Chapter 2329

"I'm confused. Every warrior has his own secrets. How can he tell others the secrets? Forcibly asking other people's secrets is an act of a villain. This is indeed the Blood Demon Squad, Tianheng, here is the 30 you deserve Credit."

The old Yuansheng took a deep breath, but hadn't recovered from the shock.

Lu Feng was expressionless, and there was another 30 credits in the identity token, deliberating that he could exchange it for three Great Universe Pills.

"Come on, this blood fiend team has committed a heinous crime. Notify the emperor and hang the heads of these four people in Tianyuan City for everyone to see. Even if there is a powerful person from the line of fate who arranges the Tianji net, so what? A sage from the Tianjue Empire can still kill them and boost the morale of the army."

The old Yuansheng waved his big hand, and suddenly Yuansheng walked in half a step, looking at Lu Feng with eyes full of awe.

"Tianji Net."

Lu Feng looked up, and saw that in the depths of the light-year-long sky, there was a huge net, and a strong man shrouded in profound light was sitting upright. It must be the old man Xuan'an.

It's no wonder that the Heavenly Absolute Empire has suffered repeated setbacks. Think about how others can predict and control your every move. How do you fight against it?

Of course, this has no effect on Lu Feng, he has already jumped out of the sky, in the avenue, with a thought, even if you have a thousand magical powers, you can't guess the slightest trace of him.

"What else is there to do? The Dao I cultivated is too powerful. This little credit is not enough for me to complete the transformation and become the Yuansheng. I must lay a solid foundation and choose the most powerful Dao to break through. Otherwise, what will I use to become the Patriarch in the future. "

Lu Feng's domineering demeanor vividly displayed the pride of a peerless genius.

"Being able to kill the blood fiend team means that your Dao is too strong. The Three Thousand Dao must be an extremely high-ranking Dao. It's no wonder that you will accept these dangerous missions. You should go and see the missions above and choose the one that suits you. "

The old Yuansheng immediately handed another book to Lu Feng.

This time it was handed instead of thrown away.

"This task is not bad, it is a bit challenging, but it is very interesting, and these few will be collected together."

While speaking, Lu Feng disappeared like a ray of light in an instant.

"This Tianheng is vigorous and resolute. He didn't waste a moment of time. There is a reason for being able to become the favored son of heaven. And we are already old. We don't expect to be able to break through and continue our lives. We only want to be safe and stable."

The old Yuansheng sighed, time has smoothed his sharpness.

"I heard that Tian Heng was born in a wild land, and he fought with Hai Han, using the Dao of Light and the Dao of Darkness, two ways that are opposite to each other but complementary to each other."

During this period of time, these Yuansheng elders had already investigated Lu Feng clearly.

Of course, all of this is false information deliberately revealed by Lu Feng, so he will have the power to mobilize the river of fate, and he will never be able to find any flaws.

"Warriors in the wild realm should not be underestimated. They have no resources and can only start from the Tao. Without the guidance of a famous teacher, they can comprehend the Tao so thoroughly. The vast world, when it is about to bloom brightly, soar into the sky!"

That old source of the holy way.

Lu Feng completed the mission this time, beheading the Blood Fiend team is actually nothing, but it is of great significance.

During this period of time, due to the shroud of the Tianji Net, very few people could complete dangerous tasks, so many people did not leave Tianyuan City, which made the morale of the army extremely depressed.

A holy man can kill Yuan Sheng, what reason do others have to not do the task?

"It depends on how far that Tianheng can go. The heavens will be in chaos. Every time there is chaos, countless arrogances will be born, and countless strong will fall at the same time. My Tianjue Empire, Tianjue, is actually waiting for this opportunity to break through to Unsurpassed."

These veterans all know that the biggest pillar of the Tianjue Empire is the Tianjue Emperor.

As long as the Emperor Tianjue becomes the supreme being, he can protect the universe for as long as the Great Reincarnation, and the Tianjue Domain will also be able to be promoted from a first-class domain to a top-level domain.

Not long after Lu Feng left, a bloody evil spirit swept over, a tall man in blood armor appeared, like a demon god, any aura was frozen in front of him, unable to flow.

With a wave of his hand, three dead heads rolled on the table, bringing a series of blood drops.

When the elders saw the three heads, they were so startled that they almost jumped up: "These are the three powerful earth soul spirits from the Soulless Sacred Sect, all of them are the top cultivators of Yuansheng Sixth Heaven. Because, united, even the half-ancestors will be difficult to deal with!"

"Take the credit here."

The man in the blood armor said expressionlessly.

Those elders trembled in their hearts, and then said: "This is a credit, Commander Xiang, what mission do you want to take next? Recently, many big figures have issued big missions with rich rewards, but they are very dangerous."

He is actually Xiang Wushang, the half-ancestor strongman, the founder of the Wushang Army, whose strength has reached the limit.

"Well, the soul of the sky, the soul of the sky, is you."

After Xiang Wushang took over the mission, he left without stopping.

After Xiang Wushang left, these elders were relieved and took a long breath. Their backs were already wet with sweat, and then they all said: "This Wushang's strength is too strong, and the power of the ancestors is strong. Have you rushed into the ancestral realm?"

"Peerless evildoer, Xiang Wushang is the strongest evildoer in our Tianjue Empire. He is still suppressing the realm and waiting for a grand event. It is no difficulty for him to become the ancestor!"

"However, in the imperial capital, there are still a few supreme talents who are capable of competing with Xiang Wushang. We can discuss some things in secret. This Wushang kills people without blinking an eye. They have a cruel personality, and the elders dare to kill them."

"That's right. Although the laws of the empire are strict, they don't have much effect on Xiang Wushang. I heard that Tianheng once rejected the Wushang Army's recruitment."

"I hope that this Wushang will not deal with Tianheng. Both of them are evildoers of my Tianjue Empire. Losing one is a huge loss. The emperor has already expected something. He is cultivating an heir so that he can hit the supreme realm with peace of mind."

"The Supreme Realm, narrowly escaped death, is too difficult, a cosmic reincarnation, countless epochs, and how many people can succeed."

About ten days later, the number of people gradually increased in the mission hall.

this time.

There was a mighty attack from the Tianjue Empire, which forcibly bombarded the Tianji Net, making it no longer so perfect, and the example and encouragement made by the two arrogances, Lu Feng and Xiang Wushang, made many people not hesitate.

"This time Commander Xiang beheaded three Earth Soul Demons, which struck a blow to the arrogance of the Soulless Sacred Sect. I heard that he was chasing and killing the Heavenly Soul Demons and Soul Canggu. Soul Saint Sect is furious."

"Yeah, if Commander Xiang wasn't as arrogant and domineering, I wouldn't dare to take on these missions."

"I have to say that the credit for the recent period has increased several times compared to usual."

"That Tianheng is also doing missions, but he killed the Blood Fiend Squad, and it was only a small matter, not as good as Commander Xiang."

A group of people are talking about the current situation with no abyss.

But at this moment, a behemoth composed of crystals suddenly appeared in the mission hall.

A figure flashed past, and Lu Feng said in a sharp voice: "The Sky Crystal Star Turtle has been beheaded, give me the credit, my time is precious, and there is no room for it to be wasted!"

 Something happened this afternoon, two updates in advance
(End of this chapter)

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