Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1618 The future is changeable

Chapter 1618 The future is changeable
The void was suddenly distorted and blurred, and five colors of light swept in. The empress stepped out slowly from the space, her phoenix eyes turned cold, and she looked at the four great ambassadors, and waved her slender and slender palms forward.

Endless power gathered in that palm, covering the four great envoys inside, and heard four muffled sounds, the four great envoys spurted a mouthful of blood together, and flew backwards .

But he was slapped back by the empress casually.

This is the strength of the empress, who injured the four great envoys of Kaiyuan Ancient Sage with one palm.

The pupils of the ancient sage of Tianbian contracted violently, and then returned to normal. He said with a smile on his face: "As expected of the empress, her strength is beyond our imagination. They are really not enough to look down upon in front of the empress."

"Is it enough to test today?"

The empress said coldly without looking at him.

"Hmph, I admire the empress's strength, but if you make a move, you will break the rules. She is really arrogant. If you don't teach me a lesson today, how will you monitor the emperor's dynasty in the future and complete the eternal foundation entrusted by the clan? I ask the empress to forgive me. "

The four envoys looked dissatisfied, and still wanted to teach Lu Feng a lesson.

"Broken rules? Where are the broken rules?" The empress stepped forward step by step, with five-color lotuses growing under her feet, her eyes were extremely terrifying, and a majestic power of heaven swept across: "The four ancient sages bully and insult some great sages, just Enough to make you proud? Enough to make you show your majesty, it’s ridiculous, this is the so-called surveillance, I think it’s just showing off your power here.”

"The imperial court is so ineffective, otherwise we wouldn't have come here at a huge cost. Is it wrong to test these so-called masters for you?"

"Alright, since you all insist on showing your power in my dynasty, I will give you a chance. If each of you can bear a palm from me, I will not bother you anymore."

After saying these words, a shocking pressure swept over him.

Seeing that the Empress was about to slap four palms in a row, the ancient sage of Tianbian changed his face, and quickly stopped him: "You don't have to apologize to the Empress, her majesty is something you can offend, let's forget about today's matter."

The strange thing is that Tianbian Gushen, who doesn't even care about the majesty of the emperor, has a lot of worries in front of the empress.

"Hmph, please forgive me for waiting!"

Although unwilling, the four ambassadors still bowed their heads and apologized.

After all, this is the empress, and even the ancestors of the clan are extremely jealous.

"Forget it, today's affairs are over for the time being. The envoys came here in a hurry and are tired. The emperor has prepared a feast here to cleanse everyone."

The emperor said indifferently, there was not much welcome in the words, it was just polite, and he was unwilling to let them continue to show off their power in the Yubingtai,

He looked at the commanders under the imperial platform again, and with a wave of his hand, he disintegrated all the pressure on them, and said in a loud voice: "Commanders, this emperor has also prepared a feast for you, and after the end, everyone can go to the Eternal Heaven The holy tower received three thousand ancestral pills."

If it was replaced by the usual [-] ancestral pills, it would definitely make all the leaders boil.

But now after having endured that humiliating kneeling, everyone would rather not come to this Yubingtai in their hearts.

Although the feast was grand, precious things like dragon liver and phoenix gall abounded everywhere, but the eating was extremely dull, and almost no one spoke to each other.

Lu Feng also hurriedly took a few mouthfuls before leaving. The second time he saw Mu Yan's real body and her astonishing strength, his heart was also extremely dull.

He didn't know how this woman cultivated to reach such a powerful level.

At the same time, the feast held by the emperor for the five envoys presented a different scene. The things they talked about were not even qualified to participate in the battle.

There are only the empress, the emperor and the five envoys.

"Emperor, this time we are here not only for the Eternal Alliance, but also a bigger matter to tell you, which is very important to the future structure, and we need to be the pioneers first to detect information."

That Tianbian Old Sage's face was extremely serious.

"This emperor has already vaguely guessed something." The emperor said.

"The contemporary Tiansuan of the Tiansuan Sect has already calculated that in the near future, there will be changes in the world, and endless opportunities will erupt one after another. Among them, there will even be a magic spell that breaks Wu Zhiqiang, which is related to the ancient plan of the clan, and it is related to everything in the future. It's about keeping the deepest secret!"

Although they fight for power and profit, they still face it unanimously on such a major matter.

"Tian Suanzi has insight into the secrets of heaven. Every generation of Tian Suanzi must not only have extremely strong strength, but also be able to pry into fate and deduce the secrets of heaven in the dark. Since this generation of Tian Suanzi has said so, then the future big fortune The change will not be small."

The emperor said.

"This is what Tian Suanzi saw by spending 10 years of life yuan to spy on fate. He is still spending life yuan and can see more things in the future." Tianbian Gusheng said.

"The future is changeable, who can really predict it?" The empress flicked her finger and said lightly: "A stone falling into the water and making a sound can disturb the fish. The same is true for the future, maybe because of some little person And change."

"The empress is right, fate is really unpredictable."

Tianbian Ancient Sage smiled and said: "Thirty thousand years ago, the Qinglian Sword Ancestor, who was born with no veins and could not cultivate, should have been a useless person. Who would have thought that he would suddenly appear, powerful beyond common sense, and destroyed the fortune teller at that time. The speculation delayed the arrival of the mutation, like destroying the future, no one predicted him."

There are three thousand avenues and thousands of small avenues, but fate cannot be guessed, and this is even the highest avenue.

"And what about the suppressed person under the Wanzu Tiansheng Pagoda? This is related to the most important plan in the future." Tianbian Ancient Sage changed the subject and asked again, paying special attention to this suppressed existence.

"This emperor is well prepared, and all means have been used, and he will definitely be able to use them to the fullest at that time, sweeping away all opponents, without any accidents." The emperor said confidently.

"That's good. This time is our best chance. If we fail this time, we will have to wait for tens of thousands of years next time, and our end will be extremely miserable. The clan will not let us go."

The ancient sage of Tianbian nodded, and continued: "This time, not only is it for the change of the world, the opportunity erupts to fight this vanguard, but also those places are also very important. We can't bring people from the clan, so we need you people will do it all.”

A gleam flashed in the eyes of an envoy, and he sneered, "That's why we want to test their strength. I didn't expect them to be so useless."

The emperor frowned and said, "How many people do you need? There is also an Eternal Heaven Alliance that needs manpower to deal with. If all the manpower is transferred away, who will destroy them?"

"What is the Eternal Alliance of Heaven? Our affairs are the big ones. If you fail to complete the plan and delay the plans of the clan, you, the emperor, cannot bear this responsibility." The ancient sage Tianbian's eyes were sharp, and he could not say anything more : "Everything is our priority."

The emperor was silent for a moment, and said no more.

"It doesn't matter if the commander who goes there is weak, he must have strong strength, otherwise no one will feel better if things are delayed."

One of the envoys said, his eyeballs rolled around, and a murderous light flashed, and said: "What is the name of the great sage who shouted to be in charge of the sun, the moon, and the universe? I am very interested in him."

"His name is Feng Yue." The emperor said.

"That's right, it's him. He's strong and ambitious. This time, I will go with me and let him contribute to the great achievements of our family. In addition, the emperor, you can choose some people with good strength." Command."

That one envoy said.

The emperor's expression was slightly cold, but this person brought out important matters in the clan to oppress, and he couldn't refuse more, so he just nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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