Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1140 Qingri Emperor

Chapter 1140 Qingri Emperor
When the battle subsided, Bai Wei and the others gathered around Lu Feng, staring at the bottom of the lake curiously, the mysterious aura of that blue brilliance moved people's hearts.

Bai Wei is a saint of spiritual power. When she stared at the blue light with a holy technique, her eyes suddenly became confused.

Lu Feng's perception was extremely keen, and after realizing something was wrong with Bai Wei, he yelled loudly: "Wake up!"

A thunderous sound resounded, and Bai Wei screamed, two lines of blood were left in her eyes, like broken glass that was about to shatter.

She patted Bai Huahua's chest, and looked at Lu Feng gratefully.

Almost, her soul will be shattered.

"What did you see?" Lu Feng asked with a frown.

Suppressing the panic in her heart, after a long silence, Bai Wei said slowly: "There is a group of mysterious power over there."

"Mysterious power?"

Lu Feng read silently for a few times, and after a while, he said, "I'll go down and see what's there."

How can you get a tiger cub if you don't enter the tiger's lair? It is definitely not something simple that can make many saints of the gods pay so much attention to it.

The road to the holy way is to sweep away all obstacles along the way.

"Do you need us to go with you?"

Shi Pojia was also a little timid, even Bai Wei, a saint of spiritual power, couldn't look at each other, so it was even more unbearable for him.

"No need, I'll go down alone."

Lu Feng also had his own considerations. If there was any danger down there, even if Shi broke his armor and went down, it would be difficult to help him.

Shi Pojia and the others nodded, and then Lu Feng, wrapped in majestic holy power, slowly dived into the bottom of the lake.

At the beginning, there was nothing unusual about the lake water, but after diving for a thousand meters, a terrible pressure enveloped it, and every drop of water became extremely thick.

He looked at the increasingly bright blue light, and there was also a mysterious force affecting his soul.

"What a terrifying power, the Divine Tower Palace will suppress it for me!"

Sigong Shenque suppressed like a mountain, silently reciting the secret formula of spiritual power of Xuanshenzong.

Continuing to dive, a sense of uneasiness enveloped my heart, as if there was really something terrifying down here.

"If there is really a power beyond the small star field below, the ancient sage Shen Jian will definitely not sit and watch."

Any opportunity must be obtained in a crisis. If you are timid, when will you be able to become holy.

So Lu Feng decided to continue diving.

The bottom of the lake is very deep, and Lu Feng dived about [-] meters before falling to the bottom of the lake full of silt.

The light that appeared at the bottom of the lake was that kind of blood-blue, and waves of vigorous and powerful qi and blood rushed into his body frantically, making Lu Feng let out a carefree and comfortable sound.

This level of energy and blood power is too high!
But the most eye-catching thing is the blood-colored light cluster the size of a skull in front of it, with streaks of blue light wrapping around its body like lines.

The coercion emanating from it makes people feel a sense of awe, as if the powerful of the holy way come to worship in front of it, and should not be profane.

"That's it"

Lu Feng's eyes were instantly attracted by the blood-blue light group, and the power of blood and energy emanating from it made him feel fascinated.

The mental power is driven to the extreme, resisting the mysterious power from the blood-blue light group.

However, just when Lu Feng was about to grab it, the blood-blue light group moved a few times by itself, and when a ripple rippled out, it made his body tense, as if he was being peeped by a terrifying existence.

"Is this blood-blue light group alive?"

Lu Feng was startled, and his outstretched hand stopped.

"Someone is still here"

The blood-blue light group kept squirming, and finally turned into a blurred human figure, staring softly at Lu Feng.

Staring at the fuzzy figure closely, Lu Feng felt a familiar feeling, and exclaimed: "You are the supreme emperor!"

That's right, this fuzzy human figure has a somewhat similar feeling to the appearance of the Supreme Emperor.

"I am not the real supreme emperor. This emperor has fallen in ancient times, and what you see is only the power of my soul that has dissipated. It was a coincidence that I recovered a little sanity. Fortunately, you came today gone."

The voice of 'Supreme Emperor' is very soft, with a feeling of spring breeze.

Lu Feng heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

Although this sounds a bit unbelievable, a great emperor who has fallen since ancient times can accidentally activate a little spiritual wisdom, but it is not surprising to think that that kind of Xeon has unpredictable power.

"Senior, what are those protoss planning to do?" Lu Feng asked curiously and doubtfully.

"They attracted you here because they want your blood to warm and nourish my soul, and then use it for sacrifice."

"Sacrifice?" Lu Feng's eyes flickered slightly.

"You should know from the gods that this bloody battle star once buried the most powerful existence of the ancient gods, and the one under your feet buried the Qingri Emperor of the gods. Back then, this emperor also tried his best to kill him. kill here."

'Supreme Emperor' said.

Hearing this, Lu Feng suddenly felt creepy.

Although Lu Feng didn't know how terrifying the Xeon's existence was, if the God Clan's sacrifice was really successful, then if Emperor Qingri made trouble, fearful disasters would be encountered in the Nine Heavens.

"Then what can the junior do to help the senior?" Lu Feng said.

The 'Supreme Emperor' was silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "After all, this strand is just a very meager soul. This emperor died early, and he can't be reborn with this. Today, seeing the descendants of our race is also considered destined."

He beckoned and motioned for Lu Feng to come over, apparently to give him a chance.

Such a terrifying opportunity for a great emperor, no one can refuse it.

You must know the state of the supreme emperor, even the ancient sages are hard to compare, after all, they can create a big world.

Lu Feng's eyes were uncertain, and when he was walking towards the 'Supreme Emperor', a strange light flashed in the eyes of the other party.

And when the distance was only ten meters, Lu Feng's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The 'Supreme Emperor' stared at Lu Feng, and said: "My soul will soon dissipate, why don't you come to accept the inheritance soon."

"I think the ancient sage Shenjian should be able to maintain the soul of the god even if he cannot regenerate the emperor. The juniors dare not let the soul of the emperor dissipate because of me, so they decided to tell the ancient sage Shenjian."

Lu Feng's voice turned cold.

"This emperor needs a lot of holy blood to maintain his soul, and I don't want Shenjian to kill for me."

'Supreme Emperor' is right, the cost of maintaining immortality is very high.

"There are many descendants of the Protoss here, you can bleed their blood."

Lu Feng frowned, staring at the 'Supreme Emperor' coldly

The 'Supreme Emperor' was silent. After a long time, two strange brilliance shot out from his blurred pupils, and he said, "Young man, you must have seen something."

"Yes, you are not the Supreme Emperor at all."

Lu Feng raised all his strength.

"I'm curious, how did you find out that with the ability of this emperor, I have already exerted spiritual power on you just now, which is enough to confuse you."

The 'Supreme Emperor' stared at Lu Feng with interesting eyes.

This junior of the human race is somewhat strange.

"You should be a divine soul born of Emperor Qingri who was buried here, and the gods who lured us here probably wanted to awaken you with holy blood. Do you want to talk more?"

(End of this chapter)

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