Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 204 See You Again 【Recommendation Ticket】

Chapter 204 See You Again 【Recommendation Ticket】

On the island, hundreds of people were wearing white clothes, with the word Cangzhou Wufu on their chests.

Among these hundreds of people, there was a beautiful figure with an empty body around it, and the escaping cold aura made some people dare not approach it.

That ice-colored long hair hangs down to her waist, her beautiful face, and the icy aura that permeates her body, standing high like a goddess of ice and snow, making people admire her.

However, at this moment, the corners of the Ice and Snow Goddess's mouth revealed a touch of surprise and an imperceptible joy.

"Junior sister, what's wrong?"

Beside the Ice and Snow Goddess, there is a man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a majestic figure, and a man with great coercion in his gestures.

What is astonishing is that the man's strength has reached the ninth rank of Zhenwu, which is very close to that of Tianwu.

Although the strength of entering the inheritance of a holy master will be suppressed at the first level of true martial arts, there is no doubt that the higher the strength will be more advantageous in the inheritance.


After the man asked, the Ice and Snow Goddess regained her composure.

This kind of ignorance caused a flash of anger in the depths of the man's eyes, but he behaved extremely indifferently in front of the woman, as if he maintained his calmness.

"Hehe, Li Kun, I was ignored by my junior sister again." There was a sarcasm on the corner of someone's mouth.

Everyone knows that Junior Sister is cold, but Li Kun often provokes her.

The corner of Li Kun's mouth twitched slightly, and then he snorted coldly.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Looking at the iceberg girl, a surprised smile appeared on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth. The iceberg girl in front of him was Chu Yan, who was accidentally rescued in the Qingfeng Mountain Range that day.

After more than two years, even Lu Feng was surprised to see Chu Yan again on this island.

"What a coincidence."

A rare smile appeared on Chu Yan's iceberg-like face, and a blush quietly streaked across his cheeks.

Whenever she thinks of her wet and exquisite body that Lu Feng saw that day, her face becomes hot, like a dream buried deep in her heart.

Originally, we would never meet that young man who was only cast again. After all, she is now at the seventh level of true martial arts, and she is the only daughter of the master of Cangzhou Martial House.

But now, Lu Feng appeared in front of her and reached the Xuanfu Realm in more than two years, evoking the memory deep in her heart.

"Junior Sister Chu actually knows that boy."

Cangzhou Martial Mansion turned their gazes to the unremarkable young man and let out voices of surprise.

You know, Chu Yan is the girl of heaven in Cangzhou Wufu, and she is known as a genius who has the hope of breaking into Tianwu before the age of 30.

If you attack Tianwu before the age of 30, you will have a great possibility to reach the illusory realm of respecting martial arts.

"Are you also here to participate in the inheritance of the holy master?"

Chu Yan moved lightly, stepped out of the crowd, and took the initiative to speak to Lu Feng. The coldness of being thousands of miles away was also slowly fading away.

"Same purpose as yours."

Lu Feng smiled slightly.

But at this time, Li Kun looked at Lu Feng coldly, and a cold gaze focused on Lu Feng, with a terrifying murderous intent.

He had pursued Chu Yan in Wu Fu for a long time, but the other party never looked at him directly, which made him very annoyed.

"Do you know that iceberg beauty?" Qiu Xue opened her eyes wide and smelled Lu Feng in surprise.

"We met once." Lu Feng said lightly.

"Fate? I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Qiu Xue smiled strangely.

Lu Feng laughed dryly: "Don't think too much about it."

Immediately, the atmosphere on the scene was extremely strange, and many people were guessing that there might be some ulterior secret between the two.

At this time.

"Chu Tiangang, you are the leader of Wufu today!"

The golden figure strode forward leading the senior management of the Inscription Pattern Guild, smiling boldly.

"Martial arts."

Behind the Martial House, a black figure suddenly appeared.

I saw that figure wearing a black battle armor, with a majesty in his brows, and every time he took a step, the space twisted like a spiral.

Obviously, this person is also a strong person in the fourth transformation of Zunwu.

"There is one more day, when the holy master inherits, the space will reach its most fragile, and it can be opened at that time."

The golden figure Wu Zhan frowned slightly, and said slowly.

The means of the saint master are all-reaching, and the restriction is set in that space, which will only be opened slowly at a specific time, otherwise, even the saintly powerhouse cannot rely on brute force to open it.

The same is true for setting a time limit for a year.

"Saint Master Qingxu is the most powerful senior who is closest to the eighth-rank Great Saint Master in the past ten thousand years. Even if it is just a random inheritance, it is a priceless treasure for us."

Chu Tiangang said.

Although the members of his Martial House are not as proficient in formations as the Inscription Pattern Guild, they also want to get a share of the inheritance.


Suddenly, there was a violent tremor in the void, and a group of dense rainbows galloped in the extreme distance, blasting away the continuous clouds on the sea.

"Sure enough, that group of people still got the news, and they also want to come to this holy master's inheritance to get a share."

Chu Tiangang straightened up suddenly, his eyes as cold as knives shot at the thousands of figures.

Not long after, thousands of figures landed on the island, and in front of them was an old man covered in blue light and a man surrounded by flames.

"Wu Zhan, Chu Tiangang, this inheritance of a holy master is not something that Cangzhou alone can swallow."

The blue light old man chuckled lightly, his face was full of wrinkles like tree bark.

"Muyun State, and Huoling State, you also want to make an idea of ​​the succession of this holy master."

Wu Zhan froze slightly, his face very displeased.

Muyun Prefecture and Huoling Prefecture are on par with Cangzhou in terms of martial arts strength, and the states are not far from each other.

There is no impenetrable wall, and Cangzhou's search for those with strong spiritual power has long attracted the attention of these two states, so it came the day before the opening of the inheritance of the saints.

"Those who can pass on know, does it mean that Saint Master Qingxu belongs to you in Cangzhou? In other words, Saint Master belongs to the main hall of the Eastern Profound Domain."

The flame man sneered.

Chu Tiangang said: "Okay, since we're here, let's enter together. At that time, I will see which state can get the greatest chance."

"I like this sentence. It is the dragon and the bear that can be distinguished at first sight in the inheritance of the holy master."

The flame man laughed.

There was tremendous pressure brought about by the discussion between the several great masters, and everyone trembled in their hearts and endured great suffering.

Afterwards, the leaders of each state let everyone rest and wait for tomorrow to enter the inheritance.

"That's Mu Xu, the strongest in Muyun State."

Qiu Yun looked at the man in the Mu Yunzhou team who was wearing a green robe and exuding the smell of grass and trees.

"Over there is the strongest Huo Chi in the Huoling State."

Immediately, his hand pointed to a man in Huolingzhou who was wearing a fire robe and had a flame symbol between his eyebrows.

There is no doubt that the strongest players in each state are not inferior to Tang Yuan, and they are the most powerful contenders in the inheritance of the holy master.

Qiu Yun is an old man, so he looked at Lu Feng and introduced them one by one.

After hearing the words, Lu Feng just nodded lightly, fixed his eyes on those strongest men, and secretly remembered it in his heart.

He is bound to win the inheritance of the holy master.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes and rested his mind, quietly waiting for tomorrow's succession from the holy master.

At this time, that Chu Yan's eyes often fell on Lu Feng, because of that accident, he suddenly became very fond of Lu Feng, and his cold heart had a tendency to be melted.

(End of this chapter)

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