Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2293 2 Souls

Chapter 2293 Two Souls
Mu Yan, the Empress of the True Spirit, finally wants to tell the historical truth of the great changes that year.

As for the truth, Lu Feng has actually searched hard for a long time, and the final mystery will soon be revealed.

In fact, after he had achieved great cultivation, he had used the supreme Taoism countless times, but Mu Yan was not like seizing a house, and his heart changed a lot, as if it was a game that had been set up long ago. Specially designed for Lu Feng.

What Lu Feng couldn't believe anyway was that Mu Yan, who was his childhood sweetheart back then, would suddenly attack him without warning.

He still can't figure it out.

"You say it."

Surprisingly, at this moment, Lu Feng was extremely calm, as if he was accepting a fact.

"You are very calm." Mu Yan said lightly: "Lu Feng, do you really think that the matter is so simple behind it? Was 'Mu Yan' doing it to you personally?"

"What do you mean!"

Lu Feng's eyes suddenly shot a cold light.

He suddenly realized something.

"A poor ignorant reptile."

Mu Yan, the Empress of the True Spirit, said with some mockery: "One thing you can be sure of, Mu Yan is me, I am Mu Yan, I am not refining an incarnation like Zu Xi, I did everything , I'm not what you think about seizing the house, if so, there will be no cause and condition."

As Mu Yan gradually explained the truth of the matter, the war stopped, and neither the Great Master nor the Brilliant God Ancestor continued to attack.

"Go on!" Lu Feng said.

"It's a pity that there was a little accident that year, otherwise I'm afraid I wouldn't have chosen to kill you."

Mu Yan, the Empress of the True Spirit, shook her head, and narrated as plainly as water: "You are very important. To be precise, it is also because of your mother Yi Qingwu, so I chose to be close to you, hoping to take some opportunities, but Unexpectedly, this accident still happened, and there will be a series of changes."

"So, you approached me to create karma." Lu Feng said.

"It's not considered to be close on purpose. This is part of the plan in itself, but some changes have occurred."

"Your plans are deep enough. You approached me first, then grabbed my father and planned step by step."

According to the clues, Lu Feng frantically ran across the long river, and when he looked back, a sharp and cold brilliance suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly: "The brand of the true spirit!"

"It is indeed a wonderful work of the heavens, the way of heaven is the most holy, it seems that you have already figured out some things."

Mu Yan didn't intend to continue to show off, and said: "You should know my real body, it is the true spirit empress who controls the true spirit and the way of the heavens, and as early as a thousand years ago, Mu Yan was not born yet. I merged a ray of soul with her, making it invisible to me, which is also a kind of ability of the true spirit, and I am Mu Yan."

"The true spirit and heaven contain two kinds of power, the real self and the soul, and what happened later." Lu Feng said.

"The biggest mistake is that in order to make this plan perfect, I didn't completely erase Mu Yan's secondary soul. In order to have a relationship with you, she actually fell in love with you. At the critical moment, she actually resisted my will , against me, making you disappear from my presence."

At this time, the truth has come to light, why Mu Yan suddenly changed his temperament and killed Lu Feng.

It turns out that Mu Yan has two souls, a powerful soul is the true spirit empress, and a weak soul is Mu Yan herself.

These two souls should be inseparable from each other.

Originally, 'Mu Yan' wanted to bind Lu Feng by fate and seize the key.

But unexpectedly, at the most important moment, the weak soul began to rebel, causing Lu Feng to accidentally open the heart of the ancestors, reincarnated thousands of years later.

That is to say, what killed Lu Feng was the powerful soul of the True Spirit Empress, not the weak Mu Yan who really accompanied Lu Feng through the lush years.

From the beginning to the end, everything was led by the True Spirit Empress, not the girl in Lu Feng's memory.

This is why Lu Feng saw the complexity in Mu Yan's eyes and the last scene where he opened his mouth and wanted to say something to him, but he could never say it.

After Lu Feng was killed, that weak soul should have dissipated, but after the news that he didn't die, but came back strong, this soul began to burn like a raging fire.

The retreat of the true spirit empress is to completely kill that weak soul, so that the power of the true spirit and karma can run perfectly.

"The truth behind it turned out to be this. Mu Yan's child originally had two souls. This layout started a long time ago."

Lu Xingxuan took a long breath.

"Essentially speaking, the Empress of the True Spirit is Mu Yan, and Mu Yan is the Empress of the True Spirit, but an accident happened, which made that weak soul have its own consciousness, did not want to be controlled, and began to resist at the last moment. "

Xianzun also looked solemn, wondering how Lu Fengfeng could resolve this fate.

"What a true spirit empress!" Fang Yun said: "The true spirit of heaven and the way of fate, this is the supreme power that controls the two ways of heaven, and the most terrifying way of heaven is directly tied her and Lu Feng to death. Together!"

"It's ridiculous. I see. I have to say that you are not qualified to be a father. You actually pushed your son and daughter into the bottomless abyss with your own hands. I think you are worse than a beast."

Suddenly, Lu Feng, who learned the truth of the matter, let out a wild laugh, and blood shot out of his eyes.

He could never have imagined that the emperor would be so ruthless and unscrupulous.

The tiger poison is still not eating its children, but the emperor actually destroyed his own children with his own hands.

"Little bastard, it's not your turn to judge me. As long as I can kill you, I'm willing to give anything!"

The emperor's mind was distorted, and when he heard Lu Feng's words, he roared even more at this moment.

"Your sacrifice is to think that your own selfishness buried Mu Yan with your own hands, and you are not worthy of living in this world." Lu Feng said coldly: "I will kill you with my own hands, because people like you, even like They are not qualified to live like ants."

"Lu Feng, it is impossible for you. Originally, your Dao was perfect, but because of my existence, there was a fatal flaw, and this flaw will make you really fall into a place of eternal doom. You deal with me, just in the end. Deal with Karma, deal with Mu Yan."

A faint shadow emerged from the body of the true spirit empress, it was Mu Yan who was constantly twisting.

"Mu Yan."

Lu Feng opened his mouth, and immediately a bloody breath came out. He said emotionlessly, "Why should I deal with Karma? The one who really has Karma with me is Mu Yan, not your Empress True Spirit."

"So what if you are Mu Yan, you have two soul consciousnesses, and I only recognize the real soul consciousness."

"Excessive words." The Empress of True Spirit said disdainfully: "Mu Yan is me, I am Mu Yan, there is no difference in essence, once this karma is planted, you will never be able to get rid of it, unless you become the god of destiny, All the laws of heaven have no effect on you."

"I don't need to be the God of Destiny, I accept this fate." Lu Feng closed his eyes slightly, and looked deeply at the Empress of True Spirit: "Mu Yan, what you lost, I will take it back for you. The fate of heaven and earth, transform into the fearless sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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