Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2206 The Evil God Arrives [4 More]

Chapter 2206 Evil God Arrives [Fourth Update]

The Evil Emperor's expression was cold. She really didn't want to use the last information of the Evil God Clan until the end, so she wanted to use this threat to force Lu Feng away.

"The last details? I'd like to see what other details you have, so let's use them all together. You evil gods are like icy poisonous snakes. When the war starts, I have no time to guard against you."

Lu Feng said coldly, without any intention of discussing.

"Is there really no room for negotiation?" Xie Huanxie's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"The room is that those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish."

Lu Feng's words were extremely domineering, and there was no room for half-resistance. He would either kill the evil gods or become his slaves.

"It seems that we can only use the last details. The evil god's plan cannot be destroyed, and I, the evil gods, cannot destroy the layout that has been arranged for hundreds of thousands of years because of you alone!"

The Evil Emperor Xie Huan knew that there was no room for discussion, and Lu Feng was determined to kill the Clan of the Evil God.

God Emperor Nuoye, coldness appeared on the face of the Evil Emperor Han Shi, and immediately the Evil Emperor pointed a scepter at the Tower of the Evil God, and the evil aura suddenly became solemn and sacred, and she also read out An ancient spell.

The Tower of the Evil God shook violently, and all the powerhouses of the Evil God Clan contributed their pious beliefs.

The rays of light converged, and in just an instant, two large characters representing the Dao of Heaven appeared out of nowhere in the void, an ancient character that Lu Feng had never seen.

"Evil God!"

Although he didn't know these two characters, he could still discern the meaning of them at a glance, which was an evil god.

Just after his voice fell, the entire tower of the evil god trembled violently. In an unknown space, there was a mass of evil flesh and blood, which slowly condensed into a figure that covered the sky, and walked out from there.

This body is like the incarnation of evil, and the power of heaven diffuses out, where it turns into an evil bad land, imprinted with the brand of evil.

During the circulation of that terrifying breath, Meng Tianhe only felt the collapse of the Taoism in his body, and he wished to kneel down immediately.

The evil god, the ancestor of the evil god clan, actually appeared here!

Although Lu Feng knew that the Eastern Profound Realm was covered by powerful and unparalleled rules, it was impossible for a real evil god to break through this restriction and bring his real body here.

But this evil breath of the evil god still made him feel a kind of heart trembling, like the piercing feeling of being stared at by a million poisonous gods.

The appearance of this evil god is soft and delicate, but it is ferocious and terrifying, and he looks like a man and not a man, and a woman who is not a woman, making it difficult to tell his true gender.

The evil god is a creature born from the Evil River. He has no gender distinction, and the evil god family is also a race created by him after he became a strong person above the ancestors. They are their father and mother.

It's different from Zulong.

Ancestral dragon is the dragon clan born from a mouthful of original dragon energy at the beginning of his birth.

The evil gods are created with their own flesh and blood. Among the evil gods, no matter it is an ordinary holy land or a powerful ancestor, they all respect the evil gods and surrender their beliefs. If they almost let them die, they will die.

"Evil God!"

As soon as the evil god appeared, Xie Huanxie and the others knelt down, looking respectful, and seeing their father.

"Evil God."

Lu Feng stared at the evil god coldly, and the Dao of the Three Lives was running like lightning, knowing that he had brought a piece of his own flesh and blood into Dongxuan in a clever way, and then put it in the hundreds of thousands of years of pious sacrifices. He called out.

Every call will not only consume a lot of faith, but also weaken the vitality of that mass of flesh and blood.

With an evil smile on the face of the evil god, his eyes locked on Lu Feng, and he said softly and delicately with an evil voice in his heart: "You are Lu Feng, the one who got an ancient god of the heavens, no People with traces of fate."

Lu Feng was not surprised that the evil god knew him. This kind of character has already transcended the world and peeped into the real destiny.

Although his strength was insignificant among those big shots, his own specialness made many big shots remember him.

"Oh? Cthulhu, do you also want the god of the heavens on me when you recover your mind this time?"

Lu Feng said lightly.

Although the evil god has a unique heavenly oppression, he also has the eternal infuriating energy generated by his own heaven. The crystal clear and dreamy mist flows in the flesh and blood, so he is naturally not afraid of this evil god who is just an incarnation.

He regards himself as the eternity, transforming the great way of heaven, even if he sees the existence of evil gods, he can neither be humble nor overbearing.

Not to mention it's just an avatar.

"Bold, kneel down and surrender when you see the evil god!"

Seeing Lu Feng's nonchalant expression, Xie Huanxie Emperor and the others immediately became angry. In their hearts, the evil god is their father, and they are all the children of the evil god.

"He is your god, not mine." Lu Feng said.

There was a smile on the evil god's face, and he didn't seem to be angry.

But Lu Feng was secretly vigilant, but he knew from Di Yu's mouth that the evil god was the most insidious, despicable and cunning person among the powerhouses who surpassed the ancestors.

"Although a divine object of the heavens is precious, it is not impossible to obtain it with my identity." The evil god said: "This time, many great beings including myself are plotting against Dongxuan. There is an ancient secret hidden here. With insight into this secret, we may be able to obtain true transcendence and immortality."

When he said this, a frenzied frenzy appeared on the face of the evil god.

Obviously, when they come to their kind of existence, they also have their own crazy pursuits.

"In that case, what is that secret?"

Lu Feng asked back, causing Meng Tianhe's heart to collapse. He couldn't breathe under the breath of the evil god, but Lu Feng was still calm and asked questions.

"You are not qualified to know this. This is a secret from ancient times."

The evil god once again regained the expression of a great god with no sadness or joy: "Your existence is too special. Many powerful mythological powerhouses have already targeted you, and you killed the deployment of the Supreme God Court in Dongxuan. It even attracted the wrath of the Supreme Court and many old antiques, but this god appreciates you, gives you a way out, surrenders your beliefs, and becomes the spokesperson of this god in Dongxuan."

"Really? Surrendering your faith means surrendering your soul." Lu Feng said flatly, "Do you think I will surrender my soul to become your spokesperson?"

It has to be said that the evil god's ability to confuse people's hearts is indeed powerful, just a few short words are mixed with a special force, and they are already bewildering him.

It's a pity that Lu Feng's heart is as hard as iron. In this world, there are only people who can kill him, but no one can bewitch him. Even the great and supreme beings like evil gods are no exception.

"Because you have only one way to go, become the spokesperson of the god, and explore the secrets of Dongxuan for the god. When you succeed, the god will take you back to hell and the world, give you empowerment in person, and become the ancestral saint." day."

The slender body of this incarnation of the evil god overlooked Lu Feng, and an evil power of heaven spread out.

"It's indeed a good condition, even my heart is moved." Lu Feng thought about it, and suddenly a sharp light shot out from his eyes, "But I don't think this is the final way!"

(End of this chapter)

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