Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1400 Ancient Armor

Chapter 1400 Ancient Armor
A strong fragrance can be smelled from a very far distance, and many students of the Supreme Ancient Academy walked towards a palace emitting clouds and smoke, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles, which can be called boundless.

On the day of the big meal, not only students from the Holy Realm come here to enjoy it, but some quasi-sages and handymen from the ancient courtyard are also eligible to come here, but they can only enjoy it at the outermost periphery.

There are not many real inner court disciples, but there are millions of outer court and handymen. When they gather for a meal, it is shocking.

Although Lu Feng had seen too many big scenes, this was the first time he saw millions of people eating together. The lively atmosphere even made his heart tremble.

You must know that those who can become the outer court or handyman must have quasi-sage practice, and then they are eligible to come to the Supreme Ancient Court, hoping to obtain the inheritance of Taoism.

"This is the Supreme Ancient Courtyard, a powerful force that can fight against the Lord True Self."

The strength of Supreme Ancient Courtyard can be inferred from just one day of feasting. Although they do not fight for hegemony or rule the roost, no one can ignore this giant power that can overthrow the world of Shenhuang.

And a powerful one depends not only on the strongest ancestor, but also on the disciples.

Only in this way can we ensure that the inheritance will never be cut off.

The Supreme Ancient Court gave these outer courts or handyman disciples the opportunity to practice, and even let them go on the day of the big meal, which would make them grateful and create a sense of belonging.

At this moment, Lu Feng realized something, and a will roared. He was determined to find the treasure house left by his father, bring the infinite resources back to the Eastern Profound Realm, and build the Tianxing Imperial City into a truly powerful force that could resist the imperial dynasty.

"The deepest part is where the disciples of the inner court eat. Let's find a place."

Meng Feiyu greeted Lu Feng familiarly, and came to the depths of the Holy Dining Hall.

There are far fewer people here, but everyone who can sit here is a strong person in the holy realm, a true elite of the ancient courtyard.

The place she was looking for was relatively quiet, and there were not many warriors around.

"What do you want to eat? There is a formation engraved on this table, which will reveal the food in the canteen. You just need to induce it." Meng Feiyu said.

Lu Feng was very interested. He looked at the table made of white jade. With a slight movement of the formation, countless names of dishes appeared in front of his eyes. With a random movement, a plate of food appeared on the table in an instant.

The aroma is tangy and steaming.

"Interesting, the Supreme Ancient Court has engraved fine formations in the Holy Dining Hall." Lu Feng said.

"Some food needs to verify the authority of your entry token. Look at this plate of sea dragon meat. It is a half-step ancient sage sea dragon that was killed in the central evil sea. Only students in the holy land of Dzogchen are eligible to eat it."

Meng Feiyu put the token in the past.

After a while, a pot of glistening sea dragon meat appeared on the table.

Lu Feng was secretly amazed that a half-step old sage monster in the Great Dream Tower was enough to cause a sensation, but it seemed much more common in the Supreme Ancient Courtyard.

"But where is the Central Niehai? I've heard that there is also a Niehai in the Eastern Wilderness." Lu Feng asked curiously.

Meng Feiyu chuckled, and said: "Nie Hai was created during the time when the gods fell, and there is a special power pervading there, and many inheritances of fallen gods can be found, and there are Nie Hai in the Wuhuang Continent, created by a special force. Communicate with each other in a mysterious space."

Lu Feng realized something.

He casually took a mouthful of delicacy similar to lotus seeds, his teeth were full of fragrance, and a perfect holy power filled his body.

Xiaohu doesn't have a disciple token, it can only order food through Lu Feng token, but the quantity of food ordered by each disciple is limited, and the excess must be made up with Supreme Divine Liquid.

"I finally found you, Junior Brother Lu, you are not in Lingmiao Peak, it turned out that Fairy Feiyu brought you to the Holy Dining Hall."

Just as the two of them were feasting, a figure walked quickly, and it was Gu Zhengyun who directly took the seat next to him.

"Brother Zhengyun is also coming to the Holy Food Hall to eat? How about we come together." Lu Feng greeted.

"The delicacies in the Holy Food Hall are cooked with the vitality liquid refined by the Supreme God Furnace. Every time there is a big meal, as long as they are not unable to escape, many great saints will come here to enjoy it."

Gu Zhengyun ordered a few delicacies, he took a bite and looked at Lu Feng, saying: "But this is just one of the things, there is another more important thing."

"Is it a reward from the ancient sage of Jiangshan?" Lu Feng moved his chopsticks.

Gu Zhengyun blushed and said: "That's right, Jiangshan Ancient Sage has discussed with other elders, and has given a large amount of rewards to all the meritorious persons in the Dream City."

"Originally, the ancient sage of Jiangshan wanted to give you a million supreme divine liquid, but you also know that there are many factions in the ancient courtyard, and the elders of the ancient sage dismissed the fact that you acted against Ji Xun and others, and that you flouted the rules. Junior brother Lu, you are expelled from the academy."

"Really." Lu Feng said calmly.

Mentioning this matter, Gu Zhengyun's face was full of anger.

Meng Feiyu also sneered.

The students were intriguing, and those elders would naturally be intriguing, and they were merciless when they could suppress it.

"For this matter, Jiangshan Ancient Sage even fought against the elders who opposed it. Later, the headmaster appeared and set the final reward."

"The dean of the Supreme Ancient Academy!"

Lu Feng was amazed.

You must know that the dean of the Supreme Ancient Courtyard is at the same level as the Lord True Self, and he can be called the person closest to God.

"I have already brought your rewards. Firstly, 20 Supreme Divine Liquid, and a one-step Kaiyuan Ancient Sacred Artifact. You should have chosen it yourself, but Old Sage Jiangshan worried that other elders would interfere with it, so he chose it for you privately."

While speaking, Gu Zhengyun handed the Supreme Divine Liquid and the Ancient Sacred Artifact to Lu Feng.

Naturally, there is no need to look at the Supreme Divine Liquid, the ancient sacred vessel is wrapped in a cloud of yellow light, and it can be seen that it is a khaki inner armor.

Each stigmata is like a mountain, although it looks weak and cicada wings, but it is extremely heavy, and wisps of black and yellow air permeate the air.

"This is the ancient armor, and it is also a high-quality Kaiyuan ancient sacred artifact. Even some ancient sacred artifacts are difficult to break." Gu Zhengyun said.

A flash of joy flashed in Lu Feng's eyes. He has no shortage of ancient sacred weapons, and even special types of ancient sacred weapons have Xuanshen Talisman Records. He only lacks an ancient sacred weapon for defense.

One must know that the refining of the defensive ancient sacred weapon is extremely complicated, far from being comparable to the attacking magic weapon. Even in the Great Dream Tower, he did not see one he liked.

With a shake of his body, he pierced his body with the ancient armor while the light was thick. The wisps of black and yellow air were extremely heavy, and strands of force pierced into the flesh and blood, slowly tempering his flesh.

Even Kuhai's physical body felt the vibration.

Lu Feng immediately understood that the strength of this ancient armor was not the defensive power, but the cherished mysterious and yellow energy, which could sharpen the body all the time.

"The ancient sage of Jiangshan has a heart." Lu Feng thought.

"Don't rush to be happy, this is not the most cherished reward, the dean has prepared a real gift for you."

(End of this chapter)

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