Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2241 Authority

Chapter 2241 Authority
No one would have thought that when Lu Feng was about to use his ultimate move in the face of Zhuqiang, he would actually plunge into the river of disappearing origin.

Even Xianzun was surprised when he saw it.

You know, before you have mastered the source of the river, this is almost an act of courting death, which is thousands of times more dangerous than fighting with the soul brand. Even the strong source of the source cannot directly submerge the whole body in a source of the river.

This will destroy a warrior's Taoism in an instant.

After everyone reacted, there was no trace of Lu Feng.

The waves of the long river of disappearing origin have also calmed down, but everyone can see the danger hidden inside.

Because of Lu Feng's sudden move, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the ultimate move they were about to perform also stopped. If there is no opponent, how can they deal with it.

"Fang Yun, you are the Tianji Compass, and you know Lu Feng better than us. Isn't it too risky for him to do this?" The Supreme Dean frowned, and said solemnly: "A long river of origin is a holy and almost impossible river anyway." under control."

"I know Lu Feng well, he won't make unsure moves."

Fang Yun had great confidence in Lu Feng.

"Then we can only wait and see what happens next. Lu Feng is a wonderful thing that even the ancestors value. I saw it when he and I comprehended the Immortal Embryo of Xuanming together."

Xianzun said: "It's just that he didn't expect that he would grow so fast, and he also knew that only in this way can he have the opportunity to control the long river of disappearing origin."

At this moment, everyone did not continue to shoot, but waited.

At the same time, Lu Feng felt that there were terrible and extremely powerful forces rushing from all directions. Without the protection of the source of time and the eternal law of heaven, he would disappear and die in an instant.

Naturally, it was not a reckless move for him to do so, but a choice made after deducing billions of times.

Although it is also possible to collect it with a soul brand, the time is extremely long. His enemies will not give him time and will do everything possible to stop him.

But in Hanoi of the Vanishing Origin, although he has to face the terrifying impact of the Vanishing Origin River thousands of times, no one can interfere with him. This is a one-on-one battle between him and the Vanishing Origin River.


The eternal way of heaven blasts away everything, and countless ancient cities accompany him, exuding the brilliance of civilization.

Lu Feng knew that every original river has a most critical core, and all the original power spreads from this core, as long as a soul brand is imprinted on it, one can control an original river.

Controlling the long river of origin is an incalculably deeper level than comprehending a great avenue.

Naturally, the ordinary water of the long river of disappearing origin cannot compare with Lu Feng's eternal heaven, and it is born with a strong restraint.

And Lu Feng was like a fish swimming in the bottomless long river, catching a disappearing breath suddenly, Ji Yuan shook his palm, and entered an independent space with a bang .

There was no brilliance in this independent space at first, but it suddenly became brighter with Lu Feng's arrival.

Lu Feng saw in front of him that there was an original core as big as thousands of stars, covered with strips of truth, which were the vanishing dao patterns, releasing various truths belonging to the vanishing dao.

The mana that is pumped out at every moment is almost calculated in billions of trillions. The original core seems to be alive, and it is constantly throbbing, making a sound like a heart beating.

This is the core of the long river of disappearing origin. If you control it, it means controlling a long river of origin.

According to the rumors, for example, the core of the long river of time and the long river of life and death is the real horror. The power radiates all over the world, countless different dimensions, and even the supreme existence is incomparably small in front of them.

The gap between the top ten original long rivers and this kind of original long river ranked at the bottom is too big, it is like the gap between stars and dust.

Of course, Lu Feng has no way to collect that kind of original river. Right now, this core is the best treasure for him to attack the sage of martial arts in the near future, and it can provide him with the foundation of Taoism.

Lu Feng remained expressionless, his eyes shot out the purest and eternal brilliance, and he was shooting at the core.

Suddenly, a thought that roared to the heavens resounded, and the big hand composed of vitality covered the core like a sky bucket.

Although Yuanyuan Changhe has no sanity, he has his own will.

Lu Feng was as insignificant as an ant in front of it, and this insignificant insignificance was provoking him. Immediately, anger erupted in his core, and the fading brilliance swept out like a tsunami.

Lu Feng remained motionless, standing amidst the tsunami.

"Eternal way of heaven, immortal and immortal, immortal and immortal!"

Lu Feng knew that his power was far inferior to the long river of disappearing origin, and if he wanted to truly own it, he had to start with the quality of power, imprint himself with the eternal way of heaven, and make it a part of himself.

This is like in a mortal kingdom, an emperor does not have much mana.

But he can command thousands of troops and command a huge army.

This is the supreme authority.

This is exactly what Lu Feng wants to do. The Eternal Dao of Heaven is a kind of Dao of Heaven that breaks the rules. When it evolves to the extreme, it can rival destiny.

In an instant, his huge palm of vitality covered the core, and the primordial tree also shot out from his eternal realm, suppressing the violent fluctuation of the core.

The primordial tree is a sacred tree in the heavens that is comparable to the source of time.

Although Lu Feng's tree was only grown from a seed, the long river of disappearing origin is also not an extremely high-ranked avenue.

Eternal death is also sweeping out in waves.

Gradually, the violent fluctuations of the long river of vanishing origin slowly slowed down.

This is because Lu Feng is using the eternal way of heaven to constantly lay down the idea of ​​surrendering to the long river of extinction, and the eternal extinction has a lot to do with extinction in essence, but the quality is even better.

After all, the long river of vanishing origin is not a real living being, without its own wisdom.

Under the intimidation of this higher power, Lu Feng established a great image in its chaotic will, just like the Eternal God, who controls the great power of the heavens and ten thousand domains, and the long river of vanishing origin can only be used as a Courtier.

"Okay! In one go, I have already felt the greatness of the eternal way of heaven, and now I want to completely plant my brand!"

Lu Feng looked solemn.

At this moment, the most critical time has come.

If this brand cannot be completely laid down, then the disappearance of the long river of origin will generate the will to resist, then it will be almost impossible for him to enter again.

"If the eternal way of heaven wants to create a brilliant civilization, it must have all kinds of sources of power, and the long river of disappearing sources must be turned into one of the sources!"

At this moment, the timeline around Lu Feng was chaotic and chaotic, as if he had accumulated eternal power, and with his other hand blasting out, ushered in the final peak moment.

(End of this chapter)

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