Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 1937 Returning to the Emperor's Mansion

Chapter 1937 Returning to the Emperor's Mansion
The peace between heaven and earth was restored, and all the evil gods in the evil god's castle were wiped out, and the formations they arranged here were all destroyed by Lu Feng.

Immediately, a wave of spiritual energy pervaded the entire Cangzhou, immediately causing clouds of spiritual energy to appear in the sky, and spiritual rain began to fall.

As if a cancer had been pulled out for the original will, Lu Feng instantly felt a reward from heaven and earth coming, and this luck immediately made him understand the holy way much more clearly.

"It was finally erased. It's unimaginable that there are such a group of evil things hidden in Cangzhou. If the evil god breaks out, the whole Cangzhou will be plunged into a hell-like disaster in an instant."

Mo Ling slowly withdrew his strength, and the purple lotus mark between his eyebrows became brighter and brighter.

"Well, I will absolutely not allow anyone to destroy this good memory of my stay in Cangzhou."

Lu Feng nodded, and he put away the countless eyes of evil gods here.

Although it is difficult for strange and evil races to refine their energy cultivation, but handing it over to Qin Wanfa to refine it into talismans will be a real killer.

"The power of Dongxuan Mansion will be born soon, they specialize in suppressing demons."

Lu Feng looked into the distance lightly, and suddenly thought of the Dongxuan Mansion. In ancient times, they used ancient power to fight against the evil gods, and they are still searching for the dark hands that the evil gods have arranged in the world.

"The evil nature of this evil god's blood is quite deep. I don't know what the origin of this evil god is?"

Lu Feng's heart moved, and it was not difficult to guess from the mouth of the strong evil god that the evil god was probably also an invincible strong man like God Lord Hong and Huanyu Dijun.

What puzzled Lu Feng a lot was, what is the fatal attraction of Dongxuanyu, which can make such forces as Shenzhuhong and Xizu get involved one after another.

He planned to go to the Huanyu Emperor's Mansion next, and while getting the opportunity of the third heaven, he asked Di Yu, an old antique, about the origin of the evil god, so he should be able to know his origin.

But before that, Lu Feng had one more thing to do. He said to Mo Ling, "This place in Cangzhou is the place where I have the best memories. I can't let it fall into the hands of others."

Lu Feng flew out of the evil god's castle, came to the sky above Cangzhou, and left with his arms in his arms. A huge cloud exuded eternal power, and quickly enveloped the entire Cangzhou in the continuous expansion.

This time, Lu Feng wanted to directly bring Cangzhou back to Tianxing State from the world, and transform it into a small holy place.

"Hold the sun and the moon in your hands, and control the universe!"

Lu Feng yelled loudly, bursting out with endless divine power, and grabbed the two ends of Cangzhou with his big hands. Suddenly, a shocking force made the whole Cangzhou tremble, and it was separated from the surrounding continent and ocean.

The martial artist living in Cangzhou still didn't understand what happened, he only saw an extremely tall figure when he looked up, and he absorbed Cangzhou into the sky.

This is simply like the mighty power of the gods, even those who are strong in the holy realm are trembling in this divine power.

The peerless divine power to move mountains and level seas erupted.

In the end, the entire Cangzhou was uprooted, and all of them were installed in Lu Feng's dantian world, and then completely disappeared in this area.

"Go back to Tianxing State first!"

Lu Feng then brought Mo Ling back to Tianxing State in a few days later like lightning, and placed Cangzhou in the territory close to Tianxing State.The rich aura was immediately supplied.

Seeing Lu Feng's return, Qin Wanfa and Lu Jiuyou rushed to see him, and they introduced in detail the recent preparations for the founding of the imperial dynasty.

Lu Feng was very satisfied. Lu Jiuyou did a very good job in compiling the laws of the imperial dynasty. He wrote out the four-character truth with clear rewards and punishments fairly and selflessly. Even the former subjects of the Tianxing Dynasty had to abide by it.

Qin Wanfa is also building a new imperial palace in full swing.

He is a strong man of the Supreme Array Sect, and he is very proficient in this aspect. He can see palaces wrapped in spiritual mist, like the heavens in mythology, majestic and majestic.

Lu Feng gave a few instructions on the most important thing, to arrange all aspects of the Eternal Star Emperor Dynasty, so that after the founding of the country, it can immediately become the most terrifying war machine and fight in all directions.

After arranging everything, Lu Feng looked at Mo Ling and said with a smile, "I'll take you to a place."

Mo Ling said intelligently: "In that palace?"

Lu Feng nodded, he was already sure to open the second door, and he believed that as long as he showed an invincible posture, Diyu would not mind taking Mo Ling there without authorization.

The effect of speeding up time there is fascinating, and Mo Ling's training time is too short, so he can go with him to the Huanyu Emperor's Mansion to consolidate the weak foundation.

He didn't need to go to the Realm of Buried Sky, he directly took out the token that Diyu gave him. After activation, a grand idea came through time and space, and immediately formed a cosmic bridge, which seemed to be possible. Direct communication to the heavens and worlds.

Lu Feng saw it, and without thinking, he dragged Mo Ling onto the bridge.

In an instant, the space moved, the bridge of the universe began to shrink, the scene in front of Lu Feng changed rapidly, and he could feel the ancient power from Diyu from an infinite distance.

Apparently, the lifting of the suppression of heaven and earth also allowed Diyu to exert stronger power from afar.

But after a few breaths, Lu Feng appeared in the Huanyu Emperor's Mansion, and a feeling of time speeding up violently hit him, and here was also a brilliant lamp wall, as if he was in the cosmic starry sky.

It wasn't in the empty hall that Lu Feng came to for the first time before, obviously this was Di Yu's special treatment.

"Brother Feng, is this the place where you were trapped?" Mo Ling asked in surprise.

This place seems to be independent from the space of the Eastern Profound Realm, with its own laws of the cave, where time and space can be reversed arbitrarily, and it is a completely detached world.

"Yes, there is still a powerful senior hidden here."

Lu Feng said with a smile.

"Lu Feng, Emperor Zun's registered disciple, did not expect you to come so soon." Di Yu's figure slowly appeared from a passage, and looked at Lu Feng with a smile: "Yes, the old man did not misread you. Your aura has become so strong in just a few days, and you have obviously gained a lot of blessings."

Diyu looked at Lu Feng appreciatively, since Lu Feng pushed open the first stone door, he was very much looking forward to Lu Feng continuing to create miracles.

"That's right, this time I'm here to push open the second stone gate, to get the second unique technique of Emperor Zun of the Universe, and what the senior promised me."

Lu Feng was not too polite with Di Yu, he knew that as long as he could push the stone door open again and again, he could negotiate any conditions.

"It's natural, the old man has never forgotten it." Di Yu looked at Mo Ling again, and said, "This is the little girlfriend you brought? It contains a strong original blood of heaven and earth, the patron of heaven and earth, and now it is trying to cut off this little girl." Connect with each other and control your own destiny.”

Di Yu understood Mo Ling's origin at a glance, and continued: "But if you can't push the second stone door, your little girlfriend can't go out either, and she will be trapped here forever."

"Senior, take me there, I am absolutely sure about the second stone gate."

(End of this chapter)

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