In the same way, Lu Feng killed the purple-clothed man in a few breaths with a terrifying finger.

And this time.

The entire outside had exploded, and everyone looked at the hole on the ninth floor in dumbfounded.

"Pervert! Who broke into the ninth floor so quickly, it only took half a stick of incense time."

Everyone was extremely surprised, knowing that other people were still struggling on the sixth floor, but someone had already reached the ninth floor.

This is nothing, the key is that his time is really too fast, faster than all previous checkpoints.

"The strongest of the last eight people is only the seventh-level meridian. It is impossible for them to have such a fast speed."

To the difficulty of Tianshan Mountain, these geniuses have tried it once, and naturally know that it is terrible,

A purple-clothed man is so powerful that he is boundless. Many people are not defeated, but survived a hundred moves before entering the next floor.

"It must be Lu Feng, only he has such perverted strength."

Du Fan's saliva splashed and his eyebrows danced brightly.

Mo Ling and Lu Kai nodded, also believing that it was Lu Feng.

At this time, Lu Feng had reached the ninth floor.

"The strength, speed, and martial skills of the man in purple are all formulated according to the top geniuses of Qingfeng's forces, but he is too dull, as long as he finds a weak point, he can be destroyed with one blow."

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth.

All the moves of the man in purple condensed by the formation are fixed, without any change or fancy.

In fact, this is also Lu Feng. Even if others find this weakness, they cannot defeat the purple-clothed man as easily as he does.

He practiced Taixuan Ninth Rank, and his strength and physique are extremely tyrannical. It can be said that he stands at the pinnacle of geniuses of the same level in the Eastern Xuanyu, not the mere Qingfeng force.

If someone else fought recklessly with the purple-clothed man, he must have been knocked away by a palm in the same realm.

"The next one should be the purple-clothed man with nine levels of meridians."

Lu Feng looked at the stone wall, waiting for the formation to evolve.

Behind the fifth mountain, in a simple wooden house.

"An interesting kid who can discover the weakness of the formation for the first time, and possesses terrifying physique and strength."

Inside the wooden house, there was a white-browed old man with a very ordinary aura, like an ordinary old man, with a smile on his lips.

In front of the white-browed old man, there was a light curtain, and Lu Feng could be seen impressively.

"However, wouldn't it be too boring in this way, so I will make it a little more difficult for you."

The white-browed old man smiled, and a white light was spotted inside the light curtain.

"Five channels and nine levels!"

At this moment on the ninth floor, Lu Feng's eyes widened, and he couldn't help cursing secretly.

No wonder the opponent has not evolved for a long time. It turns out that there are five at a time.

How many of these lineups can break through?
I'm afraid those people in front of me can't do it.

This made Lu Feng suspect that someone raised the difficulty level for him, after all, his previous performance was too dazzling.

He couldn't help but think about it, the five men in purple had already attacked him together.

The moves of the five people were exactly the same, purple palm prints fell all over the sky, and the sound of wind all over the sky hurt the eardrums, with almost no flaws.

With such an aura, even the warriors of the first level of the Xuanfu would not have the guts to fight recklessly.

A figure turned sideways, and Lu Feng dodged the blow.

However, the five people reacted extremely quickly and surrounded Lu Feng in an outflanking manner.

Lu Feng waved his fist and gave the five people a palm, and felt that the five internal organs were violently rolling.

"No, once surrounded by these five people, even if I am physically strong, I will fail."

Lu Feng cursed secretly.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Feng leaped into the air and came behind a person.

With a palm full of purple clouds, a man in purple slapped Lu Feng.

At this moment, Lu Feng did not dodge, but faced it.

This palm slapped heavily on Lu Feng's chest, and he felt that his internal organs were about to be displaced, and his qi and blood were turbulent.

Suppressing the pain, Lu Feng pointed his finger while whistling.

Star Compass—Star Scar!

This finger was precisely placed between the eyebrows of the man in purple, and the power concentrated at one point directly shattered a figure.

Lu Feng had just dealt with one person, and the other four surrounded him in a dull manner.

Lu Feng showed a smile, and came behind one of them in the same way.

Mysterious energy was burning, and that finger seemed to be able to pierce the void, and once again point out a person.

"What a clever boy, knowing how to use this method to deal with formations, I underestimated him."

"But I seem to have heard of this fingering somewhere."

The white-browed old man was slightly taken aback, and he couldn't remember the extremely strong fingering of this move even though he tried his best to echo it.

But at this moment, the remaining three were annihilated one by one by Lu Feng in the same way.

The dazzling light of the tenth-floor cave shone, indicating that someone had reached the tenth floor.

"Too fast! I don't know if he can break through the tenth floor."

Some people said in shock.

What is the test of the tenth floor?Lu Feng felt a little puzzled.

He was guessing that it might be the ten purple-clothed men with nine levels of meridians.

Soon, Shanbi responded to him.

A burst of purple light was released, almost flooding the entire cave.

After a few breaths, a hundred purple-clothed men with nine levels of meridians appeared.

"It's too playful, who can pass this."

Seeing this lineup, Lu Feng couldn't help cursing.

In this narrow environment, even a true martial artist can only die.

Zhi Tianshan is definitely playing with himself, and it is a bit too much.

"Boy, let's see how you deal with it."

The old man with white eyebrows was extremely proud, the two rows of long white eyebrows swayed like an old child.

"With just one move, the assessment can be completed."

A hundred men in purple clothes said in unison, containing a terrible pressure.

After a while, a ray of white light flashed across Lu Feng's eyes, revealing a smile.

"Stop playing, these men in purple won't attack me at all, they are all phantoms."

Lu Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said to Void.

This last test is to test his courage. If he is timid, he will definitely be thrown to Tianshan Mountain.

And if he sees the mystery in it, then these men in purple clothes will automatically dissipate.

The space was slightly silent, and an old voice said: "How did you see it?"

"One hundred meridians of the ninth level can only be survived by those who are above the fourth level of real martial arts and can rely on strong real energy defenses. I am only at the meridian level, and I will definitely not use this assessment method."

Lu Feng spread his hands and said lazily.

"Boy, you are smart. You have won the old man. Get out to Tianshan to win the reward."

The voice said helplessly, thinking in his heart that he would give you some fun when you broke through the second mountain.

The previous assessment was the attack of ten purple-clothed men with nine meridians.

Either withstood a full blow, or saw through their phantom identities, but added some harsh material to Lu Feng, trying to scare him.

In short, the tenth floor is a special checkpoint, and only smart people can see the mystery.

Undoubtedly, Lu Feng saw it, so he was able to break through the tenth floor without any effort.

(End of this chapter)

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