Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 218 The Strange Forest 】

Chapter 218 Strange Forest [Tenth Update! 】

Under the towering old tree.

Qiu Xue and Han Mo are still trapped here, facing the infinitely growing light vines, helpless.

As if Han Mo once defeated Qiu Yun, Qiu Xue treated him extremely wrongly, her sturdy mouth kept chattering, causing Han Mo to frown.

The drastic change just now was also seen by the two of them, and Qiu Xuexiang was sweating in a hurry.

"Stop arguing with me."

The cold devil said coldly, the inheritance appeared but he couldn't fight for it, which made the cold devil very depressed.

After drinking this, Qiu Xue temporarily shut her mouth, and she was also unhappy.

at this time.

Lu Feng and Chu Yan got closer and closer to the dark green forest, but at this moment, a familiar voice came from his ear, which made Lu Feng pause.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yan asked.

"I should have met an acquaintance."

Lu Feng smiled slightly, and a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Then he ran at full speed in the direction from which the sound came.

Sure enough, I saw a towering ancient tree weaving a cage, and there were two familiar figures struggling desperately.

"Qiu Xue, it really is you." Lu Feng smiled.

"Lu Feng is you, cut off these damn vines!"

When Lu Feng appeared, Qiu Xue's eyes caught it instantly, and she exclaimed in surprise.

"Lu Feng." The latter's expression was extremely complicated when he saw the figure approaching.

"Don't worry, this vine is afraid of fire."

After looking at it for a moment, Lu Feng took out the sunset bow, and suddenly billowing fiery red arrows fell overwhelmingly.

Chi Chi!

The vines were extremely afraid of fire, and when they came into contact with the flames, they would burn violently, and immediately one by one vines ignited into the sky.

It's just that the vines grow extremely fast.

One burned into fly ash, and another grew out in an instant.

Repeatedly and endlessly, this speed is even faster than Lu Feng's killing.

Seeing this situation, Lu Feng also felt that he had underestimated these vines, so he put down the sunset bow and thought about countermeasures.

"Can you do it!" Qiu Xue shouted anxiously: "If you can't, then leave me alone."

Lu Feng frowned, and said: "The most difficult thing about these vines is that they grow too fast. If a crack can be torn apart in an instant, maybe the two of you have a chance to escape from it."

"But this vine is not as simple as imagined." Han Mo said.

"Maybe I can be of some help."

Chu Yan regained her coldness and said coldly.

"This sword is the Venerable Luo Bingjian, with frozen vines, and the people inside can break through the cage in an instant."

The long sword in Chu Yan's hand is the Luo Bingjian of the middle rank of the Zun, and once the treasure becomes Zun, it is priceless and its power is terrifying.

To put it bluntly, Chu Yan has Luo Bingjian who can leapfrog and fight.

Hearing this, Lu Feng nodded, the vine has a characteristic, as long as it is not destroyed, it will not grow.

In an instant, Chu Yan raised Luo Bingjian, and circles of icy cold ripples spread out, and those vines shrank back unconsciously.

Luo Bing cut!
After brewing for 10 minutes, the terrifying chill finally erupted completely.

The whistling ice and snow storm cut towards the vine cage under a bright light, covering it with a thick layer of frost in an instant.


Chu Yan opened her silver teeth lightly, and the cage vines instantly turned into streaks of ice and snow and shattered.

At the same time, Qiu Xue and Han Mo seized the subtle gap and turned into two extremely fast escaping lights in an instant and rushed out of the vine cage.

When the bodies of the two just left the vine cage, a terrifying cage quickly formed again.

"I was so scared to death that I almost couldn't get out."

Qiu Xue patted that plain breasts, feeling lingering in her heart.

The slight shaking of the heads of the people around made Qiu Xue suddenly straighten up the flat hillock.

And this moment.

"Thank you."

After Han Mo said the word, he turned around and was about to leave.

"It's better to form a small team, otherwise this dangerous garden will only become the prey of others."

Lu Feng invited, he always felt that the dark green forest was not that simple.

Although he and Han Mo had some minor conflicts in the exchange meeting, but that belonged to the pride of the inscription master, and it was not fatal.

Han Mo paused, looked into Lu Feng's sincere eyes, his expression changed, and he nodded in agreement.

As for Qiu Xue, no need to ask, of course she followed Lu Feng forward.

So the four of them rushed towards the dark green forest, and it only took half an hour to get close to the forest at this speed.

The forest is full of straight and strong pines, but the color of these strong pines is extraordinarily dark green, which looks gloomy, and the sightlines in that forest become extremely poor.

"The end of that forest must be where the treasure is hidden here." Lu Feng said solemnly.

"Then let's rush to grab the treasure, but I don't know where my brother is."

Qiu Xue looked excited, eager to try, and rushed directly into this dark green forest.

Lu Feng and Chu Yan looked at each other, and followed Qiu Xue into the secluded green forest.

The moment he entered the secluded green forest, Lu Feng only felt a huge force oppressing him, and the surge of profound energy in his body seemed to be blocked.

"There is something weird here, my true energy has been suppressed, and my strength has dropped by at least [-]%."

The cold demon's face was extremely ugly, but when he tried to circulate his true energy, it was as if it had frozen.

On the side, Chu Yan's pretty face was cold, and she slashed out a two-foot-wide sword aura.

"With my strength, this sword should be able to sweep ten meters, but now it is suppressed to two feet."

"It seems that Saint Master Qingxu has arranged a formation here to suppress the true essence, and my spiritual power has also been suppressed to the tenth level."

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, then analyzed immediately.

Everyone checked their spiritual power one after another, and found that, as Lu Feng said, their spiritual power was suppressed to the tenth level.

"What do we do now?" the cold devil asked.

Lu Feng said: "This is the test that Saint Master Qingxu left us, now we can only take one step at a time."

With this kind of formation, everyone's situation is at the same starting point, so Lu Feng is not worried.

"It seems that's the only way to do it."

The other three nodded.


Lu Feng was the first to bear the brunt, walking in front with a tyrannical body, and the three behind him followed closely. Chu Yan raised his sword to be alert to possible dangers around him.

In the forest, there was a piece of dark green, and the green mist obstructed the line of sight. In addition, the spiritual power of the tenth level radiated only 50 meters away, and the cultivation base was suppressed again, making the body cold.

Lu Feng's face was serious. What was frightening in this dark green forest was not the formation, but the figures in the dark.

Because, in this short period of time, Lu Feng felt at least a dozen eyes staring at them.

"It's really annoying here." Qiu Xue curled her lips in dissatisfaction. The gravity here made her frail body consume a lot of energy every step of the way.

Lu Feng ignored Qiu Xue's muttering, and his gaze was fixed on a cloud of green light floating quietly 20 meters away.

In an instant, Lu Feng's body pierced through the heavy resistance, and while galloping, he grasped the ball of dark green light in his hand.

As soon as the green light touched the skin, it actively merged into the body.

With the integration of this dark green light group, Lu Feng only felt a little loose all over his body, and the pressure was a little less.

"The mental power has reached the tenth and a half level." Lu Feng felt the physical condition slightly, and immediately said: "These dark green light clusters can gradually release the suppression of mental power."

Hearing this, Qiu Xue's expression brightened, and said: "Then let's catch these green light groups quickly and restore our mental strength."

This feeling of being suppressed made Qiuxue feel uncomfortable all over.

So the figures of the four submerged into the dark green forest, catching the green light clusters that appeared one after another.

[The tenth update is here, but this is not the limit of Shamao. If the book friends are strong, Shamao will continue to explode at night. Pushing my true limit, now Shamao sleeps first and has been busy all night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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