Chapter 160

After stepping into the ninth room, Lu Feng was extremely looking forward to it, because the eighth room had treasures such as the sunset bow, and the ninth room, as the last place of the Nine Palaces, might surprise him.

The ninth room is relatively empty, and there is nothing else except some ordinary furniture.

Lu Feng revealed a hint of doubt, and murmured: "Strange, shouldn't it be?"

According to his estimation, there must be a treasure in the ninth room.

At least, it must be as strong as the Sunset Bow, otherwise it will never be worthy of the name of the Nine Palaces Formation.

After he walked around the room, his eyes suddenly fixed on a formation plate under his feet.

This array plate is made of pure gold, but there are green emerald inlays around it, which is as beautiful as gold inlaid with jade.

Only then did Lu Feng feel relieved, and put his hand down, only to find that the formation disk was tightly attached to the ground, and it was impossible to remove it.

"Perhaps it can be removed this way."

Lu Feng pondered for a long time, a bloodstain appeared on his thumb, and a drop of bright blood was forced out from the belly of the finger, dripping into the array.

The blood essence was immediately absorbed by the formation disk.

After absorbing this drop of Lu Feng's blood, the formation was shrouded in a faint blood light, and immediately under the golden light, it flew up from the ground and fell into Lu Feng's hands.

"Just what is the function of this disk array?"

Becoming the master of the formation disk, Lu Feng showed many doubts on his face, he had no idea of ​​the function of this formation disk.

However, since Qianji Secret Realm used this array as the reward for the last room, there must be a reason for him, but he has not discovered it yet.

And the reward for the last level has been collected, Lu Feng glanced at the house with satisfaction, ready to leave this secret place.

"Haha, this seat can finally come out, who released this seat!"

Suddenly, the array in his hand trembled violently, and a jet-black brilliance flew out of the array, and under that cold light, it rushed towards Lu Feng directly.

This black light was extremely ferocious, his target was not Lu Feng, but the array in Lu Feng's hand.


Lu Feng snarled, and quickly raised his arm to collide violently with the black light.

A burst of blood splashed, and Lu Feng felt a burning pain in his arm. Looking at it, a piece of flesh was directly torn off his arm, and the white bones inside could be vaguely seen.

"That's right, to be able to bear the claws of this seat, but I can consider you as a pet."

The black light made a surprised sound, and then laughed out loud.

"Hmph, what a big breath!"

The black light collided with Lu Feng and landed on a table. Lu Feng looked intently, with a strange expression on his face. He saw that the black light was a black cat with dark golden light lines on its fur, which was bigger than ordinary cats. Just some big cats.

What surprised Lu Feng the most was that the big cat's eyes glowed with humanity, and the corners of its mouth sneered with wisdom.

"a cat?"

Lu Feng was stunned, but he never thought that a big cat was sealed in the array.

"Shut up, you humble ant, I am not a cat!"

When Lu Feng called it a cat, its hair stood on end, its sharp teeth were exposed, and its golden pupils wanted to stare Lu Feng to death.

Suddenly, the big cat showed its ferocity, and rushed towards Lu Feng again, tearing the air with its paws, showing no mercy.

"Strange, you can talk."

Lu Feng was even more surprised. Generally speaking, only the Great Demon of Heavenly Martial Arts is qualified to learn languages, but this cat speaks so smoothly, but its level is so low.

When he was meditating, a strong wind hit his ears, he snorted coldly, gathered the profound energy in his palm, and slapped the big cat directly with his palm, immediately knocked the big cat flying, and hit a wall on one side.

"Stop! What are you!"

Seeing that the big cat was about to attack, Lu Feng immediately yelled, "It's not easy for this cat to be sealed in it by the formation plate."

"You first give this array to me, and I will tell you my identity."

The big cat rolled its eyes and said hastily, but the cat's light did not leave the array.

"This array?" A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth, and he said, "Tell me first, your identity."

This cat is so nervous about this array, how could he hand it over so easily.

Seeing that Lu Feng was unwilling to hand over the formation disk, the big cat raised its tail anxiously, and said, "This formation disk is of no use to you, as long as you hand it over to me, I will give you any inheritance."

"It seems that this array is of great use to you."

Lu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he covered the formation disk towards the big cat, and the light flashed in the formation disk, trying to pull the big cat into it.

"Don't be impulsive!" The big cat said anxiously: "Boy, let's talk if we have something to say."

"Tell me about your identity first."

Lu Feng chuckled and put away the disk array.

Sure enough, as he guessed, the formation plate has the power to suppress the big cat, and as the owner of the formation plate, as long as the formation plate is in his hand, the big cat is in his hands.

"You ignorant bastard, you don't even know me. I'm a member of the Swallowing Tiger family, not the so-called cat in my mouth."

The big cat leaped onto Lu Feng's shoulder, and the old god said.

With the array in hand, Lu Feng is not afraid of his tricks.

"Swallowing Tiger?" Seeing the big cat's complacent look, Lu Feng frowned. He had never heard of the name of Swallowing Tiger, but the white tiger, the famous tiger beast, knew it.

"My Sky-Swallowing Tiger Clan has the power to swallow the sky and eclipse the sun and destroy all worlds after adulthood. You have never heard of it."

The big cat said angrily.

Lu Feng said truthfully: "I have never heard of the Tuntian Tiger, but you are so powerful, why are you in this array."

The big cat showed anger: "I just wanted to ask for a formation map from the Thousand Machines Clan, but was suppressed by the old immortals of the Thousand Machines Clan in this formation."

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as it sounds?"

Lu Feng didn't believe what the big cat said.

"If you don't believe me, I just wanted to learn from it." The big cat snorted coldly. If Lu Feng hadn't mastered the array, he would have directly swallowed Lu Feng with his temper.

Lu Feng laughed, and said with a smile: "For reference? I'm afraid you want to steal it."

This big cat is indeed interesting, and Lu Feng believes in his identity as the Sky Swallowing Tiger.

Hearing being exposed by Lu Feng, the big cat's expression changed, and he could only snort coldly.

The tiger falls in Pingyang, thinking it is a majestic tiger, if it is at its peak, a character like Lu Feng can kill thousands of people with a single fart.

"You used to be strong?" Lu Feng stared at the big cat and continued to ask.

"Of course, at the peak of my seat, I swallowed the eclipse and destroyed a piece of space in one gulp."

"Stop!" Lu Feng stopped quickly, the big cat was eloquent, once it started talking, it couldn't stop, and asked again: "Now you look very weak, can you swallow the sky and the sun?"

If the big cat can really swallow the sky and eclipse the sun, this kind of power may not even be able to do it by the strongest saint in the Eastern Profound Realm.

Then the so-called Thousand Machine Clan who can seal the big cat should be so tyrannical.

The big cat smiled charmingly: "Of course I can't, the patriarch of my Tuntianhu clan naturally has this ability."

But at this time, the big cat's tail moved, and suddenly turned into a black light and rushed towards the array in Lu Feng's hand again.

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(End of this chapter)

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