Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2366 Divine Object Shock

Chapter 2366 Divine Object Shock
Lu Feng just made a move, and the cycle of heaven and earth changed.

The two Yuansheng sixth heavens of the Soulless Sacred Sect immediately experienced death. No matter how they struggled, they were still ruthlessly obliterated into blood mist.

When Leng Lei and others, including Xiang Qu in the distance, saw this scene, they were shocked on the spot, and everyone was horrified.

In any case, they could never have imagined that the arrogant monks of the Soulless Holy Sect would be wiped out by Lu Feng in an instant, completely powerless to resist.

This is simply impossible.

"The combination of the two moves has the power to open up the ages."

Lu Feng is very satisfied with the power of the martial arts of the heavens. Yuan Sheng's way is too weak in front of him and will be crushed by him in an instant.

Only a strong half-ancestor can contend against him with the power of the realm.

"Thank you Child of Destiny. If you hadn't acted, I'm afraid the team I'm waiting for today would be damaged here, and the uninjured army on the other side would only watch the show, and wouldn't care about our life or death."

Leng Lei completely surrendered to Lu Feng, and half bowed his waist to express his gratitude.

"Okay, this is just a small thing for me, and I have more important things to do next."

Lu Feng waved his hand, and then the dragon snake jumped up, stepped out of the space, and disappeared.

"The strength of Destiny's Child is becoming more and more unfathomable, and it has reached a level that ordinary people cannot understand." Leng Lei was still shocked as he watched Lu Feng leave: "It's hard to imagine that he was only a holy man a few months ago, and even someone like Wei Feiyang Even a clown dares to act presumptuously in front of him."

"Yeah, Destiny's Child is getting stronger and stronger, but Xiang Wushang has been offended by this." One person said worriedly.

"Hmph, Xiang Wushang is cruel and selfish, what is such a person compared to Destiny's Child?"

Leng Lei sneered and said: "The Child of Destiny is the person who can really bring great luck to our Tianjue Empire, and my Leng family is in troubled times, and will even regress from a second-rate family to a low-rate family. Now Leng Qingyun and the Child of Destiny have friendship , is also an opportunity for my Leng family."

"That's true. The future of Destiny's Child is limitless. If we try to curry favor, I can see through it. Only by following Destiny's Child can we get benefits."

Just when the group of people were talking about Lu Feng, at this time, he used the eternal mirror and quietly approached the area where the Sansheng Stone was located.

The old man Xuan'an is in a different plane parallel to the Absolute Abyss. If he didn't fight with peerless masters and leak his breath, even Lu Feng would be hard to find.

Now, he was very close to that space, so he stopped.

He and the old man Xuan'an were separated by a mirror-like space-time barrier. At this moment, Lu Feng opened up a small space by forceful Taoism, and looked at the space-time plane where the old man Xuan'an was in front of him.

The old man Xuan'an sat on the fragment of the Sansheng stone.

From five directions beside him, his five disciples teamed up to shoot a beam of fate, blessing the old man Xuan'an.

Lu Feng did not act rashly.

How terrifying are the powerhouses of the Ancestral Sacred Third Heaven, especially the old man Xuan'an who has the power to see through the secrets of heaven, and he can hardly hide from his eyes even the slightest disturbance.

Lu Feng opened up a more brilliant space with his unique eternal power, but he himself is not in the destiny, and most of his mind is on fighting with peerless masters, so he didn't notice it.

But what is certain is that if Lu Feng broke in, he would be noticed by the old man Xuan'an in an instant.

So he has to wait, waiting for the best time.

"Don't worry, the old man Xuan'an is fighting with a peerless master. The strength of the two is constantly colliding. Sooner or later, it will create the best opportunity for me. What I have to do now is to accumulate strength and wait for the best opportunity. "

Lu Feng dormant quietly, hiding all his breath, very patient.

And although he was waiting, his mind was constantly deducing the eternal Taoism, and he didn't waste time.

This waiting, half a month has passed.

"Old man Xuan'an, I know that the reason why you helped the Soulless Sect is that they gave you this fragment of the Sansheng Stone as a reward, and you also want to control the afterlife and this life, but with your strength, you don't have the strength to refine it into your body. So I want to borrow the power of my Heaven and Earth Profound Sect."

Across the distant void, the peerless master stepped on the heaven and earth Xuanmen, his eyes pierced the distance of countless light years, and said to the old man Xuan'an.

The old man Xuan'an opened his eyes and showed a smile: "The strong man who inherits the will of the ancestors of heaven and earth, your guess is very good, the Taoism of heaven and earth is a Taoism that can break fate, I need your strength. "

"But what if I don't help you?" The peerless master said.

"If you don't make a move, the net of heaven's secrets will be perfect, and the situation of the battle will be under my control. The big battle launched by the emperor of Tianjue will be defeated."

Old man Xuan'an took his time.

The peerless master was silent for a moment, and then said: "Haha, why don't you remove the Tianji Net, and I promise you to use the power of heaven and earth to help you refine the three life stone fragments, but you have to promise me that you will not help the Soulless Sect, restore to the previously balanced situation.”

"It is a matter of people, entrusted by a loyal person. Since I have obtained the Sansheng Stone fragments, how can I break my promise and be contaminated with karma." The old man Xuan'an said: "You should know that those who calculate the secrets are most afraid of being contaminated with karma."

"That's true, but I have to expel you from the Absolute Abyss. Your existence has broken the rules of this game!"

The peerless master's voice was sharp, and he clasped his hands, calling for a powerful force in the dark.

"Heaven and Earth Profound Gate!"


In a space that no one can detect, an ancient portal stands quietly. The eternal two characters of heaven and earth have opened up the ages and controlled the destruction, which is the essence of the Taoist door of heaven and earth.

Suddenly a force pierced through, freezing the void, the universe almost stopped functioning, the law of time lost its will, and everything was at a standstill.

Obviously, the peerless master also understands that if he continues, he is just wasting time with the old man Xuan'an. He wants to summon a god that is stronger than the Sansheng Stone, the power of the heaven, earth and Taoism, defeat it in one fell swoop, and seize it at the same time.

"Okay, you have finally used your strongest power!" Elder Xuan'an became excited: "Five great disciples, operate the secrets, summon fate, and bless me with your power. I want to completely refine the three life stone fragments!"

Fight the gods with the gods.

The concept of Tiandi Xuanmen is that the ancestors of Tiandi break through the existing destiny and break through to a brand new world.

Not to mention this piece of power, even the real Sansheng Stone can be suppressed.

bang bang bang
The phantoms of the three long rivers and the three original long rivers all appeared, and the Xuanmen of heaven and earth was even more powerful, shattering again and again, and the infinite storm of destruction spread out.

When the powerhouses of the ancestral saint level fight, it is enough to destroy the world, especially the power of the strongest gods, which almost reaches the level of smashing everything.

"The stronger you summon, the happier I am. Only in this way can I control the past and present, and step into half-step supremacy!"

The old man Xuan'an stood up, holding a scepter with a flickering gem on it, which was the gem of fate, summoning the power of fate, and collided fiercely with the peerless master.

"Heaven and Earth Profound Gate, Heaven and Earth Profound Truth!"

The peerless master chanted an ancient spell, using himself as a medium to summon a stronger power of heaven, earth and Taoism.

"A master at the level of the ancestors is too terrifying. This kind of power is almost half a step higher. During the impact of the explosion, countless chaotic void turbulence was created in an instant, and many space fractures were superimposed together."

Lu Feng was very calm: "Wait, continue to wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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