Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 15 Undercurrent

Chapter 15 Undercurrent
The huge palace covers a vast area, more than ten miles in size, like a small city.

Zhennan Wang Luzhan took Lu Feng all the way to the depths of the palace, and soon stopped in front of a pavilion.

"Go in." Lu Zhan said.

This is the place where King Zhennan retreated. Without his order, even the queen could not enter without authorization.

Walking into the pavilion, there were many blood-stained magic soldiers hanging, many of which had been broken in two, which made Lu Feng take a few more glances.

"I brought back these magical soldiers from the battlefield. Their masters are all heroes of my Lu family. They have already died on the battlefield, and the blood on them is the blood of the people of Heishui." At this time, Lu Zhan stroked A spear, said lightly.

"Warriors of the Black Water Country." Lu Feng thought for a while, of course he knew the origin of the Black Water Country.

Tianlin Kingdom is bordered by several kingdoms. In order to obtain more resources, the major kingdoms are constantly fighting.

And the Blackwater Kingdom is the most powerful of the several kingdoms. The two countries fight openly and secretly every year, and wars often break out, and the Lu family is the first line of defense to defend the border.

It can be said that without the Lu family, apart from the royal family, the other major families would not be able to withstand the iron cavalry of the Blackwater Kingdom.

And Lu Zhan just rose from the war, and it can be said that he was killed step by step to the position of Patriarch.

Lu Zhan nodded, came to the desk, and sat down straight like a loose body. His whole body exuded a majesty of iron and blood, obviously his hands were stained with a lot of blood.

This aura didn't change Lu Feng's face. On the contrary, he sat down calmly, which made Lu Zhan take a few more glances.

"Xiaofeng, you may be very confused why I would leave you aside and ignore you. You must be very dissatisfied with me, even hate me." Lu Zhan said.

Lu Feng didn't speak. To be honest, he has no reason to hate Lu Zhan, because he is not the real Lu Feng, he was reborn.

"As a father, I am unqualified, but as a head of the family, I did nothing wrong. I ignored you before, but I was actually protecting you."

Lu Zhan let out a long sigh and said slowly.

"Your big change has a lot to do with the queen. I know all of this, but Xiaofeng remembers that Tianlin Kingdom is not as peaceful as you imagined, and the identity of the queen is not as simple as you imagined."

"The four major families plus the royal family are the most powerful forces in the entire Tianlin Kingdom, and the Lu family is the most powerful among the four major families, leading the other families and the royal family to form a delicate balance in the past 200 years."

It's no secret that the relationship between the four major families and the royal family is indeed not that friendly.

With one drink and one peck, the four major families and the royal family have a symbiotic relationship, and no one can gain a foothold in the cruel Dongxuan Realm without it.

The kingship or imperial power in the world of martial arts is not that heavy, everything is based on strength.

"The queen is the younger sister of His Majesty Lin Baye. She has gone too far in some things, and even I dare not touch her easily." Lu Zhan's voice was somewhat cold.

It can be said that the combination of the two has no emotional factors at all, it is just a relationship of interests between the two families, and marriage is needed to stabilize this relationship.

In fact, several major families and royal families have such marriage relationships.

Hearing this, Lu Feng also showed a bit of relief on his face, the queen has such a big background, no wonder she dared to do small tricks in the palace.

Lu Zhan looked at Lu Feng, and continued: "I have to say that Lin Baye's ambitions are indeed great. In the past few years, the four major families have been suppressed by him, and they have already declined. The four major families became his vassals."

Hearing this, Lu Feng also understood a little bit.

After 200 years of development, the dominance of the royal family has been completely consolidated. In Lin Boye's generation, they are even more powerful, and they want to completely suppress the four major families.

In terms of strength and wealth, they are much stronger than the four major families.

And Lin Baye himself is powerful, reaching the ninth level of real martial arts. With the blessing of many resources, he may become the first strong man of the Tianwu realm in the Tianlin Dynasty.

This is naturally what the four major families do not want to see. Once they break through Tianwu, the balance of the kingdom will be broken, and the four major families will completely become vassals.

