Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 236 The Final Chance

Chapter 236 The Final Chance

As Lu Feng got up slowly, Chu Yan and others stared away.

After fighting for so long, it's time to collect the final chance.

Lu Feng took a step forward, and a wave of surging air came out from under his feet, and the white jade statue burst into white light at this moment, and a wave of white light swept over.

This white light carries the will of the saint, as small as a sailboat facing the waves.


Under this coercion, Lu Feng's tough bones made noises.

Lu Feng's face was solemn, this pressure directly acts on the mind, it is a force of will.

If you want to get the jade book, you must survive with a strong will.

Although the black stone can refine the oppression of the holy power, it cannot refine the oppression of the will.

In an instant, Lu Feng took a step, and the waves of air that came out of the shock surged.

The jade-carved eyes of the statue slowly burst into light, casting a breathtaking gaze.

This gaze, with the majestic will of a saint to suppress the world, instantly distorted Lu Feng's face, and an indescribable pain spread in his soul.

All of a sudden, his eyes went dark, and Lu Feng felt a heart-piercing wave affecting his whole body.

Seeing this scene, several people looked extremely anxious.

"What should I do now, Lu Feng doesn't look good."

Qiuyun looked anxious.

At this time, the veins in Lu Feng's whole body were swollen, and the blood vessels seemed to be bursting, and there were streaks of blood seeping through his clothes.

The most difficult thing to bear was the soul, the power of a saint seemed to tear his mind apart.

The pain almost made Lu Feng faint.

Once you can't bear this pain, you will definitely not get the last chance.

If it were someone else, he would have been unable to hold on for a long time, but there was a stronger obsession in Lu Feng's heart that supported him to continue walking forward.

If you want to fight against the Mu Xing Dynasty, if you can't even bear this kind of pain, what can you use to fight against it.

"I will not give up!"

Every time you take a step, the floor tiles paved with white jade will be dyed red, and then slowly spread.

Bang bang bang!
The blood vessels exploded again and again, and the blood flowing from the trickling stream had already dyed a large piece of white jade floor tiles bright red.

Seeing Lu Feng's painful appearance, the hearts of the others were tightly clenched together.

Chu Yan's complexion changed again and again, and in the next moment, she stretched out her jade hand, bit her silver teeth, and a ball of ice crystal lotus slowly condensed out of her hand and flew towards Lu Feng.

Then, Chu Yan's face turned pale, and he staggered and fell down.

This ball of ice crystal lotus was formed by the ravages of ice soul veins and spiritual power, and should be able to help Lu Feng at this time.

And when the ice crystal lotus flower melted into Lu Feng's body, the tingling soul brought a refreshing feeling.

You must know that this ball of ice crystal lotus has consumed Chu Yan's soul source, and it can't be recovered after a few months of self-cultivation.

When the closed eyes gradually opened, it brought an incomparable sharpness.

That feeling was nothing like a teenager could have.

With the help of Chu Yan's ice crystal lotus, although the oppression still existed, the cold feeling prevented him from fainting.

With a distance of seven feet, Lu Feng walked forward with bloody steps on his face.

This is the test of a sage, and only those with an unyielding will are eligible for the final chance.

"What a firm willpower, no wonder even Tang Yuan lost to him."

Chu Xiong was moved.

At this time, there was still seven feet away from the white jade statue, but Lu Feng had already become a blood man.

If it weren't for the blood chakras in his body, the continuous supply of blood energy would replenish him.

Even if his will was tough, he couldn't hold on.

"The last two feet!"

Lu Feng clenched his fists tightly, clenched his fists slowly, and took every step with difficulty.

The closer you get, the more terrifying the saint's coercion becomes.

At this moment, the black stone is slowly refining the holy power floating between the heaven and the earth, forming a light cluster in the dantian.

In the last three feet, the ball of ice crystal lotus has already been consumed, so I can only persist with my tenacious willpower.

"Is it still not possible?"

Chu Yan's beautiful eyes flickered, staring at the blood-soaked young man, her heart was tightly pulled together.

This feeling only appeared when her mother had an accident.

The seal of both hands suddenly changed, and a ball of icy brilliance was crystal clear, slowly condensing and forming on the top of the head.

Chu Xiong's complexion changed, and he didn't stop her move amidst the complicated complexion.

When that icy brilliance enveloped Lu Feng, a tyrannical force blessed his body, and at the most distance of three feet, Lu Feng took a few steps and finally came under the statue.


Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and looked gratefully at Chu Yan who was crumbling.

He couldn't get under the statue without her help.

The statue's eyes seemed to be staring at Lu Feng, the pressure suddenly disappeared, and the jade book emitting a hazy jade light slowly floated down.

Lu Feng received the jade book with a joyful expression, which probably contained the saint's opinion on the inscription pattern.

At the same time, a light spot quietly escaped into Lu Feng's dantian, making him tremble slightly.

"Look, what's in it?"

Qiu Yun asked quickly.

Lu Feng nodded slightly, and slowly opened a page under the extremely expectant eyes of several people.

On the pages of the book, there are recorded some unique insights of Saint Master Qingxu on the inscription pattern, and also portrayed many large formation models.

Among them, some languages ​​are obscure and difficult to understand, and only master-level inscription masters can understand them.

It can be said that this jade book is an invaluable treasure for the Inscription Pattern Guild.

You must know that the inscription pattern is broad and profound, and every saint has a different understanding of it.

Moreover, this Holy Master Qingxu is known as the mythical figure who is closest to the eighth-rank Great Saint Master in ten thousand years.

Even if it is just a few words, it will be very tempting to the inscription masters under the holy master.

"When we leave here, we will have a generous reward, and our Tianzhi branch will also rise with the tide."

Qiuyun couldn't hide his excitement.

Lu Feng nodded, he naturally understood that this jade book must be handed over to the Cangzhou Main Hall.

It's just that the real opportunity is not the jade book, but the light spot that escaped into the dantian just now.

At this thought, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth.

It seems that my master has already arranged everything.

Afterwards, they were not in a hurry to leave, and there was still a small amount of free holy power in this area.

Looking at the blood-stained blue shirt all over his body, Lu Feng laughed dryly, and found a secluded place to change his clothes.

Immediately afterwards, the blood chakra pulsed, and waves of blood energy poured into the whole body to repair the broken blood vessels.

A day later, all the holy power in this space has been absorbed.

Lu Feng stood up and looked at the statue with a respectful expression, then slowly bent down and bowed deeply.

Saint Master Qingxu, even after the death of the saint, still silently guarded the ruins of the Tianxing Dynasty.

When he is strong, he will return to Tianxing.

"Let's go."

Lu Feng waved his hand and led everyone out of the gate of Tiangong.

When the five people left the sky, ripples appeared in the space, covering everyone.

"The inheritance is closed!"

The eyes of the people at the foot of the mountain trembled slightly. When they saw the five figures, they immediately understood that the last opportunity had been obtained, and that this area had come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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