Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1306 Ye Kuang

Chapter 1306 Ye Kuang
The one who came here was an old man in black with piercing eyes.

And those two upward slanted eyebrows showed that the old man's temper was a little hot.

"Two friends, I don't know why you came to my Ye family to find someone?"

The strength of the old man is also in the upper holy realm, and he can clearly feel the strength of Lu Feng and the lifeless white-haired man.

Especially that young man, who has a strong smell of blood on his body, as if he had killed countless people and accumulated it.

At this moment, his face was also a little wary.

Feng Wuya stared closely at the old man in front of him, his eyes suddenly lit up, and immediately shouted: "Second Master Ye, Ye Kuang! Sure enough, you brought the Ye family here."

"who are you?"

The old man, Ye Kuang, was shocked. He looked at Feng Wuya carefully. Although his face was familiar, he couldn't think of who he was.

"Have you forgotten me? I am Feng Wuya."

"Are you really Fengsheng!?"

It was only then that Ye Kuang understood where the sense of familiarity came from. If the white hair and this dead air were removed, it would indeed not be much different from the Fengsheng thousands of years ago.

He then laughed wildly and said, "Feng Wuya, so you haven't died yet. I thought you had died in the imperial city long ago. I don't know what happened to my Ye family today. Could it be that you were chased and killed by the imperial court? I can’t go on anymore, come to the Blood Desolation Realm to join my Ye family, the old man is very welcome here.”

When Feng Wuya's identity was confirmed, the tense atmosphere suddenly dissipated, and Ye Kuang was also very happy.

Although his words were a bit rough, Lu Feng could hear the sincere emotion inside.

He also breathed a sigh of relief. Since the Ye family still has Ye Kuang, a strong man in the upper holy realm, it shows that the Ye family is doing well in this blood barren world.

Feng Sheng shook his head happily, and said: "It's a pity that it's not what you think, but there is good news to tell you that the Ye family doesn't need to hide in the Blood Desolation Realm, but can return to the Imperial City."

"Return to the imperial city?"

Ye Kuang looked dazed, and said: "Are you kidding me, the emperor's power is in full swing, and I know their strength even in this bloody barren world."

Back then, the Ye family was divided into two branches.

Because Ye Kuang's team was far away from the imperial city, it didn't end up being slaughtered like the other team. Instead, under his leadership, they resolutely fled to the Blood Desolation Realm.

"This time is different from the past. The Xu family has long been expelled from the imperial city, and the master of the hidden hall, Lu Jiuyou, has reached the half-step ancient sage. He has returned with the power of the hidden hall, and wants to rebuild the imperial city. Today, Feng Sheng and I came to the Blood Barren Realm." I’m here to let you know, Ye Kuang.”

Lu Feng's voice came like the sky, containing a convincing magic power.

Ye Kuang's face was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, panting heavily: "Feng Wuya, is everything he said true?"

"Really, Hall Master Jiuyou has returned, and in the future, he will form a united front with the dark holy city, Qinglian holy land and other major forces to jointly fight against the atrocities of the imperial dynasty."

Feng Wuya replied firmly.

"Then, who is he?" Ye Kuang pointed to Lu Feng.

"I'm Lu Feng."

"You are Lu Feng!"

Ye Kuang took a deep breath.

Although their Ye family lives in seclusion in the Blood Desolation Realm, the situation in Dongxuan Region has been very turbulent in the past few years, and many people who fled have come here.

So it brought back a lot of news.

Lu Feng was the number one person everyone talked about.

As soon as he was born, he repeatedly killed the emperor's pilgrims, especially the two battles between the Great Pirate Domain and the Holy City, which made the world remember this name, and even the ancient sages were alarmed by him.

"Do you still have doubts?"

Lu Feng's eyes were piercing, and a huge pressure pervaded the air.

Ye Kuang said in a heavy voice: "There is no doubt anymore, the old man believes in you and Fengsheng, it's just that"

He immediately smiled wryly again.

"Is it because of that person named Fei Hong?"

Lu Feng guessed it all at once.

Ye Kuang said with a bitter face, "It's because of Fei Hong, and the martial law in Yecheng is also because of him."

"Who is he?" Lu Feng asked with a sullen face.

"The forces in the Blood Desolation Realm are complicated. Fei Hong himself is the strength of the upper holy realm, and behind him is an ancestor of the great perfection of the holy realm. With the help of his prestige, he is also a powerful tyrant in this area."

Ye Kuang described the matter in its original form.

The Blood Desolation Realm has always been fiercely fighting for resources. Not long ago, the Ye family discovered a crack in blood energy, which can extract a large amount of pure blood holy pills that can be used for cultivation.

And the so-called Holy Blood Pill is a kind of training thing extracted from the fusion of holy power and qi and blood.

Its effect is higher than that of the holy liquid, and it has a great effect even on the strong in the holy realm.

Here, a blood holy pill is worth about [-] drops of holy liquid.

In addition to Ye Kuang, the Ye family also gave birth to a high-ranking saint in the past thousand years. With this kind of strength, the blood gap was controlled.

Later, Fei Hong wanted to monopolize the blood rift.

The Ye family naturally refused, and a large amount of blood holy pills could be extracted from a crack in the blood energy, which would greatly promote the development of the Ye family in the future.

Due to the fact that Fei Hong had the Great Perfection of the Holy Realm behind him, the Ye family regressed. He sent someone from the Ye family to refine the Holy Blood Pill, and gave half of the proceeds to Fei Hong.

However, Fei Hong was not satisfied. In the Blood Desolation Realm, he was known as the Greedy Wolf. He suddenly captured all the strong men guarding the cracks in the blood energy of the Ye family, and even the Patriarch of the upper holy land was arrested by them. Living.

After hearing this, Xiao Hu sneered, and said, "This Fei Hong is greedy enough, he doesn't even accept this kind of retreat, Master Hu will go and kill him."

"They captured a large number of members of my Ye family, and Fei Hong said that if they don't collect 100 million blood holy pills and a half-step ancient sacred artifact in a day, then they will be Fei Hong's slaves forever."

Mentioning this, Ye Kuang's face became angry, but a deep sense of powerlessness filled his heart again.

In the past, he was known as the second master Ye, with such an arrogant personality, but now he is suppressed so hard to hold his head up in this blood desolate world.

If his Ye family went bankrupt, he could get together 100 million blood holy pills, but he couldn't get out the half-step ancient holy artifact.

In the Blood Barren Realm, without a powerful inscription master, it is impossible to forge powerful treasures, and they all rely on others to bring them from the outside world.

Ye Kuang used to have a half-step ancient sacred weapon, but it had been exchanged for cultivation resources within a thousand years.

"Then Fei Hong really knows how to open his mouth like a lion. One million blood holy pills are tens of billions of drops of holy liquid, and ordinary saint families can't get them out at all."

A strong killing intent erupted from Feng Wuya's body, causing the temperature here to plummet to winter.

Feng Wuya used to be gentle and gentle, but after undergoing great changes, after practicing the death technique, he gradually became bloodthirsty.

Ye Kuang's face was also very gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "Therefore, during this period of time, the Ye family has to sell everything that can be sold to raise resources for replacements. After all, the head of my Ye family is in their hands, and I any idea?"

(End of this chapter)

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