Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1176 Take you to kill

Chapter 1176 Take you to kill

Today's Dongxuanyu is just a mess.

In the Dark Temple, the few of them were talking about the recent war caused by Emperor Mu Xing Dynasty.

After all, the strength that this imperial dynasty has displayed in the past few years makes everyone feel threatened.

And although they don't know exactly what they are plotting, but Lu Feng and the others are unable to make Emperor Mu Xing's dynasty come true, because the edge of this emperor's dynasty is too sharp.

"I also have some friendship with the Sword Master of Seven Emotions. The peaceful situation in Dongxuan Region has been maintained for 10 years. He also does not want the situation in front of him to be broken, so he will make arrangements accordingly."

The dark devil said.

Aside from the sea beasts, it can be said that the strongest force in the sea of ​​death is Qinglian Holy Land.

Although the flames of war have not yet been fully ignited in the Sea of ​​Death, anyone can guess that with the gradual start of the chaos in the 72 states, it will inevitably ignite into the Sea of ​​Death.

The Sword Saint of Seven Emotions is the Sword Saint of the Ancient Sacred Realm, so he can't just sit back and watch Emperor Mu Xing go wild.

Otherwise, it will be too late when Mu Xingdi Dynasty really has the absolute advantage.

"The background of the Mu Xing Dynasty gradually emerged. No one knows where those strong men came from, but one thing is certain, there will definitely be a shocking battle because of this dynasty in the future."

Their methods are too terrifying, although what they are sweeping now are only some very ordinary holy sects.

But it was these actions that made some big forces feel the crisis.

After discussing some details, the Ice Emperor stood up and said: "There are still many important events in the dynasty waiting for the emperor to preside over them, so I will take my farewell here, Saint Princess?"

"I will not return to the Dynasty for the time being, but stay in Tianfu Prefecture."

Mo Ling doesn't want to go back yet, she vaguely knows Lu Feng's next plan.

The Ice Emperor was a little helpless, but he also knew that it was not a good thing for the path of the holy way to retreat blindly. Besides, the holy princess was already a strong person in the middle holy realm, and with the treasures left to her by the dynasty, even if she was in danger, she could Enough to protect yourself.

"Lu Feng, I'll leave the Holy Princess to you. You can't let her lose a single hair, or I'll ask you for it!"

Hearing this, Lu Feng nodded, without the Ice Emperor saying much, he would do his best to protect Mo Ling.

"This time, the emperor can let you be willful once, but as soon as I return to the imperial dynasty, I will prepare for the fusion of the holy lotus body. At that time, I am not allowed to show any temper."

The fusion of Shenglian's body needs a lot of preparation, and the Ice Emperor also feels that the time has come, it is time to start, and there is no time to waste any more.

Mo Ling agreed, and she also knew that although she was a strong person in the middle holy realm, she was not enough to compete with the terrifying strength of the Emperor Dynasty.

Only by making yourself stronger can you join hands with Lu Feng to face the common enemy in the future.

Next, the Ice Emperor gave a few more instructions, and then returned to the Zibing Dynasty alone.

"I will help you complete some of the things you entrusted to me as soon as possible. Although this will put you in an extremely dangerous state, it will also be a great impetus for you to break through the holy realm of martial arts. The coming storm is nothing more than moths to the flame even if you are in the Holy Realm."

After the Ice Emperor left, the Dark Lord nodded in response.

That plan also made the Dark Lord feel Lu Feng's boldness and his determination.

"Then thank you, Senior Demon Lord."

But after speaking, a chill suddenly hit the hall, and Lu Feng's eyes were full of frost.

"You Ruo, take Lu Feng to rest in this dark city first."

The Dark Lord left, and You Ruo led Lu Feng and Mo Ling to walk in the dark city.

I haven't seen You Ruo for a long time, and Lu Feng also has a lot to say to her, and he even mentioned the scene of his own hundred years in the fantasy realm.

You Ruo heard the words, a chill spread all over her delicate face.

