Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1488 Give it back to you!

Chapter 1488 Give it back to you!
The Heavenly Demon Formation is a unique and powerful method among the Heavenly Demon Clan.

At this moment, the nine hundred and ninety-nine roots were activated, and the reckless power shattered the sky, causing a series of shocking explosions, and the terrifying pressure was gathering rapidly, trying to squeeze Lu Feng into pieces.

"This is the power of the Heavenly Demon Formation? It's nothing more than that."

Every cell of Lu Feng swallowed a vast air wave, and he waved his arm casually to isolate the squeezing force.

"what happened?"

Tianyou was also surprised, he tried this Heavenly Demon Formation repeatedly, even if the Great Sage who was stronger than him fell into it, he could only wait for death, but facing Lu Feng seemed to lose all effect.

But this is just the simplest change of the Heavenly Demon Formation. If Lu Feng can be killed easily, he doesn't need to take such painstaking efforts.

He never underestimated this person.

"The power of refining, swallow!"

As soon as Tianyou came, the most powerful power of the Heavenly Demon Formation erupted, and those big Heavenly Demon pillars moved quickly with a mysterious and extraordinary trajectory.

Invisible fluctuations suddenly rolled up, and the black air was so overwhelming that it condensed into droplets the size of beans, and landed densely.

These are not ordinary water drops, each of them has the roaring power of a hundred million horses, piercing through space, and killing the Great Sage is no problem.

There was a protective aura around Lu Feng's body, trembling constantly when being bombarded by the water drops, it might be torn apart at any time.

"Hmph, first use my Heavenly Demon Formation to further consume your strength, and when you are too weak, you can capture and kill you in one fell swoop. Such a powerful body is suitable for my Tianyou's research and analysis."

Tianyou mobilized the power of the Heavenly Demon Formation regardless of the cost, and saw black clouds billowing and roaring, and one big hand after another kept slapping Lu Feng.

His idea was very good, after all, he believed that Lu Feng had already lost his strength under the previous pursuit.

"Should we do it?" Old Fu asked.

The Heavenly Demon Formation only trapped them, but most of the force still bombarded Lu Feng.

Xiaohu sneered, "No, you don't know Lu Feng, but he has never suffered too much. Just watch, when these demons should cry later."

"Lu Feng, as long as you surrender obediently, I may save your life and allow your holy soul to occupy a physical body again."

During this time, Tianyou was still uttering words to undermine Lu Feng's fighting spirit.

"No need, I already understand your Heavenly Demon Formation."

Lu Feng said suddenly, he spread his hands slowly, and the two eternal holy lights pushed forward, and the water droplets were torn apart under the majestic force, forming a vacuum.

"Ranging nonsense, my Heavenly Demon Formation was transformed by countless sages of my Heavenly Demon Race, and it has long been perfected."

Tianyou slapped his palms hard, and those big Heavenly Demon Pillars trembled wildly, and each beam of light was a powerful and incomparably powerful Heavenly Demon phantom.

These heavenly demon phantoms opened their huge mouths to devour the aura around Lu Feng's body.

"Nothing in this world is perfect, even a perfect formation has its flaws."

In an instant, Lu Feng tore apart countless heavenly demons with his palm, and his power was extremely violent. He suddenly bullied himself towards Tianyou, and a ball of scorching sun with countless supernatural powers brandished it violently bombarded away.

Tianyou was taken aback, he didn't expect that Lu Feng still had such ferocious power at this moment, but his physical body was not strong, so he quickly dodged to avoid it.

At this moment, a flaw appeared in the Great Heavenly Demon Pillar, and Lu Feng shattered more than a dozen of them with one kick, turning them into countless fragments.

"My Great Heavenly Demon Pillar!" Tianyou roared angrily.

"Xiao Hu, Mr. Fu, it's up to you two, take away all these big demon pillars, and leave these demons to me to deal with."

Lu Feng suddenly moved the mysterious tome, and his body split into three shadows that were difficult to distinguish between true and false. At the same time, he killed Tianyou, leaving him no time to care about the Great Heavenly Demon Pillar.

"Now you must be holding on, look at my Heavenly Demon God Palm!"

The black robe on his body suddenly shattered, and a burst of bright light flashed. On this day, there was a closed vertical eye between Tianyou's eyebrows, as if opening the door to the sky could be opened in a blink of an eye.

And he also has a hard armor like dark purple skin.

"Purple Heavenly Demon, this is already very honorable in the Heavenly Demon Clan. If you can turn your whole body into purple gold, your status will be equivalent to the Heavenly Asura of the Asura Clan."

Zhenyan stared at Tianyou closely. The Tianmo clan was born to be perfect fighters. Although they were not outstanding in terms of physical body and supernatural power, they were all average.

Tianyou exploded into his warrior form, spewing out many mouthfuls of heavenly demon energy, a palm of heavenly demon, emitting eternal power, and wanted to destroy Lu Feng with absolute power.

"Tianna Mountain and River!"

The sun, moon, and stars are rising and falling along with the mountains, rivers, and earth.

Lu Feng's face didn't change for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, he actually accommodated the Heavenly Demon God's Palm into the mountains and rivers, and wiped it away with boundless mighty power.

Lu Feng's figure suddenly disappeared.

But Tianyou's face suddenly changed, he slapped a palm in a certain direction suddenly, and a sharp blade grew out of his arm.

But the moment Lu Feng appeared, the radiance in his hand was so hot that it was frightening, he immediately wrapped the arm inside, and in an instant, one arm exposed the white bones.

The flesh and blood on Tianyou's arm was actually melted.

This scene happened too fast, almost in an instant, and before Tianyou could react, the situation suddenly changed drastically.

Lu Feng was extremely vicious, and he showed no mercy to these people who dared to chase him down. The majestic power of the world blasted out one after another, pulverizing one piece of the world after another, bombarding Tianyou hundreds of palms almost in the blink of an eye.

Even though he was protected by armor, he was still like a broken sack.

This kind of power was so powerful that Tianyou couldn't breathe.

"It hurts!" Tianyou yelled, looking at the bloody body, he immediately shouted angrily: "Zhenyan, what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

Zhenyan also reacted from the shock, he was not seriously injured when he was chased by the ancient sage, how could he still burst out with such amazing strength at this time.

But at this time, he couldn't allow him to think too much.

"Go to hell! Firestorm!"

The demons with the strongest magic power are the real demons, and their misty space is also extremely huge.

With a bang, Zhenyan was surrounded by flames, countless mana surged out, and a word of fire flew out, among which was the Tushi Shenhuo that he auctioned at the Demon God's Pavilion.

The moment the ripples of fire spread, he felt an astonishing heat, fearing that the great sage would be burned to ashes as soon as he touched the Tushita divine fire.

There was a cold cruelty on Lu Feng's face. He watched the Tushi Divine Fire flying towards him, and a brilliant light of good fortune condensed in the palm of his hand. Can't move.

Zhen Yan was shocked, he had completely refined the Tushi Shenhuo.

But at this moment, he felt that Tushi Shenhuo was about to escape from his control, and the traces of him inside were rapidly fading away.

"Return my Tushi Shenhuo!"

Behind him appeared a huge holy figure with eight flaming arms. During the waving, the momentum was endless, as if a demon god was crushing him.

"Since you want it so much, I'll give it back to you."

The power of the world enveloped the Doushi Shenhuo, and Lu Feng threw it casually, like a fire lotus, when it was close to Zhenyan, it suddenly exploded, and endless waves of fire swept out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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