Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 226 Interest

Chapter 226 Interest
With hundreds of drops of blood gushing out, Qin Feng's face was instantly pale as paper, crumbling.

Accompanied by Qin Feng's blood essence, the green wood staff bloomed with surging green light, blessing Wanmu's evergreen formation.

In an instant, the big formation once again showed ferocity.

"Hmph, as long as we trap you for a while longer, the opportunity will belong to us, and the price is worth it." Qin Feng sneered.


A vast spiritual light emerges from the evergreen formation of ten thousand trees, and there is a faint tendency of vines turning into trees.

And this time.

The people in the formation soon discovered that cutting off a vine required several times the strength before.

"Wooden Holy Staff!"

Lu Feng's eyes were fixed on the magic staff suspended in the void, the scarlet between the eyes was extremely red, and the killing intent permeated from the body.

Back then, when the sky star was destroyed, there was the shadow of the wooden holy staff, and Lu Feng had witnessed many sky star fighters being drained of energy by the trees transformed by the green wood staff, and turned into mummified corpses.

This wooden holy staff belongs to a holy-level force, the wooden holy palace, which is controlled by a powerful saint.

Of course, the root in Qin Feng's hand is just a fake.

Chu Yan beside him noticed that Lu Feng was strange, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Even in the face of Tang Yuan's oppression, he did not show such a strong killing intent, but just seeing a staff, the killing intent was so terrifying.

Lu Feng took a long breath, suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and looked solemnly at the green wood staff in the void.

The most troublesome thing now is that under the blessing of the green wood staff, the power of the large formation is stimulated without limit.

It is very difficult to destroy in a short time.


Cangzhou warriors had already lost a lot of strength in the previous battles, and the recovery of profound strength in this strange environment was ten times slower than outside.

"The most difficult thing is the vitality of the Wanmu Evergreen Formation, which needs to be destroyed."

Lu Feng looked at the vines and waved his hand to stop the attack. This kind of attack was just a waste of energy.

Immediately, everyone gathered together, their expressions extremely ugly.

"Boy, have you forgotten the eye of the evil god? Evil energy is the most powerful force that restrains vitality."

Xiaohu's voice suddenly rang in Lu Feng's mind.

Lu Feng patted his head, and suddenly said: "If you don't mention it, I really forgot about the evil eye."

Xiaohu's reminder made Lu Feng draw an evil smile.

Immediately, he said to the people beside him: "Follow me, this evergreen array can be broken."

Lu Feng's words made everyone tremble.

However, Chu Yan and Han Mo chose to believe in Lu Feng, and they followed closely behind with great force.

In an instant, Lu Feng rushed to one of the weak spots.

Qin Feng was taken aback outside the formation, unable to guess Lu Feng's intention.

"Eye of the Evil God!"

With Lu Feng's lips slightly opened, a gray hexagonal crystal was suddenly thrown into the evergreen formation, and under the guidance of a formula, it exploded suddenly.


Accompanied by a low and muffled sound, the overwhelming gray evil thunder suddenly exploded in the place where the vines were densely packed.

The power of the evil god quickly poured into the vines, and those vines dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, covered with a layer of gray evil.

Not only that, the evil spirit quickly spread to the surroundings at a terrifying speed.

In a short period of time, one tenth of the vines withered, and the withered vines could not grow again.

"This is what happened!"

Qin Feng's complexion changed drastically. Seeing the strange gray evil spirit pervading, he waved the green wood staff again and again to shoot out blue lights.

However, the emitted blue light was immediately swallowed by evil spirits.

"Don't touch those evil spirits!"

Lu Feng shouted loudly.

At this time, the formation was being destroyed at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

"Next, look at mine!"

Lu Feng suddenly slashed with a burst of sword energy, cutting off the dry vines and sweeping out a passage.

"Stop them!"

Qin Feng shouted anxiously.

Immediately, those sluggish warriors from the two states rushed forward to block the gap.


Lu Feng swung the Black Profound Sword, and dozens of dry vines immediately hit the warriors from the two states.

In a short period of time, a horrifying scene revealed that the strength of those warriors tainted with evil spirits was slowly eroded.

"If you don't want to enter evil, quickly suppress the evil energy in your body."

Lu Feng's reminder immediately caused this group of people to run their true energy in horror to suppress the evil spirit that was about to move.

Back then, the reason why it was very difficult to fight against the evil gods was because this evil spirit suppressed the strength of warriors in this domain, and as long as it was infected, it had to be distracted and suppressed.

Immediately, under the threat of evil, the warriors from the two states retreated with ugly expressions.

Some people vaguely recalled the origin of this evil spirit, and even shunned it.

With no one daring to stop it, within a short while, Lu Feng and others passed through the entrance and came to the open space outside the ancient palace.

"You won."

Qin Feng said dejectedly.


Suddenly, Lu Feng's figure disappeared, and his figure quickly turned into a flash of wind and thunder, came to the green wood staff suspended in the void, and grabbed it in his hand.

Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw that the green wood staff was taken away, he let out an angry roar.

"Give me back the green wood staff!"

Lu Feng looked stern, and shook his head indifferently: "Waste a forbidden weapon of mine, how can I not charge some interest."

The quality of this green wood staff has reached the highest level of heaven, and its value is not inferior to that golden spear.

Qin Feng's face was extremely ugly, and his anger burst out immediately.

Not only wasting an array axis, even his own green wood staff was taken away by this person.

In the current situation, even if he launches an attack, it will be difficult to wipe out all the leaders here if all the leaders are injured.

Therefore, he could only temporarily swallow this breath.

"Forget you, but you don't have time to get the opportunities in the palace."

Qin Feng suppressed his anger and rushed into the hall in a panic.

"Let's go in too!"

In an instant, streaks of light and shadow swept into the palace.

Inside the palace.

At this moment, a white light and shadow floated, and three people were completing the test left by the saint.

"Qin Feng, why did you come in!"

One of them said in surprise when he saw Qin Feng's embarrassed appearance.

Qin Feng said with a wry smile: "They have already rushed in, how about you."

at this time.

"Is this where the opportunity for this place lies?"

That golden array immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It's just that people from the Wufu, seeing that the chance is an array, are immediately disappointed.


The light and shadow reflected in Lu Feng's pupils, and the smiling old man looked like Lu Feng's master.

Master Qingxu.

After thousands of years, Lu Feng saw Saint Master Qingxu once again through light and shadow, and he felt mixed feelings in his heart.

Chu Yan next to him was also full of curiosity when he saw this subtle change in Lu Feng.

"It's just that I don't know what the test here is, and why the two states still failed to break through for so long."

Lu Feng's expression moved slightly, and he understood that it was just an image left by the formation, and did not possess any spiritual wisdom.

That murmur immediately caused that image to look sideways.

"The person who enters needs to fight with the old man, and the winner will get the key and have the authority to seize the last chance."

The sound of light and shadow is hollow, without any emotion.

"It turns out that the last rule is this, which is also in line with Master's habits."

Lu Feng suddenly realized, no wonder they couldn't seize the opportunity, it turned out that they wanted to fight against the Saint Master.

Thinking of Master's methods, the corners of Lu Feng's mouth twitched.

(End of this chapter)

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