Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2359 Absolutely No Heaven [4 More]

Chapter 2359 Absolutely No Heaven

Leng Qingyun would never have imagined that she and Lu Feng had only known each other for a few months, and they had advanced from the fourth heaven of Yuansheng to the sixth heaven by leaps and bounds.

This is a threshold that she has not been able to break through for hundreds of thousands of years, or even an era.

Moreover, after refining the Dao Dan and being blessed by the power of the Dao, it is not impossible to step into the half-ancestor.

In all the heavens and ten thousand domains, only the strong at the level of the ancestors can become a powerful one, and Yuan Sheng is only regarded as the rich man of one side.

Immediately, her face turned red suddenly, like an iceberg melting, it was so beautiful.

Because during the half month of cultivation, the ice-colored long dress she was wearing was wet with sweat, outlining a delicate and graceful body, which made people have infinite reverie.

"Thank you Tianheng."

Leng Qingyun had many words of gratitude to say, but was interrupted directly by Lu Feng.

"Okay, I don't need to say much if I am grateful. You and I are friends, and I still need your help in the future. I am the child of destiny. It will be of great benefit to you to be contaminated with my luck, even Your entire cold family."

Lu Feng worked every step of the way, stabilizing the title of Child of Destiny, and spreading his fame to all heavens and myriad domains.

Leng Qingyun was infected by Lu Feng's aura, and then nodded.

"Let's go, the realization of the way of heaven should have already begun, this is a good opportunity, don't miss it!"

At this time, the two of them moved instantly, and after spending several hours, they came to a floating continent shrouded in endless death.

This continent is several light-years in size, cold and rotten, with no vegetation, like a dead place, with endless billowing dead air, and the breath of sadness sweeps over it all the time.

"According to the rumors, this is a world where there is absolutely no heavenly deity. Before he passed away, it was shattered into many pieces, floating around without an abyss." Leng Qingyun said: "The way of heaven emanating from this continent is most suitable for The perception of the strong under the ancestors."

Lu Feng looked at it, and there was a breath of heaven in the soil.

"Look, the Kingdom of Absolute God has appeared, and the aura of the Dao of Heaven has become a substance, spreading out from the interior of the mainland all the time, building a stable and strong Kingdom of God!"

At this moment, countless unparalleled auras floated upwards, building a huge, vast and stable kingdom of God in the sky, inside which was like a staircase, densely packed with warriors sitting cross-legged and cultivating there.

The realm ranges from the weakest holy realm, to the ancient sage, the most holy, and even the source sage, and there are all the strong half ancestors.

"A strong man like Juewu Tianzun opened up the supreme way of heaven, and almost every one of them is a creation god." Leng Qingyun couldn't imagine the power of that kind of strong man: "The kingdom of Juewu God, with a unique will, according to The realm is divided into many realm ladders, and those with high realms cannot enter the lower ladders."

Lu Feng could understand.

Otherwise, it would be a disaster if a large number of warriors with huge differences in strength were mixed together to practice.

The Yuansheng powerhouse, with a sneeze and a wave of his hand at will, can wipe out the crowds of holy warriors.

"The way of heaven has become materialized, and it can be touched and touched. It is no longer illusory. It is high above, and everyone can feel the absolute way of heaven."

Lu Feng looked over.

I saw that within the Kingdom of Absolute God, the Dao of Absolute Heaven formed airflows in the eyes, and each airflow was actually arranged with countless rune rules, showing it to everyone for cultivation with the most heavenly and selfless attitude.

"Juewu Tianzun is really so selfless, and wants to give the way of heaven to everyone for cultivation?"

Lu Feng can see the key that others cannot see.

He seemed to know that Jue Wu Tianzun had to fall due to some reasons, and he was absolutely unwilling to fall just like that. The moment he died, the world in his body was dispersed, and the terrifying power distorted to form the Absolute Abyss.

As long as everyone practices the Absolute Way of Heaven, there will be cause and effect, forming a stream of luck.

The more people practice, the luck will become bigger and bigger. In his eyes, the cultivation of these countless people is actually a process of another kind of sacrifice. Tianzun.

He knows.

After becoming supreme, the fate is independent and free from the world, but as long as the body dies and the dao disappears, the imprint of the true spirit will still be absorbed into the river of fate again.

Although Juewu Tianzun passed away, he left behind the eternal way of heaven, and arranged a large array of sacrifices to the heavens, in order to revive his true spirit consciousness and be reborn again in countless epochs, and even many samsara sacrifices A generation.

Such a thing is not unheard of.

It's just that they are very, very rare. The supreme existence has interfered with the operation of the rules of fate. How can they be easily resurrected? This is not allowed by fate.

But there is always a glimmer of life, the loophole of fate cannot be repaired, otherwise it will collapse on its own.

"Let's go to understand the way of heaven!"

Lu Feng's body shook, and he fell into the area of ​​the source saint level powerhouse.

Surrounded by tens of thousands of source saints who are constantly pouring in from all the surrounding regions.

"What is the mystery of the absolute invincibility?"

Lu Feng's mind was immersed in it immediately, and his mental power was wrapped in an airflow formed by an absolutely inexhaustible arrangement, and he studied it slowly.

He doesn't want to cultivate the Absolute Way of Heaven, but although his Eternal Way of Heaven has been achieved, it is still very naive in many places. After understanding other people's Way of Heaven, he can absorb the advantages and gradually enrich the deficiencies.

The vortex appeared, the air flow surged, and Lu Feng practiced very fast.

After half a day of this kind of practice, he finally grasped something crucial, and then showed a smile: "I understand some profound meanings of Jue Wu Tian Dao, the word Jue means lore, despair, jeopardy, jedi Absolute gods, absolute demons, all kinds of worlds, and even the river of fate in the end."

In himself, he himself has comprehended the eternal way of heaven that makes the rules of fate of all people extremely fearful, so he can easily understand the way of heaven of others.

"The profound meaning of Juezi is easy to explain, so what does this Wuzi represent? Is it Wusheng or real nothingness?"

Lu Feng thought about this change without characters, and at any time, he clicked out a continuously distorted wordless script, and said silently: "Wordless words also have the meaning of creating something out of nothing, and it also represents countless changes, the meaning of being unfettered!"

"Okay! I have figured out the general meaning of Absolutely Absolute Heavenly Dao. Next, I need to condense and absorb countless Heavenly Dao air currents, deliberate and verify them, and integrate the most quintessential meaning into my eternal Heavenly Dao!"

Lu Feng's eyes shone brightly: "Heavenly flow is too scarce here, I'm going to the very center!"

"What, Tianheng, you are going to the very center, that is the place where the Banzu strongman comprehended, Xiang Wushang must be there, and so is the old man with bloody hands. Once you go, you will definitely attract their attention, and it will be very dangerous !"

Leng Qingyun, who was sitting next to Lu Feng, knew the danger in the central area.

"It doesn't matter, I also have some experience about Absolute Heaven, you should remember it well, it will be of great use to your future cultivation."

While speaking, a wave of information was passed to Leng Qingyun, while Lu Feng's body flickered and flashed to the central area.

(End of this chapter)

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