Chapter 1196

Lu Feng is very interested in the treasures of the gods, and the things in the miracles have always made him very sensitive.

One must know that not only the Dragon Chanting Sword and the Sword of Life and Death, but also Taixuan Nine Turns and Yuanzu's Heart were all brought back from the Miracle. One can imagine the mystery there.

The bad old man also led the way cheerfully, and in a short while came to a Shenzang garden with ease.

The Shenzang Garden in front of me is very large, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles, and there are many powerful warriors guarding the gate, and the fierce air spreads out like horse training.

"This is a fighter belonging to the Black Eagle Army, and people from the Emperor's Sacred Sect are guarding it. Could it be that this Shenzang Garden belongs to Emperor Mu Xing's dynasty?"

Lu Feng whispered to himself in a strange way.

The bad old man chuckled, and said: "It is impossible to mine a god-like force in the forbidden zone of the gods. There are so many powerful people in this imperial dynasty, and their gods' garden is the most abundant. Choose here."

This is indeed the case, this place is located in the sea of ​​death, and Huang Shengzong is subject to the power of the imperial dynasty, so they are in charge.

Lu Feng stared at the old man's dodging eyes, and the more he looked, the more he felt that he brought him here on purpose.

"Let's go in."

Lu Feng's gaze was too sharp, and the old man was a little guilty, so he hurriedly led the way and walked into the Shenzang Garden smoothly.

The light and rain intertwined, and everything here and the outside changed greatly.

All kinds of divine brilliance flowed, as if coming to the land of the gods, a wave of terrifying coercion descended from all directions.

It was the first time for Lu Feng to come to the Shenzang Garden. Staring at it, it was like a piece of divine land, with countless strangely shaped stones, some shining divine jade, and even some withered trees emitting bright light.

"Everything placed here is a treasure of the gods. It is said that in the restricted area of ​​the gods, when those powerful men die, their power spreads out and countless treasures are sealed inside, but whether they can be obtained depends on the You're in luck."

The bad old man explained excitedly.

Lu Feng nodded slightly, and with a glance, there are still many strong people here to open the gods.

"Haha, I got something this time. This is an old vine, which can prolong life by 50 years. It can be dedicated to the ancestor of the magic scorpion to please his old man."

Not far away, a large group of people gathered and split a dead wood. Inside was a golden vine that was as long as a finger. It was wrapped in the power of the gods, and its medicinal properties were well preserved.

"This old man is here again. How many holy liquids have you prepared to play with today? Is it possible that you will lose your pants again?"

Over there, a young man looked at the bad old man lightly, holding the freshly bloomed vine in his hand, triumphantly.

"Brother Chen, are you saying that this bad old man is the one in the Shenzang Garden who opened 1 yuan in a row and got nothing?"

When many people mentioned the glorious deeds of the bad old man, they all burst into laughter and stared away like looking at a fool.

I have seen unlucky ones, but I have never seen such unlucky ones. This bad old man can be regarded as the most unlucky history in Shenzangyuan.

Hearing this, the bad old man was not angry, he scratched his head, and said with a smile: "Today the old man won't open Shenzang, but the brother next to me will open it."

The young man's eyes passed over Lu Feng, and then fixed on Mo Ling, and he couldn't move away immediately.

Although Mo Ling's exquisite face was concealed by Lu Feng's inscription pattern, but the aura of being a holy princess was like a mysterious girl, extremely noble, and caught the eyes of countless people in an instant.

"Bad old man, anyone who is with you will be unlucky, this fairy, the ancestor of the demon scorpion is my ancestor, please give me some thin noodles, I will open the gods for the fairy."

The young man pretended to be demeanor and invited him.

He is from the Mansion of Magic Scorpion, and the young people who follow him are all descendants of the pirate kings of the Mansion of Magic Scorpion, and their status is very noble.

"Follow the old man to have good luck. Today I will go to the God of War Tibetan Garden!" The bad old man rolled up his dirty sleeves.

"I think you don't want to play with this bad old man, be careful and lose your pants."

The group laughed again.

The young man who drove the vine before gave a contemptuous smile, his name was Chen Xu, he waved his hand at the bad old man, pointed to a piece of golden divine jade, and said: "This thing is very good, maybe we can get something."

Lu Feng didn't pay attention to the group of people, but his gaze fell on the sky filled with divine treasures, and he said calmly, "Let's go to open the divine treasures."

"Go, go, another unlucky ghost who was tricked by the bad old man."

"It's not good to come to Shenzang Garden with someone. If you insist on following this bad old man, I'm afraid we will break the record here again today."

The group couldn't help laughing, and followed Lu Feng's footsteps, ready to watch the joke.

The bad old man suddenly stopped, grinned and said: "A group of idiots, what if I opened the treasure?"

"It's ridiculous, if you can find a treasure in the ten-dollar treasure, the vine of immortality in my hand will belong to you."

Chen Xu sneered, thinking that the old man was innocent and cute, and teasing him was also a wonderful thing.

Lu Feng felt sad for this group of people. This old man is a strong man with an extremely weird temper, and his strength is unknown. As for the two altars of Vigorous Bull Demon Grass before, he doesn't know how many immortal vines are worth.

The old man thought it was funny, and said: "At that time, I will let you lose with the vine and pants."

"We bet you that ten yuan of Shenzang is a game. As long as you can get the treasured vine, you will have it, and if you don't, you will run around the Shenzang Garden with bare buttocks."

Chen Xu wasn't worried, it was already difficult to find treasures in the sacred treasure, and it was even more impossible for this bad old man to open ten thousand sacred treasures in succession, all of which were empty.

"Then it's settled." The bad old man smiled strangely, and said to Lu Feng: "The old man's fame in this life is all on you."

Their voices were very loud, and they attracted many warriors in the Shenzang Garden. It was interesting to hear their bets. Scorpion City.

And it is not free to open the gods here, and soon there will be strong people coming to supervise.

This Shenzang Garden is divided into four areas: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang, and Huang. Lu Feng is in the Huang-level Shenzang Garden, and each piece requires a thousand drops of holy liquid.

The bad old man was chattering on the sidelines, as a strong man who didn't even see through Lu Feng, he actually quarreled with Chen Xu and the others, it was just too humiliating.

Lu Feng was also a little speechless, he didn't listen to his voice, the crystal light in his eyes flowed, piercing every piece of divine treasure like a divine sword.

The power was pushed to the extreme without a sound, and Lu Feng's brows quickly sank.

The power of many gods is mixed and turned into a unique law of heaven and earth. Even with the cultivation base of Lu Feng's spiritual power saint, he can't see the clue, what appears to his eyes is like chaos.

"This method is useless. The power of the gods is brought from the restricted area of ​​the gods, and the spiritual power is difficult to penetrate. Otherwise, they would not have placed the gods here so generously."

The bad old man finally said a reliable word at this moment.

"No wonder."

Lu Feng nodded slightly, if he could really see through his mental power, it would not be his turn to come here today.

It was his first time to open the Divine Treasure, and his expression was a bit dignified. Although his spiritual power was difficult to pry, he could still provide very weak guidance, and kept clicking on it.

But what made Lu Feng's face somber was that after opening nine yuan in succession, they were all empty, nothing.

"Haha, old man, it seems that your bad luck has spread to him, and you will lose your pants soon."

Chen Xu blew a whistle, which immediately caused countless people in the Shenzang Garden to burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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