Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 213 God Slashing Art! [5 more subscriptions]

Chapter 213 God Slashing Art! 【Fifth watch for subscription】

Following Tang Yuan's cold and proud voice, a wave of spiritual power condensed into a flood and rushed towards him.

The humming and trembling sword energy wove into an overwhelming sword net, rushing towards the endless spiritual storm.

Facing the storm formed by the 45th-level mental power, although Jianwang was at a disadvantage, it stubbornly blocked its attack.

Lu Feng's face turned pale, and his body trembled slightly. This soul pulse was activated to the extreme, and the surging spiritual power slanted out like mountains and rivers.

Fortunately, I broke through to level 41 with the help of the evil god that day, otherwise it would be absolutely unbearable.

There are no gorgeous and astonishing fluctuations, but it is full of great danger.

If you are not careful, you will cause irreparable damage to your soul under the mental shock.

All the people watching around trembled, they naturally understood that if they fought against Tang Yuan's spiritual power, they would lose within a dozen breaths.

"It's a bit of a skill, it hides the trump card, your spiritual power is not forty-level, but forty-one level."

Tang Yuan said indifferently, with just a touch of that finger, waves of storms swirled past.

"What! That kid's spiritual power is as high as level 41!"

The crowd around showed shock.

Although there is only one step difference between the 41th step and the [-]st step, the difference between them is several times.

It is estimated that there are as many as 150 powerhouses who have entered the fortieth level of the holy master's inheritance this time, but there may only be more than 41 people at the 20st level.

And Chu Yan's eyes flashed with ice, and his face was full of surprise.

"You are also not simple. The level 45 mental strength is difficult for ordinary Tianwu to achieve."

Although Lu Feng was praising, there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Indeed, Tang Yuan's 45th level came to provoke a Xuanfu realm warrior, but he did not win an overwhelming victory.

Although it was due to his realm being suppressed at the first level of Zhenwu, it was enough to show Tang Yuan's incompetence.

"The teeth are sharp, but history is always written by the winners, regardless of the means."

Tang Yuan's calm face revealed a gloomy coldness.

"Really? Then I want to learn your methods." Lu Feng said.

"From the day you rejected me, you are doomed to a tragic end today."

Tang Yuan's eyes suddenly glowed golden and red, and he flicked his fingers, and a spark shot out.


In a moment, a large piece of glazed flames appeared in the void out of thin air.

The golden-red glazed flame seemed to be able to burn the soul, and this sharp sword net was burned into nothingness in an instant.

"Spiritual attack secret technique, glazed fire."

Lu Feng's complexion was heavy, and even at a distance of a hundred meters, there was still a scorching and unbearable tingling feeling in his soul.

It felt like a piece of solid ice being roasted by a raging fire and slowly melting.

"Tang Yuan is serious, that kid is about to lose."

Under the gaze of countless eyes, they all let out sighs.

"Brother, do we want to make a move?"

Qiu Xue was very anxious, even if she had a little friction with Lu Feng, she didn't want to see him beheaded by Tang Yuan at this moment.

Qiu Yun smiled wryly: "Even if we do it, it will be nothing but moths to the flame."

The opponent also has teammates, once they make a move, it will be a large-scale team battle.

At this moment, on the plain, the glazed flame moved all the way, crushing towards Lu Feng in a terrifying manner.

"God Slashing Technique!"

Lu Feng let out a soft drink, a spot of light bloomed between the eyebrows, and a silver ray shot out, only a small silver sword was condensed and formed at an extremely fast speed.

"Both of them are terrifying. In terms of talent, Tang Yuan is not as good as that kid, but age is the gap that the two cannot bridge."

Some people couldn't help admiring that they were proud to be able to compete with Tang Yuan to this extent.

There were complicated and changing palm prints on the palm of his hand, and the small silver sword rose in the wind, and the fierce sword intent exuded made people's skull ache.

In his previous life, his spiritual power had broken through the fiftieth level mark, so how could he not master some spiritual mystic arts.

Slashing the gods, extremely domineering, destroying the spirit.

And this god-slaying technique was practiced by Lu Feng during those few days in the Inscription Pattern Guild.

It's just that the consumption is too huge, and there is no other way in this situation.

Lu Feng took a deep breath, the paleness of his face showed that condensing this god-slaying technique was extremely exhausting for him.

But at this moment, the glazed flames that stretched for hundreds of meters were only the last ten meters away from him, and the scorching heat flooding into his mind became more and more intense.

"go with!"

Under everyone's expectant and shocked eyes, Lu Feng pointed his finger, and the silver sword instantly cut into the glazed flame.

Puff puff!
The domineering technique of killing the gods cut off one-third of the glazed flame in an instant, but it also consumed half of its size.

"You're really scary."

For the first time, Tang Yuan's complexion was extremely dignified. The power of that small silver sword immediately made him realize that if he was at the same level, that sword could kill him.

It's just that there are not so many ifs, and now he still has an absolute advantage.

The two-handed seal formula was played, and the spiritual power gushed out from the mind, and the glazed flame burst out the most terrifying power, wrapping the silver sword.

The small sword buzzed and trembled, and the sharp sword energy annihilated layers of glazed flames.

The crowd looked at Lu Feng. Beads of sweat dripped from the forehead of the tough young man, but he still persisted. The surging mental power continued to be added to the silver sword as the technique changed.

However, the gap in the fourth level of mental power is difficult to overcome.

"I'll give you one last chance. If you promise to surrender absolutely in this holy master's inheritance and help me get the last treasure, I can let you go."

Tang Yuan looked down with a tone of charity.

This person is very good, and it would be a pity to just kill him like this. If he can be accepted as a subordinate, it will definitely be a great help in this strange and unpredictable inheritance of the saint master.

"Don't insist, promise him quickly, or you will really die."

Qiuxue roared, tears were about to flow from her eyes.

At the same time, a series of persuasive voices sounded.


Lu Feng struggled to hold on, the light in his eyes was tenacious and unyielding.

Accompanied by the change of the seal in Lu Feng's hand, the small silver sword exploded with great power, cutting off all the bound glazed flames.

"I will use you to sharpen my mental strength today!"

Lu Feng's tone was low, and the small silver sword was slashing towards Tang Yuan on his own initiative.

"Since you don't want to live, then I will fulfill you!"

Tang Yuan was furious, and the 45th-level mental strength surged like a tsunami, and the power of the glazed flames almost distorted the void.

The small silver sword was burnt so faintly at the moment, as if it would disappear at any moment.

Looking at the resolute young man, Chu Yan's cold heart was touched, and anger surfaced on his face, and the ice-colored long sword emitted a cold breath, as if he was about to cut Tang Yuan.

However, when she saw the slight change in Lu Feng, she slowly lowered the ice-colored long sword.

"That's it!"

The two soul returning pills were suddenly swallowed by Lu Feng, and the feeling of refreshing soul filled the whole body, and even the spiritual power was strengthened a bit.

"You want to use my spiritual power to attack No.40's second order."

That little move caught Tang Yuan's eyes, and said gloomyly.

Under such circumstances, he still wants to attack his mental power, what a pervert and evildoer this is.

"Shock No.40 second order, how is this possible!"

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help exclaiming, and immediately felt Lu Feng's boldness.

"You guessed right, the faster you can grow in front of the strong."

Lu Feng raised his head slowly, his handsome face was full of determination, and the coldness in his eyes made Tang Yuan's heart tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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