If there hadn't been for Mu Xingdi Dynasty's ruthless attack, perhaps the annual rings of history might have really moved forward like that evolved in the Heart Demon Tribulation.

Father Xingdi will break through the ancient sage, and she is still the little princess who is loved by others, living a carefree life, instead of shouldering the deep hatred of blood and sea as she is now.

"I miss my father so much"

The beautiful flowers all over the sky are falling like rain. Looking at the sea of ​​flowers in front of them, Lu Feng and You Ruo think of the beautiful osmanthus forest in the Dynasty. They often play there, and their father Xingdi sometimes loves to accompany them Play with two people.

"That Mu Yan?"

You Ruo suddenly asked.

"Mu Yan."

When Mu Yan was mentioned, Lu Feng's mood was a bit complicated, and he didn't know how to talk about that woman.

What puzzled him the most was the confusion when Mu Yan opened his mouth on the night of the great change, what exactly he wanted to say to him.

"I will personally go to Dichao to ask her."

Lu Feng clenched his fists.

"Brother, from today onwards, You Ruo will really close the gate of death, and will not leave the gate until half a step of the ancient sage."

You Ruo stared at Lu Feng closely.

Only when the ancient sage has reached half a step can he really have the strength to challenge Mu Xingdi Dynasty.

Lu Feng rubbed her head as he did when he was a child, and said softly: "Brother is waiting for you to leave the customs, and then we two brothers and sisters will kill the gods together, and take the emperor's dog head as a sacrifice!"

You Ruo nodded heavily, and began to break through half a step of the ancient sage's retreat after the second day.

And with You Ruo's retreat, Lu Feng's life also calmed down.

Although there is no battle, his spiritual power is advancing at a steady speed.

One day a few months later, the sky was full of stars.

Lu Feng was lying on the roof, with the freshly brewed Lingxing wine next to him. When he looked up at the stars connecting together, it seemed that the face of the Star Emperor appeared.

At this time, a purple figure came with a scent of fragrance, and looked at Lu Feng with a smile.

"Sit down and drink my Lu family's spirit star wine."

Lu Feng looked at the girl beside him with a smile, and also sat up.

After Mo Ling finished drinking a glass of wine, Lu Feng said solemnly: "Actually, my origin is not as simple as you imagined."

"I guessed something."

How smart Mo Ling is, it is inconceivable that Tu Sheng, even a strong man who has stepped half a step into the ancient sage, is as cute as a little girl in front of Lu Feng.

"I come from the extinct Heavenly Star Dynasty a thousand years ago. The Tu Sheng you saw is my younger sister Lu Youruo, and I am the son of the Star Emperor, the Heavenly Star Crown Prince. Because of this stone, I was reborn a thousand years later."

Lu Feng was very calm.

He has already reached the Holy Realm, and he no longer needs to be as cautious as before, not to mention that after beheading three emperors in a row, he has already become the number one must-kill person in Emperor Mu Xing's dynasty.

Although he had already guessed that Lu Feng's background was not simple, but when he really heard it, Mo Ling still felt unbelievable, just like a fairy tale.

And she also understood that it was no wonder that Lu Feng was so ruthless when facing the Mu Xing Dynasty. The blood feud between the two had been formed thousands of years ago and could not be washed away.

"All I care about is you now, no matter what, you will always be my Brother Feng."

To Mo Ling, Lu Feng's background is not important.

However, Lu Feng's experience made her hate Mu Xingdi Dynasty even more.

And this secret, she will always bury it deep in her heart.

Lu Feng stared into her eyes, and the brilliance in those eyes made him unable to help holding her hand, which was as warm as jade, and let her lean on his chest, then smiled and said: "What will happen to you in the future? The imperial dynasty will be terrifying."

"I'm not afraid!"

Mo Ling said firmly, holding Lu Feng's big hand instead.

Time seemed to freeze, and the starlight shone on the two of them, making everything seem extremely peaceful.

After the rising sun rose from the east, Lu Feng stood up and said to Mo Ling, "Let's go, starting today, I will take you to kill people."

(End of this chapter)

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