Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2345 Take Control

Chapter 2345 Take Control
Lu Feng actually directly refused to participate in the whole army contest.

This made many people look at each other in blank dismay, unable to understand what Lu Feng was thinking, but the behavior of Destiny's Child is not something they can casually speculate on.

The half-ancestor referee didn't say much, knowing that Lu Feng was the son of destiny in everyone's mouth, and then continued to preside over the battle on the competition stage.

"Tianheng, look at the final match of Yuansheng's third heaven competition. That young man is from the Feng family. He has practiced Taoism for only a few hundred years. His opponent is a genius in the Innocent Army. I don't know who can beat him." win."

Under the martial arts competition stage, Leng Qingyun stood beside Lu Feng, his face no longer had the previous coldness of repelling others thousands of miles away, and smiled and pointed at a young man with outstanding demeanor.

Lu Feng nodded. He knew that there were three strongest families in the Tianjue Empire.

The Hai family, the Feng family, and the Zhang family all have the invincible power of the ancestors of the third heaven sitting in their towns.

For example, the Wei family, which does not have the third heaven of ancestors, can only be placed at the second level, and the Leng family is also a family that is almost as powerful as the Wei family.

After Lu Feng took a look: "It will be the person from the Feng family."

"Oh? Why." Leng Qingyun was a little disbelieving: "The situation is obviously that the people of the uninjured army have the upper hand."

"Although the man from the Feng family seems to be at a disadvantage, his skills are long and long, while the man from the Innocent Army has no crushing strength. The seemingly domineering offensive is destined to be dragged down until he is defeated." Catch the flaw and break it in one fell swoop."

Lu Feng is so keen to see people.

As if to test his point of view, not long after, the member of the Feng family seized an opportunity, swept out with a leg, and kicked the uninjured soldier out of the competition arena.

"Fengman won, and got 50 meritorious service and a Yundao Pill."

The half-ancestor referee announced.

"I didn't expect it to be as Brother Tianheng expected." Leng Qingyun sighed.

"Next is the competition between the strongmen of the Yuansheng Fourth Heaven, and the two whose names are called will fight on the stage." The half-ancestor referee continued.

"I'm going."

Leng Qingyun's name was selected, and after she said to Lu Feng, she floated and landed on the competition platform, and her opponent was a Yuansheng master with cold eyes, from the Zhang family, very tyrannical .

Lu Feng also watched the battle on the arena with great interest.

Although Yuansheng's Dao of the Fourth Heavenly Layer is not worth mentioning to him, he can gain some gains from his eternal Dao by watching the Dao a lot. Finding some details in the tiny is also a way of cultivation.

Leng Qingyun's strength is also very strong. After refining the jasper and gold beads, there is a holy breath in her body.

If it wasn't for this contest, he would have already broken through to the fifth heaven of Yuansheng.

And with only a few moves, she blasted Zhang Jiayuansheng out of the competition arena, and easily won the first battle.

"Leng Qingyun's strength has become much stronger."

Many people looked at this very fast battle and sighed.

"The Dao of Great Ice Sealing is very tyrannical. In a single thought, it freezes the heavens." Lu Feng said: "And I see Qingyun, you have also practiced a Taoism called the Dao of Great Sealing, which can perfectly limit the power of ice." within a range."

Leng Qingyun said: "Yes, freezing and blockade are the way to go together, and many people in my Leng family can practice."

"I have a suggestion, if you are practicing a big explosion path, unexpectedly, you can condense the frozen power infinitely, and then explode violently, how about it?"

Lu Feng casually pointed out that his study of the Three Thousand Dao Dharma has actually surpassed many people. He has reached the level of the Dao of Heaven, and he can see the key points that ordinary people cannot see.

"Big Bang Road."

Leng Qingyun is also smart in ice and snow, and immediately said: "I never thought that it can be used in this way, but it is also very dangerous to cultivate and supplement this way. If you are not careful, the power of exploding and freezing will hurt yourself instead."

"What's so difficult about it, I happened to comprehend some big bangs."

Silently, Lu Feng introduced the Dao of the Big Bang into Leng Qingyun's mind in the form of runes.

"Brother Tianheng was born in the wilderness, but his research on the essence of Dao has reached a state of perfection."

Leng Qingyun looked at Lu Feng deeply, she is also a smart person.

"Go, Qingyun, your second battle has begun." Lu Feng smiled slightly.

The battle on the martial arts arena is still in full swing. Leng Qingyun is also honing the Dao of Big Bang taught to her by Lu Feng during the battle, and she is getting more and more proficient in each competition, communicating with her powerful feelings about the way of explosion. source.

"Leng Qingyun, Huangfu is a fool!"

After many contests, Leng Qingyun can enter the top ten as long as he defeats this Huangfu bastard.

Everyone who enters the top ten can get 50 credits and a five-qi pilgrimage pill, and if they are the first, they will directly receive a million credits and a five-yuan pilgrimage pill.

The Five-Yuan Pilgrimage Pill contains the origin of the five elements, and Leng Qingyun is precisely for this Five-Yuan Pilgrimage Pill to consolidate his own foundation.

"Leng Qingyun, it seems that your strength has improved by leaps and bounds during this period of time." Huangfu Hun is a man with an unruly expression: "However, you are still not my opponent. Admit defeat and get out."

"If you haven't fought, how would you know?"

If he didn't get the jasper and gold beads, Leng Qingyun would not be sure, but how could he be frightened by Huangfu now.

"Hmph, you are very close to Tian Heng, I advise you to stay away from him, last time he designed Commander Xiang, which made Commander Xiang very angry, and if you are stubborn, even the Leng family can't keep you! "

Huangfu said threateningly.

He is the man of the uninjured army.

In fact, since Xiang Wushang rose to prominence, he has recruited many geniuses into his Wushang Army and formed an army of geniuses.

And Lu Feng's use of tricks to drive away tigers and wolves has long made the Wushang Army want to kill Lu Feng, but it is a pity that since returning to Tianyuan City, Lu Feng has been retreating and breaking through Yuansheng, and no one can deal with him .

"Really? Xiang Wushang is also the half-ancestor, and he hasn't reached the point where he can cover the sky with one hand."

Leng Qingyun said coldly: "It's useless to talk more, let's fight, Tianheng is my friend, and whoever I get close to is harmless and I can't control me."

"Stubborn, you are provoking the anger of my Invulnerable Army!"

When Huangfu heard Leng Qingyun's words, he felt murderous, and said with a grim expression: "Bitch, I want you to know how powerful I am. I heard that you are as pure as ice, and after I defeat you, I will melt you down and conquer you!" , Surrender to me!"

Between the two, they collided with each other, and the shares of Yuansheng Dao were violently impacted.

When Leng Qingyun heard Huangfu Hun's words, his heart was also icy cold, his peak strength burst out, and with a wave of his jade hand, he froze the battle stage.

"Haha, you want to deal with me even with such a little bit of ice, I have already understood your way clearly!" Huangfu laughed loudly: "I thought this method would be enough, let's see how I can shake your clothes!" It's broken, and you'll be ashamed on the spot!"

His strength was like hundreds of millions of galloping horses, and when he vibrated suddenly, he actually changed his moves, and despicably grabbed Leng Qingyun's most sensitive place as a woman.

Lu Feng shook his head when he saw this, his eyes sparkled, his mental power controlled the audience, and a dark voice came to Leng Qingyun's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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