Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2340 Ancient Beast Golden Toad

Chapter 2340 Ancient Beast Golden Toad
Suddenly, I found that the breath of the heavenly way formed a twisted road, and finally fell straight down in a place, obviously that was the place where the fragments of the heavenly way were lost.

"It's right there. Once you get tens of thousands of credits, immediately retreat and break through the source of spiritual power. You don't need to be so restrained when you do things. You can make drastic changes and put them on the bright side!"

Lu Feng knew very well that the strengths that the Supreme Sage and the Yuansheng can reveal are completely different.

With a jump, he walked along this road, gradually going deep into the abyss, and finally passed through a space barrier suddenly, and came to a strange and unknown place.

"The aura of heaven ends here."

Lu Feng seemed to have come to a parallel dimension, and a huge cave appeared in front of him. This cave was not made of mud, but was piled up with layers of crystals, like a honeycomb, refracting strands from the inside. Strange brilliance.

"The remnants of Heaven's Dao are in this cave!"

Lu Feng looked deeply into the cave and felt an extremely dangerous aura in the depths.

"The eternal way of heaven, the avenue walks alone, out of fate, only myself."

Lu Feng couldn't see clearly what was inside the crystal cave.

But it is obviously impossible to make him give up with just a dangerous breath, and then the eternal power haunts him, like stepping into the void, another parallel plane.

This kind of invisibility is even more magical.

To absorb all the aura of oneself without revealing a trace, it would be difficult to discover it even if one is good at calculating the secrets of heaven, but at the same time, Lu Feng could not release the power, otherwise he would be able to discover it in an instant.

As if walking on thin ice, Lu Feng slowly went deep into the crystal cave, and found that the light became brighter the further he got inside, as if he had come to the inside of a star, and the flame of light erupted from the hot moment of the light.

What was even more absurd was that he actually heard the sound of breathing, as if some creature was sleeping.

Finally, after being so cautious, Lu Feng finally saw the whole picture of the inside of the cave, which was a golden and sacred brilliance, and the surrounding crystal walls were actually piece by piece, like countless long square bricks, with twisted and jumping lines inside. rule.

But it wasn't this that attracted Lu Feng the most.

In the very center of the cave, he actually saw a huge golden toad with a closed vertical eye between its brows.

Yes, it was a toad sleeping deeply, and the breathing sound was heard from it.

This golden toad only had three legs, and it lay on the ground in a very weird way, but it was in line with the operation of the Dao of the Heavens.

Its body is golden, and every protruding part of its skin has been forged into pieces of immortal runes, forging many ancient inscriptions that even Lu Feng does not understand, forming a rune armor with strong defense .

And, with every breath it took, a mouthful of golden gas was spit out, and then swallowed again.

But Lu Feng could clearly see that the golden gas contained the mystery of the Dao, that is to say, every time this golden toad exhales, it is practicing and sharpening, and its deep sleep is actually another way of practicing martial arts.

"This is a beast, an ancient beast with pure blood and no pollution!"

Lu Feng was shocked, it was the first time he had seen a real ancient beast.

Monster beast, monster beast, many people confuse monsters together.

But in fact, a monster is a monster, and a beast is a beast. Although the two have similarities, they must not be confused in the real division.

What is a monster is to cultivate one's own wisdom, get rid of the body of a monster, and can transform into a shape at will, and what is no longer chaotic is a monster.

But beasts are different, they can also cultivate their own spiritual wisdom, but they will never lose their bodies. Their bodies are the most perfect carriers of the Dao, just like magic weapons in the hands of humans.

Just cultivate yourself.

Cultivate yourself to an extreme level and become supreme.

However, there are very few real ancient beasts. Many ancient beasts became extinct due to various reasons, or became monsters, and the rest are hidden in various Jedi.

It will only appear when each cosmic cycle is about to end, when the heavens are at their most chaotic, devour the creatures of the heavens, tyrannize themselves, and then hide again to enter the next cosmic cycle.

This golden toad practiced the ancient way of the beast, and every time it swallowed it, it was a rune of the beast, and then sank into the body.

There have been reincarnations in the universe where beasts were the absolute overlords.

However, beasts are good at destroying, but not good at operation and maintenance. In the end, their reincarnation is destroyed.

There are only human beings, and three races of demons and demons stand together, and many different planes and stars support the moon, forming the current pattern of the heavens and myriad domains.

This golden toad was sleeping, it didn't find the hidden Lu Feng at all.

"Remnants of Heaven's Law."

Lu Feng took a deep breath, and beside Jin Chan's huge body, there was a piece of stone emitting black light, from which all kinds of strong aura of heaven emanated.

This is obviously a remnant of heaven!
All of a sudden, Lu Feng ran the Fate Three Changjiang River, and saw such a scene. A seriously injured monk was chased and killed by several strong men from the Soulless Sacred Sect, and then strayed into the space where Jin Chan was. .

The golden toad's deep sleep was disturbed, and he spit out his long tongue at random, and swallowed those monks into his stomach.

The Heavenly Dao Remnant Scroll also stayed here.

"How can I bring back the fragments of the heavenly way? The strength of this golden toad is absolutely comparable to that of the ancestors, and I feel that as soon as I take away the fragments of the heavenly way, the golden toad will immediately wake up, and this beast has the talent to transcend time and space." .”

Lu Feng didn't act immediately, but thought hard.

He could see that although the golden toad was sleeping, it was comprehending the remnants of heaven in a special way.

This is the racial talent of the beast!
Even sleeping can increase one's cultivation.

Unlike the human race, even the evil Tianjiao must always comprehend the Dao, and it is impossible to be as comfortable as a beast.

But beasts also have huge flaws. Once they comprehend, they use epochs to calculate, while the most powerful human race is wisdom. After an epoch, countless source saints and a large number of ancestor saints will come out against the sky.

This is also the reason why beasts will gradually fade out of the stage of the heavens.

The race's genius endowed them with unrivaled abilities, but it also bound them.

They are inferior to the human race, without the wisdom of the human race, and the human race is also the race that can create miracles and appear the most terrifying and powerful.

"It is necessary to seize the remnants of the Heavenly Dao in an instant, and then use unparalleled speed to leave the cave in an instant of light years. As long as you go to the outside world and attract the attention of the big man, you will be more than half successful!"

But that's easier said than done.

If Lu Feng seized the Heavenly Dao Remnant, Jin Chan would definitely die forever.

So Lu Feng was observing the regularity of Jin Chan's breathing. Gradually, he found that after every hundred breaths, Jin Chan would fall into extremely short deep thinking.

And this kind of time is extremely short, but in Lu Feng's eyes, it is an opportunity.

"Okay, this is the opportunity!"

Lu Feng observed the golden toad for a full day before he found the best time. Suddenly, the fire broke out, eternity erupted, and the grasp of the heavens grabbed the fragment of the law of heaven!
(End of this chapter)

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