Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1834 The Power of the Sword Array

Chapter 1834 The Power of the Sword Array
At this time, Lu Feng really wanted to go on a killing spree. With his soaring strength, he no longer worried about revealing his identity, and he was the first to target Xi Zhen.

The master of the world's ancient sages, even if it is just a world rule, is the supreme and inviolable existence.

But now Lu Feng is going to kill him to sacrifice the flag first, to establish bloody majesty for the beginning of killing the Xi people.

The eternal majesty, such as the ancient gods, peerless domineering, and eternal emperors shrouded them. The terrifying pressure seemed to make time shackled and stop passing. This group of masters immediately felt Lu Feng's majesty and tyranny.

"Haha, you're laughing at me to death, even if you want to kill me, you don't even look at your own situation, you are surrounded by enemies, you must die!"

Xi Zhen laughed out loud. Although Lu Feng's sacred power was extremely terrifying, he was already an ancient sage in the world, and his strength had increased by more than ten times compared to before, which meant he had stepped into another level.

He didn't believe Feng Yue could kill him at all.


Xi Zhen decided to take the lead. His aura was rising steadily, and the power of the world was only mobilized. He used the power of the Great Five Fading Techniques to exterminate the common people. The power of destruction swept away.

The power of this move is by no means comparable to that in the Wangu Qingtian Dojo that day.

Once the world's ancient sages are activated, it will be the real decline of heaven and earth, and the breath of countless disasters and decay will roll in.

But when Lu Feng saw this move, he shook his head contemptuously, and said sarcastically: "Is this worthy of being called the Great Five Declines? But nothing progressed."

"Speak out loud and die!"

With a slap of Xi Zhen's palm, the sky and the earth were instantly wiped out, and dark clouds came oppressively.

"Good time, today I will teach you what is called the real Great Five Decays, so that you can die with peace of mind!"

A cruel surprise appeared on Lu Feng's face. He stretched out his palm, and a pure black palm print seemed to come from the end of the era. Countless filthy auras turned into the end of the avenue, and then turned into a disaster, and he saw countless warriors In death, countless worlds are being destroyed.

This is the real Great Five Decays Technique, the end of destruction, the end of ten thousand ways!
"This Fengyue has actually mastered the Great Five Decays, and that power is extremely pure and thick, just like the real destruction, with people as the world, and the death of all living beings!"

"This is an extremely evil power, such a terrifying Fengyue, but Xi Zhen is the real ancient sage of the world, and he will definitely not suffer!"

Just as they were talking, the two palms transformed from the Great Five Decays suddenly slammed into each other, and they saw countless dark ripples spreading out, filled with an aura of death, and if they were infected, they would suffer a great deal of pain. pain.

Rage-like waves swept across, and there were waves of destructive light that exploded one after another.

In an instant, the universe around Lu Feng became independent, and the holy way died out. With the power of death in his palm, turning the millstone of destruction smashed the power of Xi Zhen into pieces in an instant.

"not good!"

The moment Xi Zhen saw the power shattered, Lu Feng's palm also chased after him. Regardless of his surprise, the way of the world turned into a river.

"Even the heavens are going to be destroyed, and you have to use a mere world law to make a fool of yourself? Destroy it for me!"

Accompanied by Lu Feng's cold, death-like voice, the pure black palm gently grabbed the river, without a single earth-shattering sound.

However, Xizhen's world river composed of the holy way has been extinguished, and all the ways in it have been extinguished. Obviously, it can't bear the power of the five decay techniques at all, and it turns into black powder.


Xi Zhen trembled violently, black air filled the air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, very embarrassed.

"What kind of monstrous existence is this Fengyue? After a realm, he is still so fierce that Xi Zhen vomits blood first!"

"It's a pity. If this Fengyue knows how to keep a low profile, his future will be limitless, but the big shots here won't let him leave alive. He has committed a big taboo of the Xi clan!"

Hearing these voices, Xi Zhen also felt extremely humiliated, gritted his teeth, and growled: "Feng Yue, I'm going to tear you apart!"

His huge power erupted, shaking the void and destroying it, one vortex after another appeared around him, Xi Zhi's power was so powerful that he used the move of Supreme Zu Xi again, borrowing a wave from the dark Great power.

The remaining power of the Great Five Declines in his body was expelled. At this moment, he was shining brightly, and every move was oppressed by terrifying will.

"Fist of the Void!"

This is the martial art transformed from the Three Thousand Ways of the Broken Void. After incarnating as the Supreme Zu Xi, Xi Zhen's power has grown tremendously, and a white line appeared in one fell swoop, smashing open the endless void.

The earth-shattering explosion sounded again, and Lu Feng's cultivation at this moment had truly reached a level of lawlessness and defying the sky.

The three powers of heavenly change were operating flawlessly, and Lu Feng's simple grasp directly disintegrated Xi Zhen's domineering blow.

Between the wavings, an infinite wind swept across.

"You want me to kill you more and more like this!"

There was a gnashing sound between Xi Zhen's teeth.

"Things like trash can only roar, now I will send you to die!"

Lu Feng's murderous intent was endless, and an ancient picture full of murderous aura appeared, inside which were roaring dragon shadows, and reincarnation killing swords in motion, all of a sudden, these reincarnation killing swords flew out .

There are a total of one hundred thousand handles, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the majestic majesty enveloped Xi Zhen in an instant.

He really wanted to kill Xi Zhen with one blow, and without giving him any chance, he wanted to let him die in the cycle of reincarnation, and his soul would be tortured by the cycle of reincarnation forever, and he would never be able to reincarnate from then on.

"You, you, how come you have so many ancient holy swords!" Xi Zhen widened his eyes and said in disbelief: "My God, there are so many ancient holy swords, all of which are exactly the same, with a complete set of configurations. Hallows are even more rare!"

He was extremely shocked, and at the same time felt a threat of death, knowing that this set of sword formations was powerful enough to kill him.

"Supreme Zu Xi, Xi Zu's Fist!"

The ancient power roared up, and a great existence appeared. He stood in the body of the eternal cycle of epochs, and followed Xi Zhen to punch out a set of terrifying punches.

This punch made time and space tremble again and again, and it was overwhelmed.

"Since my reincarnation sword array was successfully refined, you are the first to experience its power. Taking the blood of an ancient sage of the world to start the battle, it is not an insult to your reputation."

Lu Feng's expression was so cold that the world was cold, and he was banned by Frost.

The profound meaning of the great reincarnation technique is to see a series of strange scenes appear. The hundred thousand reincarnation killing swords rotate at the same time, making a buzzing sound of the sword, reversing the reincarnation of the eternal life.

This kind of sword cry went straight to the soul, and some elders with weaker strength uttered pitiful screams one by one.

In an instant, the mystery of reincarnation caused their heads to explode, and their bodies were also shattered, and the billowing blood filled the sky.

The soul was immediately pulled into the cycle of reincarnation and fell away.

(End of this chapter)

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