Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1379 Supreme Ancient Courtyard

Chapter 1379 Supreme Ancient Courtyard
The banquet was held soon, and many sexy maids set up tables one by one, serving many precious spiritual fruits.

There are also coquettish dancers performing dances, which keeps the atmosphere lively.

The seats here are arranged according to the strength of the various sects. For example, the Xianquanmen is only a few half-step ancient sage forces, and the seats are also very high.

"Master Ji Xun, this is the most famous dancer in my Linghai City, Fairy Fang, what do you think?"

On the most honored seat, the Great Sage of Linghai smiled and pointed at a seductive woman with radiant eyes.

Ji Xun admired it lightly, and said: "It's not bad, although it can't compare with the central gods, but it's pretty good in the Eastern Wilderness."

There was a kind of disdain in that sentence, and a gloomy look flashed across the face of the Great Sage of Linghai. He also knew the strength of the central gods, but Ji Xun's words were a little too disrespectful to him.

After all, he finally invited him to dance with him.
The dance music was going on, and the masters of many sects greeted Ji Xun, trying to curry favor with this great figure in the central gods and wilds.

Sect Master Huo Ming's face was always ugly, the divine jade he had prepared had already been lost, and Huo Yan was half dead under that finger, and he didn't have the face to toast.

What's interesting is that the Great Sage of Linghai, who was originally the master, has become a foil at this moment.

"Okay, this deity has important matters to come to Linghai Mountains this time, let's announce as soon as possible."

In the middle of the banquet, Ji Xun suddenly said disappointingly, without any scruples about the face of the Great Sage of Linghai.

The Great Sage of Linghai laughed dryly, suppressed the anger in his heart, stood up and said, "Masters of the Linghai Mountain Range, this is the Great Sage Ji Xun of the Central Shenhuang Supreme Ancient Academy. You all know why."

"Supreme ancient courtyard?" Lu Feng asked doubtfully.

A look of embarrassment flashed across the face of the Xianquan sect master next to him. Since he had just returned to the Linghai mountain range a few days ago, he only knew that the Linghai conference was held, but he didn't know that the Supreme Ancient Academy would come.

"That's right, I, and even the people from Zunguyuan, are here to recruit students for Guyuan."

Looking overbearingly, there seemed to be a scorching radiance, countless lights and shadows appeared behind Ji Xun, and there were many heavy space explosions vaguely.

At this moment, he seemed to be the master of Linghai Mountain Range.

"What kind of force is that? If you dare to come to Donghuang to openly recruit geniuses, aren't you afraid of causing a backlash from other forces?"

Judging from the reactions of these people, this Supreme Ancient Courtyard is a formidable power even in the Central Shenhuang.

"Strictly speaking, the Supreme Ancient Academy is not a force. It is an academy. It will open enrollment every once in a while. Anyone who meets the conditions can enter the ancient academy to practice, and it will not care about the forces behind you. Naturally, it will not It will make you break away from the original power."

"That is to say, you are still a person of that power, and you entered the Supreme Ancient Academy only for cultivation."

The Master of Xianquan sect flashed his eyes, but he sighed again. At his age, he had not entered the hope of the ancient sage, and naturally he was not qualified to go to the Supreme Ancient Academy to practice.

This is a very free place, it will not forcibly interfere with you, and you can still return to the original power after you have succeeded in cultivation.

As long as you don't do anything to subvert the ancient courtyard, and you can also choose to be an elder in the ancient courtyard.

Of course, there are strict requirements for the position of the real core.

"There is one more thing. Once you enter the Supreme Ancient Courtyard, if you find out that you have a connection with the True Self Holy Cult, no matter who it is, you will be killed."

Hearing this, Lu Feng also smiled. It seems that there is a big gap between the Supreme Ancient Academy and the True Self Sect.

It's no wonder that the Supreme Ancient Academy pursues freedom, while the True Self Sacred Cult wants to forcibly control all the strong in its hands.

