Chapter 1563
Lu Jiuyou is the calmest and most stable person among all the people here, even Lu Feng and the Dark Demon Lord can't compare to him in this regard.

But at this moment, he let out an exclamation.

The dark demon lord frowned slightly, sat on the main seat, and asked, "What's the matter, has something happened to Jiuyou? It's still the emperor's move."

"Not at all, but something big happened in the sea of ​​death." Panic appeared on Lu Jiuyou's face.

"Sea of ​​Death, what big event can happen there, the imperial power is not there for the time being, but it is caused by some sea clans, and it can be suppressed with the hands of the Seven Emotions Ancient Sage, it is nothing to be afraid of." The Dark Lord said.

Lu Jiuyou's eyes became complicated, and he said with a gloomy face: "It's the Sea Clan who caused the trouble, but this time, a shocking event happened. Many Sea Clans who originally took refuge in Qinglian Holy Land were wiped out in just a few days!"

"What, why do they have such great ability." You Ruo exclaimed in surprise, "There are not only the spy from our hidden hall, but also the spies from Qinglian Holy Land, as long as they take action, they will be aware of it immediately, how could they There is time!"

"My people just told me that dozens of sea clans, big and small, were wiped out at once, including the mermaid clan. The whole clan was wiped out!"

Lu Jiuyou threw out another shocking news.

Not only Lu Feng was stunned, but even the Dark Demon Lord froze and stood there for a long time before slowly saying: "Jiu You told me that all these news are false and belong to you. I made a mistake, the mermaid clan is not extinct, they are not extinct!"

"The news can't be false. This is what the escaped mermaids said." Lu Jiuyou shook his head.

"Grandpa Demon Lord, Xinyue's home is gone, Xinyue has no home."

At this moment, several voices suddenly came running from the hall, and a heart-piercing cry resounded, very sad and helpless.

"Heart Moon."

Lu Feng saw Lan Xinyue whose eyes were swollen from crying. After not seeing her for a long time, she also reached the holy realm.

But Lu Feng's heart was extremely heavy. He saw several bloody and seriously injured mermaid strongmen behind Lan Xinyue, and he knew that this matter was probably true.

Mermaids are likely to become the dust of history.

"Xinyue don't cry, come to Grandpa Demon Lord." Dark Demon Lord's eyes were dark, cold blood filled the air, he looked at the mermaid strong men, and said coldly: "Are you all from the mermaid tribe?"

"Dark Demon Lord, you want to avenge our mermaid tribe!" These strong men of the mermaid tribe almost rolled over, saying with hatred: "Thousands of mermaids, thousands of people, only a few thousand people escaped in one day. , the entire ancestral land of the mermaid clan is full of blood, corpses, and cries of the undead, miserable! Too miserable!"

The dark demon lord's body froze like an electric shock, and his voice trembled: "What about Lan Xi?"

"The old patriarch has already fought with them at the cost of destroying the ancestral land in order to let our thousands of people escape, burning his life, and his soul has fallen."

The mermaids gritted their teeth, blood and tears flowed from the corners of their eyes.

The dark demon lord's body didn't move for a moment, but suddenly he leaned back, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and laughed bitterly: "Haha, Lan Xi, I haven't even seen your last side, I'm considered a What kind of demon lord kills tens of thousands of people in this world, but I don’t have the guts to meet you, I am indeed a cowardly and cowardly person!”

The Dark Demon Lord is really heartbroken, he has aged a lot all of a sudden, and his few lifespans are passing away like water, and it is almost time to die directly.

The aura of the five decays of heaven and man is getting stronger and stronger.

"Who can do it?"

Lu Feng didn't expect such a thing to happen. The mermaid clan was wiped out at a lightning speed, exactly the same as the big change in the sky.

And the annihilation was even more thorough. Of the tens of thousands of clansmen, only a few thousand clansmen escaped alive. Even the old patriarch Lan Xi died in the turmoil.

