Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 13 Tough Zhennan King!

Chapter 13 Tough Zhennan King!
"No, no, how dare you"

Su Yi's body trembled, his five sense organs twisted together in pain, and he covered his bleeding lower body in extreme panic. Just now, Lu Feng made him pay a heavy price and castrated him.

This price is more cruel than killing him. A man can't have sex with men, which is undoubtedly the greatest punishment.

Everything is over, everything is gone, he, Su Yi, will become a big joke in Wang Cheng.

"Miss Xiaorou, don't be afraid, I will take you home."

Lu Feng kicked away Su Yi who was blocking the way, wrapped a coat around Lu Xiaorou's disheveled delicate body, and then left Fenghualou with her in his arms.

When Lu Feng left, the sixth prince came to the room with the steward. Seeing the blood on Su Yi's lower body, the corner of his mouth showed a hint of amusement: "I didn't expect that kid to be quite ruthless. He dared to directly abolish the useless son of King Zhenbei."

"Then what should he do?" the steward asked.

"Send someone to send it back, and say it was done by the Lu family, and see how King Zhenbei reacts."

After the order was issued, the steward immediately sent someone to send Su Yi back to Su's house.

Back at Lu's house, Lu Feng hurriedly comforted the frightened Lu Xiaorou, with a distressed expression on his face, if he stayed in the Qingfeng Mountains for one more day, the consequences would be unimaginable.

A day passed, and the sun rose, covering the entire Lu family.

"King Zhennan, get the hell out of here. If you don't give me an explanation for what happened today, my Su family will never let it go."

At noon, a group of strong men came to Lu Family Xingshi angrily to question their crimes. The one at the front was a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe. Yi was also carried on a stretcher with a look of resentment.

Su Yi was sent back yesterday, and the king of Zhenbei who learned that his son was castrated only felt so ashamed and furious, so he came to settle the score today.

"King Zhenbei, why are you so angry, you and I are always friendly, why not sit down and have a good talk."

In the depths of the Lu family's mansion, a figure stepped over the air. He looked to be in his 40s, with a beard and a serious face, which looked extremely majestic.

He is the contemporary Zhennan King Lu Zhan, but he is already a strong man of the seventh rank of Zhenwu, much stronger than Zhenbei King.

"People from your Lu family sentenced my son to the palace torture in Fenghua Tower, do you want to give me an explanation, otherwise how will my Su family gain a foothold in Wangcheng?"

King Zhenbei's voice was as loud as thunder, and he oppressed Lu Zhan with his momentum.

His loud shout immediately attracted the attention of countless people, and crowds gathered in front of the gate of the Lu family from all directions.

"Which Lu family did it?" Lu Zhan frowned and asked.

"It's Lu Feng, it's that trash Lu Feng, he broke into Fenghua Tower and destroyed me, I want him to die."

Su Yi's voice was extremely resentful, and he wished he could kill Lu Feng immediately.

"Xiao Feng did it." Lu Zhan frowned, and said to the side: "Go and call Lu Feng here, and confront him face to face."

"Don't shout, I did it. I don't know what advice I can give when King Zhenbei comes."

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded, and Lu Feng walked slowly, looking at the members of the Su family with a sneer on his face, he had already expected that the members of the Su family would come to question him.

When all the people saw Lu Feng appearing, they looked at each one with surprised eyes. Where did he get the confidence? You must know that Lu Feng is a famous waste in the royal city.

"You crippled my son, this king will also turn you into a cripple today, and then roll into my Su family to make amends." King Zhenbei was furious.

"Have you figured out what's going on? You dare to come to my Lu family to question the crime."

Facing the coercion of the real martial arts powerhouse, he was happy and fearless, and the light in his eyes was extremely piercing, even more powerful than King Zhenbei.

In his previous life, he was often accompanied by the star emperor, a strong man in the holy martial state, and ordinary strong men in the heavenly martial state were not as powerful as him.

"Xiaofeng, what's going on with all this, tell me everything, and make the decision for your father and you." Lu Zhan said.

Lu Feng raised his head, glanced at King Zhenbei, and said: "Yesterday, Su Yi took my sister Lu Xiaorou to Fenghualou to defile her. Fortunately, I arrived in time and taught Su Yi a profound lesson. May I ask you, my lord, what can I do?" Is it wrong?"