This kind of domineering is a bit like what the emperor did in Dongxuan domain.

"It seems that Taoist friends also want to go to the central gods. With your talent and age, you are absolutely qualified to enter the Supreme Ancient Academy. Follow them to go to the central gods faster and safest."

The brilliance that flashed in Lu Feng's eyes made the master of Xianquan sect immediately guess it.

Lu Feng drank a glass of wine and said, "I don't want to join any forces."

"Entering the Supreme Ancient Academy does not mean joining forces, you can practice there, and there are many orthodox traditions left by the powerful, and it will not restrict your freedom while comprehending, and you can still enjoy the world of God and Desolation."

The master of Xianquan sect said fieryly.

Lu Feng paused. According to this, entering the Supreme Ancient Courtyard is also a good choice.

"Those who are less than one thousand years old can enter the supreme ancient courtyard, while those who are under five hundred years old are eligible to enter the ancient courtyard. "

But at this moment, Ji Xun's haughty voice sounded again, appearing to be superior.

Hearing this condition, Lu Feng was also shocked, the threshold of the Supreme Ancient Courtyard is too high.

It took hundreds of years even for You Ruo's talent to reach the Holy Land of Dzogchen. Of course, this has something to do with the environment.

Although there are many Taoisms in the Shenhuang Great World, it is not easy to achieve this condition before Chitose.

"Everyone who meets the requirements can gather people from the sect within the next few days, and follow Ji to find the great sage to go to the central gods and wilderness." The great sage of Linghai laughed.

"Supreme Ancient Courtyard." Sect Master Xianquan sighed, and said, "Old Sage Dameng had practiced in the Supreme Ancient Courtyard when he was young, and then entered the Ancient Sage. He was also an absolute outstanding figure at that time."

The Supreme Ancient Courtyard has always been said to be the cradle of the ancient sages. Many ancient sages in the Shenhuang Great World once practiced in the Supreme Ancient Courtyard for a period of time, and many orthodox traditions that are extinct in the world are preserved there.

Moreover, this force is aloof, does not seek hegemony, and maintains a good relationship with many powerful people, except for the group of lunatics from the True Self Sect, no one dares to offend them.

Therefore, some big forces with ancient sages are also happy to let the younger generation go to the ancient courtyard to practice for a period of time.

"The supreme ancient courtyard is also in the central gods, which is very consistent with my route, and there are many orthodox traditions there. If you want to become stronger in the shortest time, you may be able to go there."

Since the Supreme Ancient Court does not restrict freedom, and he is a member of the Dongxuan Domain, naturally he will not join the True Self Sacred Cult, so he wants to see it.

However, he didn't take the initiative to step out. He saw that Ji Xun and the Great Sage of Linghai were in harmony with each other. Obviously, there was some open and secret fighting in it, so he secretly watched the next battle.

Beside Ji Xun, the three Dzogchen Sacred Realms who followed swept their eyes, and one of them said, "Although Donghuang is weak, there are still some seedlings among you who are not weak. If you follow Ji Xun the Great Sage, enter Once the ancient courtyard is established, there will be greater development.”

As soon as he finished speaking, an old Taoist with a white beard stepped out leading a young man from the lower holy realm, and said, "This is an old junior, and I will trouble Great Sage Ji Xun to take care of him when he enters the Supreme Ancient Court in the future."

With a flash of brilliance in his palm, several divine veins worth hundreds of millions of pills fell into Ji Xun's hands.

Ji Xun didn't refuse either, and accepted it calmly.

As a great sage, he also possesses a lot of power in the Supreme Ancient Courtyard, and it is not free to get his protection.

Afterwards, many sect masters came with some youths or young women, presenting treasures one after another.

Ji Xun, on the other hand, waved his hand to let his companion accept him, stared at Lu Feng with infinite pressure, and suddenly said, "How about you, Lu Feng, you are fully qualified to enter the Supreme Ancient Academy, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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