Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1509 Countless [4 more]

Chapter 1509 Countless [Fourth Update]


The treasury, which had been covered in dust for thousands of years, was finally slowly opened because of Lu Feng's arrival, emitting a breath of time, so fascinating.

Lu Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart, and the moment the treasure house door was completely opened, he waved his hand, and with a dodge, he jumped into the treasure house.

As soon as he entered the treasure house, there was a strong aura pushing towards him. This hall was extraordinarily huge, and the surroundings were decorated with golden orbs, like stars.

He has never seen such a magnificent hall.

"Where are these rivers?"

Lu Feng saw that inside the treasure house, there were long rivers full of divine power and devilish energy flowing, like a series of celestial rivers, with almost thousands of them, which seemed to fit some kind of celestial number, maintaining the foundation of the hall.

"Oh my god, these are all divine veins and demonic veins. There are so many of them that they can't be counted. I'm afraid that tens of millions of magic pills and god pills can be produced!"

The little tiger exclaimed, its eyes were shocked.

At that time, ten trillion magic pills could cause a shocking sensation in the Demon God Pavilion, but now there are trillions directly, which can be compared to the last powerful family with the world's ancient saints.

"My lord, how did he collect so many divine veins and demonic veins!?"

Mr. Fu just found it unimaginable.

Generally speaking, even if a person becomes an ancient sage, his wealth is only around tens of trillions, and only those who are extremely rich can have tens of billions.

Only those ancient sages in the world who don't take magic pills and god pills seriously can have them.

This is only the most conservative estimate. The divine veins and demonic veins here overlap, and it is difficult to count how many there are for a while, and I am afraid that there will be a lot more than expected in the end.

Now Lu Feng and the others are like beggars who have come to the emperor's treasure house, and they are shocked everywhere.

What is even more surprising is that these magical veins and divine veins are just randomly flowing in the treasure house, and in the deeper depths, there are actually ancient holy artifacts shining with bloodthirsty aura.

Among these ancient sacred artifacts are knives, swords, armors, and spears, and their quality varies from Kaiyuan to Tianchang.

"This place is full of ancient sacred artifacts. I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen so many ancient sacred artifacts!"

Elder Fu trembled all over when he saw it. There are hundreds of thousands of ancient sacred artifacts that can be seen here.

There are still many sealed in boxes around!

Take out what kind of concept this is, even the Old Sage will be scared to death, it is a rolling fortune.

"The patterns in these ancient sacred artifacts are all the same, and they are very simple, and the refining is also very rough, not refined at all, much weaker than the ancient sacred artifacts at the same level now."

Lu Feng casually grabbed an ancient sacred sword with a very simple formation pattern, only pursuing fierce killing, without any auxiliary magical powers.

"It seems that they are all carved out of the same mold." Xiaohu, who is proficient in refining weapons, saw some clues.

"You guessed right." Lu Feng waved a sword light casually, and said, "These ancient sacred artifacts are all refined in large quantities using the same method, and even the materials are exactly the same."

This kind of ancient sacred weapon is too weak, and some strong people can't use it.

If it is used to equip a group of saints, each of them is wearing a complete set of ancient sacred armor and ancient sacred weapons.

It's hard to imagine what kind of steel torrent this is, as long as you don't meet the ancient sage strong, it will almost be crushed.

"I know. In the period of the gods, the gods are high above, regardless of everything, and the heavenly kings and some powerful gods below will form powerful legions in order to occupy more territory. Obviously, these standard ancient sacred weapons are equipped with those legions."

Originally, with Fu Lao's strength, he wouldn't know these secrets, but this is all he knew by Lu Xingxuan's side.

And with so many ancient sacred artifacts, even the most powerful gods don't have the financial resources. Only those who are close to the heavenly king and the real heavenly king have enough strength to do it.

"Father, did you evacuate the treasury of a powerful and powerful god? I left all these weapons of war in the treasury. If I bring him back to the Eastern Profound Realm, with one hand, then facing the imperial dynasty, it will be enough to crush him!" kill them!"

Lu Feng trembled with excitement.

There are too many ancient sacred artifacts, even if each one is of poor quality, it cannot stand up to the large number, and it is completely a killer.

He is more and more sure now.

"Lu Feng, there are still three sets of world ancient sacred armor and weapons here." Xiaohu shouted loudly.

Lu Feng saw that there were indeed three sets of world ancient sacred armor and weapons. Although they were the same as before, there were some special dao marks in them. Obviously, only ancient saints were eligible to enjoy them in the age of the gods.

"I don't like the shackles of armor, and Xiaohu doesn't need it either, Mr. Fu, you can choose one." Lu Feng looked overjoyed, "I can give the remaining two sets to the Dark Demon Lord and the strong in the Dongxuan Domain."

"And there are still so many magic veins and divine veins. Before I leave, I will buy treasures and sharp weapons in Shenhuang, and make all preparations for resisting the emperor!"

Lu Feng really got rich.

"Young lord, these are probably not the only treasures left behind by the lord. Look inside, there are many charming lights!"

As Fu Lao pointed out, these standard ancient sacred artifacts are nothing. In the deeper power, there are beams of light like stars.

I was so shocked that I couldn't speak, I was suffocating.

Even if Lu Feng is well-informed and has handled so many treasure houses, he can't help but let out a long breath when he sees the treasures in the depths of the treasure house.

Lu Feng saw that there were pill bottles containing countless pills. Almost all the pills that could be placed here were the supreme pills that the powerful in the holy realm could use, but they were randomly discarded beside them like garbage.

Only those precious ones are specially placed.

"That gleaming one is actually the Supreme Resurrection Pill. It is said that as long as you have a breath, you can be saved no matter how serious the injury is!"

Old Fu exclaimed.

"Jiuzhuan Tongtian Pills can only be made by gods. One pill can reach the sky. It is not a problem to ascend to the holy realm, and the great sage can easily break through!"

Lu Feng looked at the Jiuzhuan Tongtian Pill, which only had a dozen of them, and the surprise in his heart could not be expressed in words.

What Xuanmen Zhenlong Pill, Taixiaotian Lei Pill, Jiujiu Shengtian Pill
Too much!
It is almost innumerable, and the number cannot be counted, all of which can only be refined by the means of the most powerful gods.

Rotating in mid-air like the sun, moon and stars.

Many elixirs now have no Xeon gods and have become legendary masterpieces, but now they are displayed in front of Lu Feng one by one, and he can no longer estimate the wealth in front of him.

If it is taken out, I am afraid that a powerful and immortal pinnacle sect can be established immediately.

Not only that, there are many rare treasures, which are placed like garbage, and even the Supreme Dean will be moved by the truly precious ones, and they will fight for them.

There are also many ancient sage-level and some supreme god-level exercises here.

One must know that Lu Feng's martial arts that can be taught to the martial artists of the Eastern Xuan Region cannot be learned at all, and he cannot teach some of the martial arts that he got from the Supreme Ancient Academy.

Taking these out now will benefit countless warriors in the Eastern Profound Domain.

It is enough to bring about a flourishing age and the revival of martial arts civilization!

"Father's treasure left in time and space is the greatest opportunity for me and Dongxuanyu. He has emptied a treasure house of powerful and powerful gods, and left it here, waiting for me to discover it. Let me use it Come to take the most iron-blooded revenge against the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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