Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1666 God Emperor of the Common People [4 More]

Chapter 1666 God Emperor of the People

Every piece of the most holy vessel has a soul-stirring and long history.

Tianyun is no exception.

Millions of years ago, it was the most beloved treasure of Dixiong of the Emperor God Clan, and Dixiong was the ancient sage of the world, the most powerful and noble God Emperor of Heaven among the Emperor God Clan.

But it was this god emperor of heaven who died in the buried sky domain in millions of years, and Tianyun was also lost along with it, becoming a heartache in the hearts of the emperor god clan.

"Tianyun actually fell into your hands. I can't die, absolutely can't die. I want to pass this news back, and let the supreme existence of the Emperor God Clan kill you and take back this most holy weapon!"

Di Yu's face was pale, and his whole body was trembling. The coercion of the most sacred weapon had the power of the most powerful and holy, making it difficult for him to breathe under this coercion.

However, he forced the divine power in his body to the limit, and suddenly burst out countless fine blood lines all over his body. He actually burned half of the blood, and in exchange for the fastest escape speed, it turned into a golden line.

"The majesty of the most holy, traverses the sky, shakes the sky and shakes the world, die for me!"

Looking at the golden thread, Lu Feng made a strong blow, and the power of the eternal hero penetrated into the past and the future. The space was shattered into countless fragments under the blow, and a golden blood flower exploded with a bang.

The golden thread was cut off in the middle, Di Yu looked at the golden spear protruding from his chest, and seemed to be muttering something in his mouth, when suddenly, his head drooped and he lost all vitality.

At the same time, at the moment when Emperor Yu fell.

A huge warship comparable to the stars was sailing on the field of buried sky, covered with precious light, with countless gun barrels stretching out, and the distant coercion suddenly radiated.

The front end of this warship is extremely sharp.

Stars and stars break, waves and waves break, and they run wild in this dangerous realm buried in the sky.

"Di Yu is dead!"

Following the sound of a broken jade tablet, there was a peaceful sound in the warship.

"How is it possible, Di Yu is the ancient sage strong, with his strength, even if he meets the strong Tianbian, he is sure to escape, and he has only been away for a few hours, so he should not have met the ancient sage Tianbian by such a coincidence?"

Inside this ancient warship, there is also a majestic hall with treasures, and the light of the emperor bursts out, and there are many strong men from the ancient gods gathered here.

The strong men of these ancient god races were of all kinds and shapes.

There are the King God Clan, Meng God Clan, Blood God Clan, etc. that Lu Feng has seen, and some that he has never heard of or seen before, as if he has come to the Temple of the Gods.

The Primordial Protoss is actually a collective term for them.

To be precise, they should be called the ancient gods, which means the ancient gods, the same ancient gods as the ancestor demons.

The fall of an ancient sage is not a trivial matter, and it is even more surprising that he is the head of all gods, a powerful emperor god clan.

On the highest throne in the main hall, there is a figure sitting, tall and majestic, imposing in the sky, it is a young man with long hair like a magic knife, trying to carve the traces of time.

He displayed the majesty of God.

This person is a strong man of the Emperor God Clan, a powerful ancient sage at the peak of Tianchang, and the master of this warship!
"Tell me what's going on," he said.

"The Cangsheng God Emperor, according to Diyu's last news, it was half an hour ago, when he was chasing and killing several strong men from the Desolate Human Race."

Beside him, there is also an ancient sage from the king god clan, who bowed his proud head respectfully in front of the god emperor of the common people.

Among the ancient gods, the bloodlines of the king gods and emperor gods are the closest, which is equivalent to the difference between the royal family and the royal family in the secular world. They all have the same ancestor. The difference is the richness of the blood and some differences in inheritance.

The Cangsheng God Emperor nodded expressionlessly.

His name is Di Cangsheng, he is very domineering, and he wants to become the emperor of all living beings and the master of all living beings.

And his status in the emperor god clan is also very high, and he is to be cultivated as the god emperor of the sky and the ancient sage of the world.

An inexplicable qi was caught by him, and Dimang flashed in his eyes, and suddenly he opened his hand to cast an unparalleled supernatural power, and a blurry figure appeared on the screen, holding a big bronze gun and piercing Diyu's chest.

This mysterious method of fate is amazing.

"Heavenly fall."

A tyrannical sound came out of his mouth.

"What, didn't Tianyun fall into the buried sky domain millions of years ago with the emperor? Even the gods and witches calculated that Tianyun was buried in the buried sky coffin."

The ancient sage of the Wang Shen clan was shocked.

Millions of years ago, this incident also caused an earthquake-like sensation among the emperor gods, but once the coffin buried in the sky was closed, even if the god was still alive, it would be impossible to open it.

"That's right, but it should have been sprayed out by the coffin buried in the sky, captured by that person, and then beheaded Di Yu." Di Cangsheng said indifferently: "It's hard to guess the appearance of that person, and his fate is a cloud of fog. It contains a trace of the breath of my emperor's gods, and it cannot evolve."

"Hmph, Tianyun is the treasure of our God Race, how could it fall into the hands of the Human Race, we must take it back!"

Wang Shenzu Tianbian Ancient Sage shouted angrily.

"We must seize it, Tianyun is our clan's most holy artifact." Di Cangsheng's eyes flickered, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, his eyes pierced far away, and suddenly stood up, "The coffin buried in the sky has changed again! "

A strange scene appeared in the sky. Among the countless torrents, some particularly powerful light spots shattered everything, and there were vaguely human figures.

They tore through the barrier of the sky curtain and came directly to the core area of ​​the buried sky coffin. The buried sky coffins were neatly arranged, and they rushed directly into it without even looking at them.

The tidy buried sky coffins outside were shaken to pieces, and some of the unopened buried sky coffins were sprayed out by the influence of this energy, forming countless layers of superimposed planes of different dimensions again.

There is no doubt that the most ancient, most powerful, and most cherished world and treasure are sealed in the more central coffin.

Di Cangsheng was silent for a long, long time. When he saw a huge and vast world falling down, a divine light flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to grab it: "Haogu's mysterious aura, this time I came to the realm of buried sky, I will I want to be the God Emperor of the sky, there is something that makes my heart beat."

"Then, what should Tianyun do?" asked the Tianbian Ancient Sage of the King God Clan.

A most sacred artifact, Tianyun is extremely important.

"If Tianyun wants to win, so will the opportunity. Although I can't guess his origin, I have already caught Tianyun's breath, and I can't escape my induction. That person is in this direction."

With a touch of Di Cangsheng's finger, which was as crystal clear as a god, a ray of divine light shot out.

"Yes, God Emperor Cangsheng!"


After beheading Emperor Yu, Lu Feng also saw the change in the sky, his eyes were bright and bright, and he murmured: "There are so many top powerhouses who entered the coffin buried in the sky together, this is to break the ancient sky. Is it a curse that cannot become a god?"

(End of this chapter)

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