He had been to the mermaid clan before and received warm hospitality from the old patriarch, but now it has turned into such a tragic scene.

"Grandma." You Ruo's face also turned pale.

"The two ancient sages descended from the sky, and they learned from their mouths that they were the ancient sages of the Emperor Sacred Sect and the Kun Clan. They broke through the protection of my mermaid clan in one fell swoop, and they didn't even have a chance to ask Qinglian Holy Land for help. "

"There are ancient sages in the Kun clan, but there are not many great sages in the Emperor's Sacred Sect. Where did the ancient sages come from?" Lu Jiuyou also lost his former calm and shouted loudly.

"There is absolutely no lie, it is indeed the ancient sage of the Emperor's Sacred Sect!" The strong man of the mermaid race said with bloodshot eyes: "Not only my mermaid clan, but in just a few days, tens of trillions of sea clans have been wiped out. The entire sea of ​​death is dyed red."

Too bad!
It is conceivable that these dozens of Sea Clans are wiped out in an instant, which will cause a huge impact on all the Sea Clans. Many Sea Clan groups that were still vacillating will completely surrender to the emperor.

And it is also a deterrent to the delicate situation in the 72 states.

They are attacking their hearts and want to disintegrate the power of the alliance.

The Dark Demon Lord wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth at this moment, his body was staggering, but his eyes were terribly cold, and he said, "Is there nothing left for Lan Xi?"

"The old patriarch, she destroyed the ancestral land and caused a lot of trouble for the Emperor Sacred Sect and the Kun Clan. After the fall, the remnant body was destroyed, and the destruction was clean, leaving nothing behind."

The mermaid roared in pain.

"Haha, Emperor Sacred Sect, Kun Clan, I want you all to die, and all of you to be buried with Lan Xi! All of you will be wiped out!"

The eyes of the Dark Demon Lord exploded, and two lines of blood and tears flowed down. The mighty blood of the ancient sage broke out with violent power, destroying the hall.

Although he is a demon lord and his hands are stained with countless blood, but in his heart he is most sorry for Lan Xi, the old patriarch of the mermaid clan.

At that time, he practiced immortal and demon skills, and after breaking through the ancient sage, he was so satisfied that he didn't pay attention to the world's powerful people. Later, he offended an ancient sage and was almost beaten to death.

It was Lan Xi, it was Lan Xi who saved him and gave everything for him.

However, the dark demon lord was devoted to pursuing a stronger way of the ancient sage, first he failed the ancient sage Xianlong, and then he failed Lan Xi, becoming a ruthless and heartless person.

You Ruo bit her lower lip and said comfortingly, "My condolences to Master, Lan Xi's grandma has passed away."

Both she and Lu Feng have truly endured the destruction of their families and know the pain.

The monstrous demon power erupted from the Dark Demon Lord, his aura was very restless, the power in his body was rampaging, and countless blood of the ancient sages sprayed out from the torn blood seams, bringing disasters of destruction.

The entire Skystar Imperial City.

Suddenly it became dark, covered by a black demon cloud, and the shadow of a dark demon lord was tearing apart the heaven and earth crazily, as if the doomsday had come.

This is a sign of madness. Lu Feng saw that there was a fairy shadow bursting out from the dark demon lord's body, and it was colliding with the ghost shadow.

"Tillions of trillions of sea tribes were massacred all at once, and dozens of them were wiped out. These are all living creatures."

Xianyao Ancient Sage's face was pale.

She has been in the Xianzong since she was a child. Although she is a giant in strength, she has never seen such a bloody thing. Some things have only been read from ancient books.

"This is the turmoil in my Eastern Profound Realm, which is bloody and cruel, and will be wiped out by a little carelessness." Lu Feng's eyes were cold.


Accompanied by an explosion that pierced through chaos, the Dark Lord suddenly exploded, and black light swept across the entire Tianxing State
(End of this chapter)

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