Is a sentence wrong? The sonorous and forceful, let everyone immediately understand the reason, and all of them laughed suddenly, it turned out that it was because of a woman.

If they can't be defiled, they will be discarded by others, and they have the face to come to the Lu family to ask for justice.

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, uneducated little bastard, today the king will arrest you and return to the Su family for questioning."

The king of Zhenbei was furious immediately, and his profound energy condensed a five-foot-long hand, and grabbed Lu Feng.

"King Zhenbei, you have gone too far. Xiaofeng is the son of this king. If you want to discipline him, I should come. Where do you have the right to intervene?"

Lu Zhan sneered, waved his sleeve robe, and shattered King Zhenbei's attack in an instant.

"King Zhennan, what do you mean? That little bastard committed a treasonous crime, do you want to cover it?"

King Zhenbei's face was livid, and with King Zhennan around, he really couldn't do anything to Lu Feng.

"Pay attention to your wording, Xiaofeng is my ninth son, if he is a little beast, then what is this king?"

Lu Zhan's eyebrows swam in anger. Although Lu Feng didn't care about him after he became a useless person, he still wouldn't allow the Su family to be so presumptuous.

"You have to give me a satisfactory explanation for this matter, otherwise my Su family will never give up." King Zhenbei's momentum weakened, and he said gloomyly.

"A confession must be given, after all, Xiaofeng has gone too far." Lu Zhan's attitude was tough, and he glanced coldly: "The cause of the incident was that Su Yi's nephew arrested Lu Xiaorou, and Xiaofeng sentenced him to castration in anger. It’s justifiable to go too far.”

"That's why I decided to compensate the Su family with 1000 yuan of low-grade black stones and some healing elixir. What do you think?" Lu Zhan said.

"But no amount of compensation can make Su Yi recover?" King Zhenbei was very unwilling.

"If the Su family is not satisfied with the compensation, you can ask His Majesty to come forward, or go to war with my Lu family." Lu Zhan said coldly, the fault was not with Lu Feng, but with Su Yi, his Lu family has always been tough in things, not their fault Never back down.

When he was young, he was also frivolous, and he also did many outrageous things.

Lu Feng took a deep look at Lu Zhan, and found that the prince who ignored him was very courageous.


King Zhenbei hesitated. His Su family did not have the guts to go to war with the Lu family. Among the four major families, the Lu family is the most powerful and has always been tough. It will not do his Su family any good.

Although he is the King of Zhenbei, those elders in the family will definitely not fall out with the Lu family because of a younger generation, and the disaster is also caused by his son.

"This time I agreed, but I hope this kind of thing won't happen again."

After weighing again and again, King Zhenbei suppressed his anger and walked down the steps given by the land battle.

"Lu Feng, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You must have resented me because of the paper marriage contract, so you vented your resentment on my brother."

At this time, behind King Zhenbei, Su Xue said with a cold face.

"It's ridiculous, you deserve my resentment." Lu Feng glanced at Su Xue lightly, and said calmly.

"Still arguing, you must be feeling dissatisfied because I fell in love with the Seventh Prince. I can understand your thoughts very well. Remember, you and I will never be together."

Su Xue thought she was right, and said coldly.

"My lord, with so many people present, I want to announce something here."

Lu Feng changed the subject and said to Zhennan Wang.


"Since Su Xue doesn't want to fulfill the marriage contract, I won't force it. Letting go of this marriage contract, so what if she is handed over to the Seventh Prince. I, Lu Feng, don't like her!"

Lu Feng took a step forward, raised his head, and announced loudly.

Shi Potian was shocked, and his words were astonishing, Lu Feng actually wanted to divorce Su Xue in public, which shocked countless people on the spot, and made them even more unable to see through this useless son.

"Are you going to divorce me?"

Su Xue only felt a thunderbolt in her eyes, she couldn't believe her ears, and her face suddenly turned pale.

That Lu Feng who used to stalk him so hard, where did he get the courage to divorce her in public, he just felt a slap on the face hard, and a strong sense of humiliation spontaneously emerged.

"That's right, your wish has been fulfilled. From today onwards, you are no longer my fiancee, so don't be self-righteous. This day never just revolves around you."

Lu Feng smiled indifferently. Lu Feng, who liked Su Xue, died of illness long ago, and he was the crown prince of the Tianxing Dynasty, so he didn't have the slightest feeling for her.

(End of this chapter)

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