Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1854 Reversing the Future

Chapter 1854 Reversing the Future
Lu Feng never expected to borrow a drop of his blood to actually see a glimpse of his future destiny in Tian Shuanzi's deduction.

His eyes were fixed on it tightly, and he couldn't miss anything. Then, an image gradually appeared, in a dark environment with an incomparably thick atmosphere of death.

"where is this place!"

As Tian Suanzi continued to deduce, the image became clearer and clearer, and finally he really saw that this place was actually a mausoleum, with countless tombstones erected, and the harsh cold wind was constantly sweeping.

On the tombstone, there are also engraved names.

Mo Ling, Wu Xingling, Lu Jiuyou, Shangguan Biluo, Lu Youruo, Dark Lord, Lu Xiaorou, Lu Qingxue, Sword Master of Seven Emotions, etc.
There are densely packed names, and these names are all familiar to Lu Feng, his relatives and friends.
"How could this be? My relatives and friends are all buried in the mausoleum!"

Lu Feng felt unbelievable, as if there was some huge disaster that made him truly a loner, all his relatives and friends died and were buried in the mausoleum.

But as the deduction became more intense, Lu Feng's eyes widened, and he said in horror: "I actually buried these tombs myself, and I even wrote the tombstone myself!"

Yes, the handwriting on the tombstone is his, containing extremely sad and painful emotions.

Tian Suanzi's face became paler and paler. It is not so easy to deduce the future of fate. This involves the operation of the laws of heaven and earth. Immediately, a stream of clear light flew out from around him, as if there was a sound of gears turning It sounded crisply.

If it wasn't for Lu Feng who escaped from fate, who seemed to be non-existent and belonged to an elusive alien, otherwise he would suffer even greater backlash.

Click click!

A more horrifying scene appeared. Lu Feng's figure actually appeared in the cemetery. His chest was pierced by a brilliant sword, and he stood on the ground holding the Dragon Sword in his hand. Looking into the distance.

The strength of Dao is gushing out all over his body, but he has lost his vitality.

"The future seems to have gone through a war of destruction. Who made me die?"

Others may become crazy when they see their future self die in battle.

But Lu Feng was different. He had experienced a death thousands of years ago, and he was very familiar with it.

At this moment, he looked extremely calm, and the secrets of reincarnation flickered, deducing and simulating a future war.

"How could brother Lu have such a fate in the future?"

Little Tianjun lost his voice, but he couldn't believe the future calculated by Tian Suanzi.

"I thought his future would be infinitely brilliant. Even the master who never made a move gave him a helping hand. It turns out that the future is also a fate." Su Yibai laughed and looked at the chessboard: "It seems that this first The Ten Sons finally want me to come down and break the number nine."

He is the kind of person who is arrogant, self-respecting, and sees all beings as ants, and he can't allow others to surpass him.

For Su Yibai, his lifelong wish is to surpass Tian Suanzi, control the Tian Suan Sect, and become the greatest existence in the Eastern Xuan Territory, so that the Tian Suan Sect will no longer have nothing to do with it, but will become an absolute ruler. Gesture appears.

"Fate? What is fate? Destiny is created by people, and there is no definite number!"

"I am a strange fate, I must go against the sky!"

Suddenly, Lu Feng had an invincible aura of the overlord of the heavens. He clenched his fists to smash his fate, and suddenly he became his own destiny, and punched out towards the boundless heavens.


The offensive of heaven and earth broke into the illusory river of fate.

An unbelievable scene appeared, the phantom of the tomb suddenly disappeared, a power to reverse time and space suddenly erupted, and one saw a continuous and magnificent eternal palace, filled with the breath of immortality.

There was actually a figure there, wearing a god-like battle armor. Although it was towering and motionless, it still had a supreme power that carried the heavens on its back.

That person is also him!

"What's going on here, the future deduced by Master has actually reversed, causing a tributary of fate to appear, showing a different life!"

"It's the power of that punch, blasting into fate, and refusing to submit to the future with a domineering will."

"Fate, fate, what exactly is fate, although I can see a little bit of the power of fate, but I know a little more than others."

Li Muqiu, Xiao Tianjun and the others started discussing.

It was the first time they had seen such a domineering person.

"Fate is impermanent. The past is doomed. It is best to deduce it, but the future is changeable. Every different choice will lead to a different future. My Tiansumen is just deducing a future with the highest probability. It is not impossible. Change."

Tian Suanzi explained their doubts.

"Since fate wants to destroy me, then I will create my own destiny and destroy it!"

Lu Feng made a loud voice.

At this moment, the eyes of Lu Feng, who was in destiny, suddenly shot out a sharp light, piercing the three worlds, and at the same time, a golden sword light pierced through the infinite space.

But Tian Suanzi's body wobbled, even Tianji's compass was blurred, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and Lu Feng instantly sensed that his lifespan was rapidly decreasing
Obviously, the deduction of this scene consumes a lot for Tian Suanzi, almost to the point where it cannot be displayed.

Fortunately, Lu Feng's blood essence bloomed the brightest brilliance.


Xiao Tianjun and the others hurriedly shouted.

They naturally knew that this situation was encountered in a situation that could not be deduced, and if they were forced to deduce it, they would inevitably pay the price of their lives.

"It's okay, it's all come to this point, how can we not see it completely."

Tian Suanzi's mysterious power slowly emerged, but his breath of life became weaker and weaker, but that scene gradually became clear.

A supreme and majestic shadow appeared in the sky of the Eastern Profound Realm, and it came from countless time and space. His power covered all realms, and he was the only supreme, supreme and detached existence.

Suddenly, it fell towards an ancient bronze tower, and the forbidden person appeared faintly at the bottom of the ancient bronze tower.

"Myriad Ancestor Heavenly Sacred Pagoda, Emperor Dynasty, Xi Clan!"

Lu Feng recognized the ancient bronze pagoda.

"I understand, so that's the case. The first tragic scene in the future deduced by Tian Suanzi was caused by this shadow, and I also died in battle with him, which is why the mausoleum appeared. I walked to the end of the scene. .”

Although Lu Feng's reincarnation mystery is not as powerful as Tian Suanzi's operation, he can still feel some of his own destiny in the dark.

Lu Feng doesn't know the origin of this figure, but he has a hunch that this is where the Xi Clan's confidence in conquering Dongxuan Domain lies. bedding.

"No matter what, the banned person under the Wanzu Heavenly Sacred Pagoda is very important, and is the key to all the plots of the Xi people."

Lu Feng sneered, he finally understood some Xi people's secrets.

No matter how the future changes, the Xi family's big move will never change and remain unchanged.

But at this moment, the shadow suddenly moved, stretched out a finger lightly, and seemed to make some sound, an invisible wave emerged, and Tian Suanzi's Tianji compass was instantly shattered.

In an instant, Tian Suanzi's body shot back fiercely, and all the power of deduction disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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