Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2169 Mysterious Empress

Chapter 2169 Mysterious Empress
Mu Yan's mana vitality collapsed in the void, and Lu Feng stretched out his hand to condense it into a mass. However, the Wanzu Tiansheng Pagoda and the emperor's head also disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Entered the unknown area of ​​Mu Yan's retreat.

"Your strength is already so strong."

Lu Feng looked at the disappearing direction and said coldly.

This time, the Xi clan suffered heavy losses. Three masters who were half-step Yuansheng were killed, and even the emperor was killed until only one head remained. Even Huangquanshui, which he relied on as his trump card, was killed by Lu Feng take away.

And the most tragic thing is that the Mu Xing Emperor Dynasty they deployed in Dongxuan was destroyed by Lu Feng.

This also made it impossible for them to continue to keep a low profile, because Lu Feng couldn't allow it and broke their arrangement.

However, there was still no joy on Lu Feng's face, instead it became more and more cold.

Although Emperor Mu Xing's dynasty was destroyed, his great hatred was still not avenged.

Because the emperor is not dead, and Mu Yan is not dead, and his strength is unimaginably strong, such strength can be found in a single vitality.

"Even saving the Emperor was just a matter of chance. Mu Yan's appearance was for the figure in the Pagoda of the Ten Thousand Ancestors." Lu Feng put his hands behind his back, expressionless: "This time, the Mu Xing Dynasty was destroyed. It's not enough, next time it will be the Xi clan, Mu Yan, I hope you can still face me so calmly by then."

The entire Mu Xingdi State was washed away by a torrent of yellow spring water, and it no longer existed.

Lu Feng's eyes flickered a few times before disappearing.

And in an eternally unknown area, Mu Yan slowly withdrew her mana. She sat on a long river full of rays of light. In this space, there was a source of energy that continuously flowed from the sky. Ten Thousand Domains swept over.

This force impacted on her body, making her always in a peak dazzling state.

A head of the emperor and the holy pagoda of the ancestors also appeared here immediately.

"Hateful, I lost this time, and the defeat was extremely miserable. Even the imperial dynasty that I worked so hard to build was destroyed by that little beast."

One of the emperor's heads turned and made a sound of extreme resentment. He never imagined that Lu Feng's strength would be so strong.

If it wasn't for Mu Yan's sudden appearance this time, he would have fallen into the hands of that little beast.

"No, it's not that we didn't gain anything this time. His strength proves that the power of the god of the heavens has been gradually activated by him."

Mu Yan's expression was indifferent, and her face still maintained the appearance of a girl, but there was a deepness in her eyes, as if piercing through the ages, very long.

She flicked the spiritual light onto the emperor, and immediately an inexplicable force swept through the long river of rays of light, and she heard her emotionless voice: "This is enough."

Aura enters the body.

The emperor let out a sound of moaning and enjoying, from his head, flesh and blood began to grow, but with just a few breaths, the lost body was completely restored.

However, his strength has not fully recovered, and it will take a long time.

"But his strength has reached the point where we have to deal with it formally, no, but must be eradicated, otherwise with his ruthlessness, we, the Xi Clan, will not be able to perform missions in Dongxuan, and my Huangquan essence will also be destroyed by him." Take it away, this little beast is more difficult and terrifying than his father!"

The emperor said angrily, extremely unwilling, staring at Mu Yan, and said: "If the empress shows her real body, maybe the situation will be different."

Mu Yan was expressionless, her indifference seemed to be born with her, she calmly said: "I can't show up yet, because I have reached the most critical step and I am about to succeed."

"Did you really succeed, empress? From then on, there will be no obstacles!" The emperor showed an ecstatic expression, but at this moment, he humbled: "As long as the empress succeeds, she will be invincible again, and the gods will be counted again." What, the Supreme Court will not interfere!"

Mu Yan nodded: "Although the great ruler is a strong enemy, he would never want to share the secret of Dongxuan with me. This is the secret of the eternal era, and no one else is allowed to get involved."

She stood up, as if standing on the long river of history from one era to another, her eyes slanted up slightly: "The time to decide the outcome has come, just now, I have communicated with Supreme Zuxi, and got his Surely, when we are about to close the net, let him come in handy."

She pointed to the Pagoda of Myriad Ancestor Heaven.

"Haha, this time has finally come. I have paid so much, waited for so long, and endured so much torture. I will finally be rewarded."

The emperor laughed wildly, and said fiercely: "Lu Feng, although you have ruined my Mu Xing Dynasty, you never imagined how deep our layout is, and you don't even know that what you have done is only seeking death. In addition, it is actually difficult to affect the overall situation of our Xi clan."

"Don't you want to know the whereabouts of your father? Why did Mu Yan attack you? You'll know the truth when you die!"

The emperor looked frantically at the mana-infused figure inside the Wanzu Heavenly Sacred Pagoda, who kept roaring, "I, the Xi Clan, will be the final victors!"

Mu Yan waved her hand. At this moment, she could no longer see a trace of emotional change from her face, and said indifferently: "I want to do the final retreat."

"As ordered!"

The emperor's face was full of respect, and he retreated slowly.

At this moment, Lu Feng has returned to the Eternal Heavenly Star Dynasty.

His face was cold and cold, the destruction of Mu Xing Emperor's Dynasty was just the beginning, and then he would set off a bigger battle, sweeping away his enemies in Dongxuan step by step.

In his head, the shadow of Mu Yan could not go away.

What kind of power is it that allows Mu Yan to possess such magical power in this short thousand years? I am afraid that if her real body appears, a master like the emperor will be suppressed and killed at the flick of a finger.

He found that he still underestimated Mu Yan.

And that mysterious figure made him even more suspicious, what was the reason that Mu Yan could send down a wave of magic power to take him away at the most critical moment for him.

He still can't figure it out.

And while he was thinking like this, Fang Yun had already come to him, filled with the aura of mystery, and said: "Mu Xingdi Dynasty is gone, but you brought more doubts, brother Lu, obviously You know a lot of things you can't figure out."

"As expected of a fortune teller, a prophet." Lu Feng nodded: "I do know a lot of things, and after solving one layer of mysteries, more mysteries are immediately shrouded in them, but these mysteries are no longer enough for me. Yes, because I have already thought about the next step, and I will soon reveal everything."

"Seeing Brother Lu's confident look, I feel relieved. This time, I felt a tyrannical force sweeping in the direction of Emperor Mu Xing, and I can know that the thing that was rescued is related to Only when the important plan of the Xi Clan is cracked, all mysteries will be revealed."

Fang Yun said unfathomably that he was the spirit of the Ancestral Saint Realm in ancient times, and now he wakes up to assist Lu Feng.

"Yes, that is indeed the case. That is the Myriad Ancestor Heavenly Sacred Pagoda. It is not so simple to take root in Dongxuan. It seems to be absorbing some unique power."

Lu Feng said: "Although I didn't destroy it, I also broke part of their layout, and there was another chance in the dark."

Fang Yun nodded. He also knew the importance of destroying the representative of Emperor Mu Xing this time, and then said: "Brother Lu, something happened during the few days you left, and you have to pay attention."

(End of this chapter)

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