Qiang Dalufeng, who is a strong man in the Tianwu realm, knows that he can call the wind and rain in the Tianlin Dynasty.

"Your talent is the most shining among the nine fathers, but the queen's eyesight is shallow, and she is bewitched by Lin Baye, and she sees you as a thorn in the side. The reason is that she is afraid that your excellence will make the future Patriarch's position fall to you. , then poisoned you, and when I found out, it was already too late."

The royal family is powerful, and with the help of the queen, many geniuses of the Lu family have been secretly suppressed.

The queen thought she had done it very secretly, but in fact Lu Zhan knew about it a long time ago, but there was no conclusive evidence, so she couldn't be blamed.

Innocent questioning of the queen would be regarded as disrespect to the royal family, and would be caught by Lin Boye, which would give him even more reason to suppress the Lu family. You must know that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and the Lu family is no less than a tiger sleeping next to the royal family's pillow.

Lu Zhan was also very helpless in this situation. He knew that the queen was like a poisonous scorpion, but they were husband and wife after all. Besides, the queen also gave birth to two sons for him, one of whom was a rare genius.

For various reasons, Lu Zhan, the iron-blooded patriarch who had killed countless people, could only endure it.

"This poison is not owned by my Tianlin Dynasty. It should be handed over to the queen by Lin Baye. I have been looking for an antidote for my father, but I have tried my best and have no clue. If you don't forget you in a corner, you can't live with the queen's heart." today."

Everyone was deceived by Lu Zhan, even the queen did not do anything wrong in the years to come because of this, thinking that he had completely forgotten Lu Feng, but the truth is that Lu Zhan has been looking for an antidote, and forgetting is just an alternative protection of.

After all, it's easy to hide an open gun, but it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

Lu Feng was silent. He understood that Lu Zhan did not lie to him. The toxin was indeed very powerful. It is common sense that the Lu family could not find an antidote.

The heart of the big family is the most sinister. Lu Zhan's approach is right. After all, he does not have a strong backer behind him in this life, and Lu Zhan cannot always protect Lu Feng.

"Now do you understand my painstaking efforts?" Lu Zhan's eyes were full of kindness.

"I understand a little bit." Lu Feng nodded.

Different from Star Emperor's strong paternal love for him, this father in front of him silently guards him in another way.

"That's good, now you give me your hand."

Lu Zhan stretched out his big hand full of scars to hold Lu Feng's arm, and a burst of numb profound energy poured into his body, wandering in Lu Feng's body.

After a long time, surprise and shock flashed in Lu Zhan's eyes, and he said, "It's weird, you don't have any toxins in your body, and your physical body is very strong."

In his memory, Lu Feng was still a sick child a few months ago, but in the blink of an eye, a month has passed, and earth-shaking changes have taken place.

"A few months ago, I accidentally discovered a strong man's cave, which contained a bottle of elixir, which dissolved the toxins in my body." Lu Feng explained.

In the first rebirth, even Lu Zhan can't say it, so Lu Feng found an excuse.

Hearing this, Lu Zhan laughed loudly and said, "The sky never ends, my son, this is a chance that God bestows on you."

Lu Zhan didn't doubt what Lu Feng said, which warrior didn't have any adventures.

For example, Lin Baye also got a super-body pill left over from ancient times when he was young, which gave him the hope of breaking through Tianwu.

"I don't care about your chance, it belongs to you, and today you break through and build up, it is not a bad thing for you, maybe it can make you go further on the road of martial arts."

In the past, Lu Feng was murdered secretly by the queen, which made Lu Zhan very sad. You must know that the genius who was qualified to open his veins at the age of 13 has never been recorded in the entire history of the Tianlin Dynasty. His other most powerful son, Lu Han, is just Only at the age of 14 did he break through the Tongmai Realm.

Lu Han is the son of Zhennan King Lu Zhan and the queen. He is 21 years old this year. He left the royal city a few years ago to join a powerful force with a strong Tianwu.

It is said that he has already broken through to the Profound Mansion Realm, and he is also a powerful genius.

 Starting today, it will be updated steadily, with two to three chapters every day. I hope more friends will support Shamao. Your support is my motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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