Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1547 I am the only immortal

Chapter 1547 I am the only immortal
The Holy Lord of Myself has condensed the great world, and he is as terrifying as the Supreme Dean, the strongest people in this endless land of gods and desolations.

Although everyone has different ideas from him, they have to admit the power of the Holy Lord of Self. If it weren't for the suppression of this world, he would have been the most powerful god.

Moreover, it is also extremely powerful among the strongest gods, and has the appearance of becoming a heavenly king.

Everyone was also very curious about the birthday gift he gave.

"Immortal Venerable, please take a look."

Zhen Chiyang patted his waist, and a long jade box appeared.

"Immortal Venerable, the treasure inside is sealed by the Holy Lord, and we cannot open it with our strength, so please Xian Venerable do it yourself." Zhenhan cried.

Before Xianzun opened his mouth, the Taoist of Tianshan came out with a smile, and said: "I have heard that I, the Holy Lord, is a genius. From the eyes of the old Taoist, this jade box has a seal of supernatural powers. Let the old Taoist open it first. Xianzun, you What do you think?"

Apparently, this is the real self-sacred lord deliberately testing the strength of the immortal.

"Please." Zhen Chiyang sneered.

Taoist Tianshan came forward, he didn't underestimate the seal, instead he was extremely cautious, a world force swept out, turned into a mountain of immortal light in his hands, and grabbed it fiercely.

The Immortal Venerable is also watching. There are also some immortal techniques in the Tianshan Sect, and the Taoist of Tianshan used the art of moving the world and collapsing the mountain.

Boom boom boom!
The jade box suddenly erupted with a strong light, turning into a dazed hand with clearly visible lines on it, as if condensing countless worlds together, the sudden burst of power shocked the nine heavens and ten earths.

The mountain transformed by Taoist Tianshan couldn't bear the pressure of this palm, and it shattered directly.

A force struck violently, and he himself retreated back and forth, as if he was about to be blasted out of the Immortal Sect's space, but was caught back by the Immortal Venerable.

Everyone was shocked, the world's ancient sages, Tianshan Taoists who had lived for countless thousands of years, could not even break a seal of the true self, and instead suffered a very big loss.

This is simply incredible.

"Taoist Tianshan, you are getting old." Zhen Chiyang mocked.

"You are courting death!"

Hearing this sarcasm, the warriors of Shenhuang were all angry.

"The old Taoist is indeed old, and he has been sitting for tens of thousands of years." The Taoist of Tianshan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said: "The strength of the real self is unfathomable. Although he is not the strongest god, he is still victorious. The old man is indeed no match."

His heart is very peaceful, and he is not ashamed to lose in the hands of the true self.

Because the realm of the real self is not as high as the gods, but the strength, xinxing and mana are all the strongest gods.

"Xianzun, it's your turn." Zhen Hanyin said immediately.

"If even the immortal can't open this jade box, then his face will be tarnished, and this birthday celebration will become a joke."

"Sigh, the real self is too strong, only the supreme dean can compete with him, even the first ancestor of the Hong family, the master of the gods and demons, is several times weaker, and although the immortal is strong, the years of cultivation are too long after all. short."

Many people held their breath and were nervous.

Immortal Venerable's gaze was sharp, and at this moment a ray of immortal light suddenly flashed away, and the big hand suddenly grabbed it in panic.


It was like the universe was first opened, the primordial image appeared with the explosion sound of splitting the sky and the earth, that big hand was actually broken open in this instant.

"The strength of the Immortal Venerable is unfathomable." Tianshan Taoist said with emotion.

He couldn't break it, but suffered a huge backlash from the seal, and the immortal only needed one blow.

This shows that even if the Immortal Venerable is not as good as the Lord True Self, he is not far behind.

Zhen Chiyang and Zhen Hanyin's pupils constricted, and then they sneered, "The Immortal Lord is powerful, please see Bao."

With a swipe of Xianzun's finger, the treasure box came crashing down, and a strong fairy light burst out with supreme sword intent.

Inside is a sword, the whole body is made of fairy stone, thin and long, only two fingers wide, but it has laid down countless principles.

