Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2300 1 Years

Chapter 2300 1 Years
The brand of the true spirit flew away.

Mu Yan's voice and appearance disappeared in his eyes.

Lu Feng was silent for a long time, watching Mu Yan's imprint of the true spirit that flew into Hanoi, the source of fate, he didn't speak, and even his face showed no emotion.

No one dared to disturb him, just let him stand quietly in the void.

"Mu Yan, you still left a mark of the true spirit. More than 1000 years have passed, and I have suffered countless pains, and you have suffered no less than me. You ended my previous life with your own hands, but In exchange for the power of this life for me."

Lu Feng's voice was a little hoarse, and he smiled immediately: "I saw your sincere smile again, it's still so innocent, this smile belongs to you, and I will never forget it."

He grabbed his hand forward, as if reaching into the source of fate, to fish out Mu Yan's brand of true spirit.

But everything is like fishing for the moon in the water, Lu Feng couldn't fish it up at all, he could only watch helplessly as the brand of the true spirit disappeared along the long river of fate.

"It doesn't matter. Although your body and soul are destroyed, you still have the imprint of the true spirit to live in Hanoi, the source of fate. Although the rules of fate are terrifying, they also protect you. You have been included in the rules of fate."

Lu Feng's body suddenly stood up straight, and a burst of ambition arose: "When I stand on the peak of the heavens, I will definitely take over the fate, and with the supreme ability, I will imprint your true spirit from the source of fate, Hanoi, to you!" Take it out and give you a brand new life again!"

"This is what I owe you!"

His words are extremely firm.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.

If there is no change in Mu Yan's weak soul, she will definitely be assimilated by the true spirit empress, lose her own true spirit brand, and will not have the opportunity to fly into the long river of destiny.

Of course, if Lu Feng didn't destroy the True Spirit Empress first, he wouldn't have the chance to get rid of the True Spirit brand.

He also made a big oath to his own heaven at this moment, that he would give Mu Yan a new destiny.

And he also quietly suspended in the void for a full month before he opened his eyes, looked at the peaceful sky, and said indifferently: "It should be time to block Dongxuan, don't let this The domain is blocked, and I will never be able to go to the heavens and ten thousand domains with peace of mind."

His body flew into the top of the sky.

In his eyes, there are countless laws of heaven and earth, and the power of the Yuanzu is like an invisible mask covering Dongxuan tightly.

At this moment, there are also many cracks in the mask, and they are constantly expanding.

If everything collapses, it means that Dongxuan will no longer be suppressed by rules, and the great ruler and other powerful people can come to Dongxuan at will.

Now, all Lu Feng has to do is to repair these cracks.

The power of source permeated from the heart of the ancestor of the source is actually the power of the ancestor of the source, and he rises with the eternal way of heaven, and the force of the source falls evenly on the mask.

It can be seen that these cracks are being repaired at an alarming speed.

It is very simple to say, but if Lu Feng has not comprehended the eternal way of heaven, it is impossible to control the power of the source, and it is impossible to make up the rules. Even if these strong men are killed, it will only be temporary.

This repair has been a long half a year.

In the past six months, while repairing, Lu Feng replayed the scene of the battle with the four supreme powers over and over again, so that the power of the heavenly way was constantly impacting and complementing each other, which made the eternal heavenly way usher in a burst of rapid development.

"Finally complete the rules, Dongxuan has blocked it."

In Lu Feng's eyes, the mask that was originally full of cracks was now as smooth as a mirror, without a single crack.

Of course, no one else can see all of this.

Lu Feng silently calculated the rules after the repair, and quickly came to a conclusion: "It can be maintained for about 1 years. At that time, the mask will be broken instantly and can no longer be repaired. At that time, the Dongxuan Gate will be completely destroyed. When there is no cover!"

1 years may sound like a long time, but it is actually just a blink of an eye to those supreme beings, a time that is not even counted as retreat.

Lu Feng doesn't know how long an era is, it is composed of countless ten thousand years, and the retreat of a strong man like the Great Master is calculated in terms of eras.

And how long a cosmic cycle will be is even more difficult to calculate, as it is formed by countless epochs.

However, 1 years is still an extremely long time for Lu Feng. Since he was reborn and practiced Taoism, it has only been a few decades since he was able to grow to this strength.

And time also gave him at least 1 years of respite, which freed him from worries.

Those supreme beings will not break the ancient rules of the ancestors for this short 1 years.

"1 years, there are still 1 years for me to improve my strength."

Lu Feng glanced at those who were still waiting, and slowly landed.

"Dongxuan has been completely blocked by me. They cannot enter Dongxuan from the outside, and this time should be 1 years. That is to say, there will be no destruction war in these 1 years. We have ushered in a temporary peace. .”

Lu Feng told them the information.

"I finally won, but it's only 1 years." Fang Yun said: "Lu Feng, you should have other plans in the future."

Hearing this, Lu Feng nodded slightly.

"Lu Feng, has that Mu Yan completely dissipated?"

Wu Xingling asked Lu Feng in a low voice, knowing the shock he was suffering in his heart at this moment: "She is also a poor person, and she was buried by her father on a road of no return."

A rare tenderness appeared in Lu Feng's eyes: "She is not completely dead, her true spirit brand has returned to Hanoi, the source of fate."

"This does leave a possibility, but how difficult it is to shake the long river of destiny and take out the imprint of the true spirit. Even the ancestors dare not commit such disrespect and offend the fate of the heavens, otherwise they will There will be a terrible backlash."

Xianzun stared at Lu Feng.

"Even if it's difficult, I have to do it. How can I watch Mu Yan fall into the river of fate and never be reborn forever?"

Lu Feng let out a long sigh: "Isn't this too pitiful?"

Mo Ling and Wu Xingling didn't speak, they both lowered their heads and fell silent.

They knew that Mu Yan had paid no less than them.

Back then, she personally resisted the soul-dominating will of the True Spirit Empress, and gave Lu Feng a chance to be reborn. She had to endure so much pain to make this decision.

At least, the two of them did not have the courage of Mu Yan.

After a long silence, the atmosphere was broken by Lu Xingxuan.

He looked at Lu Feng's vicissitudes and tired eyes, and said lovingly: "Xiaofeng, since you have won 1 years of peace for Dongxuan, the next step is to go to the heavens and myriad domains?"

Lu Feng was silent, and then showed a smile: "No hurry, I have been practicing all these years, and I will accompany you for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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