Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1121 Origin [6 more! 】

Chapter 1121 Origin [Sixth update! 】

This stern shout made Zong Tenghai tremble all over.

And this kind of overwhelming killing intent, even the vicious pirates in the Great Pirate Domain cannot possess it.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Zong Tenghai said honestly: "This Yuhua bow was obtained by my grandfather 1000 years ago from a declining family in Daluo Mansion, a great pirate area."

"Da Luo Mansion?"

The chill gradually dissipated, Lu Feng felt a little familiar with the three characters of Da Luo Mansion, and asked again: "What is the relationship between Da Luo Mansion and Da Luo Continent?"

He once remembered that the Great Luo Sect Master had asked him to bring the bones back to the Great Luo Sect in the Great Luo State.

"The Da Luo State you mentioned was broken in ancient times and turned into countless islands. The Da Luo Mansion is the shattered Da Luo State, which is enough to rank in the top five among the ten prefectures of the Great Pirate Domain."

Seeing the fierce light flashing on Lu Feng's face, Zong Tenghai knew everything, and there was a gleam in his lowered eyes.

"I see."

Lu Feng nodded, no wonder he has never heard of Da Luo State among the 72 states, it turned out that it was shattered in ancient times.

And from this point of view, the Great Pirate Domain is also extremely powerful, and actually owns the land of ten prefectures.

Lu Feng continued to ask: "Is that run-down family surnamed Shangguan?"

Although he didn't know what Lu Feng was doing with these questions, Zong Tenghai dared not hide it, and replied: "It seems that the surname is Shangguan. The warriors of that family are very good at archery, and now they can barely rank in the big pirate domain." ranking."


Lu Feng murmured in his heart.

The Shangguan family is the most powerful among the five founding families of Tianxing. The archer saint back then could almost shoot down a star with a Sun Chasing Bow.

For example, Lu Feng's aunt, Shangguan Biluo, is also a member of the Shangguan family.

And the Yuhua Bow is one of the five strongest holy bows of the Shangguan family, but he didn't expect it to be in Zong Tenghai's hands now, and it seems to have declined.

Then Lu Feng learned about it from Zong Tenghai.

Thousands of years ago, the desperate Shangguan family was hunted down by the emperor and fled to the great pirate domain in the sea of ​​death.

Although the pirate emperors in the Great Pirate Domain fought extremely fiercely with each other, they had their own rules. Naturally, we would not see a powerful imperial dynasty break into the Great Pirate Domain, thus destroying the balance here.

As a result, the Shangguan family was preserved in this way.

However, the pirates in the Great Pirate Domain are not good at dealing with them. Most of the treasures of the Shangguan family have been stolen. Yuhua Bow is one of them, and they are the ones who can barely survive there.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Feng calmed down, and said indifferently: "Go away, I don't care about your attack and killing before, but I want to keep this Yuhua bow."

Zong Tenghai hadn't had time to be happy in the future, and when he realized it, his expression turned extremely ugly, and he said: "I can give you anything else you want, but this Yuhua bow is the only one I can't!"

This Yuhua bow is a heaven-level sacred object, even if it is placed in the great pirate domain, it is also a supreme treasure, how could Zong Tenghai be willing to hand it over.

"Then can you give me your life if I want it?"

Lu Feng's expression was piercingly cold. The Yuhua bow was originally a property of the Shangguan family, how could it fall into the hands of these pirates, and he pointed forward slowly with one finger.

"Lu Feng, you!"

Zong Tenghai's face turned red, he wanted to threaten Lu Feng with his grandfather, but suddenly he thought that this person is not even afraid of an emperor, let alone a mere pirate king.

Seeing the coldness on Lu Feng's face, Zong Tenghai, a life-saving person, lowered his head after a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"Give you!"

No matter how upset he was, under the threat of death, Zong Tenghai could only reluctantly hand over the Yuhua bow.

If he had known that the person inside the bloody light was that Lu Feng, he wouldn't have dared to attack and kill him even if he had a hundred guts.

Looking at the back of Zong Tenghai leaving, Lu Feng suddenly said: "If you have a bow, you should have arrows, right?"

Zong Tenghai lowered his steps, his face was blue and red, and finally he threw out ten long jade-colored arrows with a cold snort.

"How happy my aunt would be if she knew that members of the Shangguan family were unknown in the Great Pirate Domain."

Lu Feng suppressed his fluctuating thoughts, and his figure quickly left the area at an astonishing speed.

An hour later.

At this moment, Lu Feng was standing on a huge square, paved with mottled blue bricks, filled with a sense of timelessness.

And over there, few fighters came to the square. After all, Lu Feng wasted too much time before.

"The assessment of the sixth heaven."

Lu Feng looked at the center of the square, where the statue of the Supreme Emperor stood.

Soon, Lu Feng discovered that there was a huge drum with a size of ten feet hanging upside down next to the supreme emperor, and the drum head was actually made of dragon skin.

"Strike five drums with physical strength"

The content of the assessment finally echoed in Lu Feng's mind.

"Five drums?"

Lu Feng saw someone beating the drums, but the five drums were not so easy, and some quasi-sages could only play three times.

After finding a secluded place, Lu Feng let Bai Wei and Shi Pojia appear from the array. After all, if the two saints want to go to the seventh heaven, they must pass the test.

"You all know the test here." Lu Feng said.

"The power of five rings is very simple in terms of my strength."

Shi Pojia was full of confidence. Now he has completely convinced Lu Feng, and he also wants to show it in front of the latter.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Then finish the test as soon as possible, too much time wasted earlier."

Beside the giant drum, there are more than a dozen people waiting for the test.

There was a martial artist of the quasi-holy third realm, which faction he came from. Lu Feng couldn't tell, but he simply punched down and the huge drum surface reverberated with six drumbeats.

Accompanied by the reverberation of the drum, a ray of blood-red air flowed into the warrior's body.

The martial artist left the square with a look of enjoyment.

But just when Shi Pojia was about to go to beat the drum, a taller and stronger man squeezed forward with trembling steps on the ground, and his brutal force actually shook Shi Pojia to the side.

"My friend, it's not good for you to be so preemptive."

Shi Pojia frowned. Although he was afraid of Lu Feng, he was not afraid of this tall and strong man.

The tall and strong man looked down at Shi Pojia, smiled disdainfully, and said, "You still want to compete with me with your small stature?"

That disdainful voice fell into Lu Feng's ears, but it was extremely weird. Although Shi Pojia was not as powerful as this, it had nothing to do with his small body.

Bai Wei next to her even covered her mouth and started laughing.

"Let him play the drums first."

Lu Feng was not willing to waste his tongue with such a single-minded reckless man at this time.

"Hmph, let me see how many times you can strike."

Hearing Lu Feng's words, Shi Pojia snorted coldly.

Xiangli nodded in satisfaction, raised his pillar-like arms, circles of golden light burst out from his body, and immediately the whole body was covered with a layer of golden armor, and suddenly punched the drum .

When the strength was exerted to the limit, the drum surface rippled, and a series of eighteen drum sounds resounded like thunder.

When the ripples spread out, even the entire space trembled.

"You are that Lu Feng, right? I promise that your strength is very powerful, but if you rely on strength alone, you are far inferior to me."

Xiang Li's huge eyes looked at Lu Feng proudly, as if saying that you are not as good as me in terms of strength.

[Six chapters and more, but this hasn't faded yet, Shamao will continue with the sixth update tomorrow, and I'm here to show off my cuteness and ask for a recommendation ticket for a reward]

(End of this chapter)

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