"This, this turned out to be the Sword of Immortal Execution!"

The ancient sage Xianlong immediately stood up with a shocked expression on his face.

"Holy Master True Self, what kind of tricks are you playing? Today is the 5-year birthday of this Immortal Venerable. What is your purpose in sending my Immortal Sect's Zhuxian Sword? Could it be that you want to win this Immortal Venerable to join the True Self Sect? "

Xianzong has eighteen killing supernatural powers.

And Xianhua Tianwang refined eighteen most holy artifacts for this purpose.

However, some things were lost in the battle of the gods period, and today the Holy Lord of Self actually sent the Holy Sword of Immortal Execution as a congratulatory gift, which made the Immortal Venerable cautious.

"Xianxian Sword originally belonged to Xianzong, today I just return it to its original owner." A voice came out.

"Could it be that the real Lord has come to Xianzong?" Many people panicked.

"It's okay, this is a supernatural power he left on the Zhuxian sword, and his real body is still in the abyss world." The immortal master suppressed everything, fearless and fearless.

"Your strength is really strong. If you and I and the stubborn Supreme Dean join forces to gather the power of the entire gods, break the suppression of the gods after the fall, and go to the Supreme God's Way together, we will be the ones waiting for you!" ultimate purpose."

The divine and supreme light emerged from the Zhuxian sword, and then a blurred figure appeared, confronting the immortal.

There is a circle of faith light behind him, setting off him like a god, not the big devil that God has been talking about.

After all, his image at this moment is too bright and majestic.

"Although your plan is good, you have to sacrifice the entire Shenhuang. The price is the extinction of all spirits, the destruction of all things, the decay of the Shenhuang, and a complete death. In order to satisfy your own selfishness, this is the reason why the Supreme Dean disagrees. .”

Xianzun shook his head, obviously refusing.

"When I live forever and jump out of fate, I can rescue them one by one from the long river of fate. This is just a temporary sacrifice, and their resistance is nothing but ignorance."

My Lord has spoken of His grand plan.

"It's a joke, even God Lord Hong didn't jump out of fate, you dare to mention these four words, and you are not afraid of being ridiculed." The immortal sneered again and again, "I have accepted the Zhuxian sword today, and I don't agree with your plan. .”

"No one in this world can understand my great wish, only I come from destiny."

My God uttered a godly sigh.

"The fate is up to me, not to the sky. My lord, you have said enough, well, I won't keep you, and it's time to leave now."

Immortal Venerable's celestial light was shining brightly, a long white line cut from it, and directly killed the True Self Lord.

Do it right away, very domineering.

"Xianzun, let me see your great fairy art."

Although it was just a phantom, the Holy Lord of Self also possessed incomparably magnificent power. With a light blow, time and space trembled, and the white line was knocked into the air.

"Such a powerful Holy Lord, if his real body comes, who will block it." Countless people trembled.

"I am the only immortal! Destiny is only me!"

At this moment, in the world, the prehistoric universe, and the destiny, there is only one immortal. She can penetrate through the ages with a single glance, reorganize the order, and become an eternal existence.

"The immortals of all ages, there are many amazing talents and gorgeous people, but you are the only one who has cultivated to become the only immortal, but you, a woman, also want to fight against fate, and you are destined to be submerged in the torrent of fate. I have already seen your future , very, very miserable, and died very, very cruelly, only by cooperating with me can the fate be reversed."

The words of the true self are full of delusion.

"Who can control my life? Do you dare to say that you have spied on my fate with just one mouth? I am the only one."

The Immortal Venerable is extremely domineering, spits out a long light, and controls the power of the only immortal, blasting away the phantom of the true self in an instant.

"This time I sent the Sword of Immortal Execution. Based on the capacity of your immortal venerable, I think I can let Zhen Chiyang and Zhen Hanyin comprehend the immortal stele, and see if the Tianjiao Qiang handed over by me is more powerful than you so-called divine geniuses." Outperformed."

"I have agreed to this, so you just dissipate."

With a blow from the Immortal Venerable, the last traces of the True Self, the Holy Lord, were scattered.

(End of this chapter)

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