Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 239 Little Tiger's Abilities

Chapter 239 Little Tiger's Abilities

Forging Pavilion, here is the place where Zongmen warriors refine their weapons.

At the foot of a mountain surrounded by purple flames, Lu Feng paid tens of thousands of points to obtain one month of refining time.

This mountain peak is the purest ground fire in the Forging Pavilion, barely meeting the conditions for refining the Sunset Bow.

After all, Zhitianmen is not a force that specializes in refining weapons, so it is really unexpected to have this place.

Inside the mountain, a tunnel was artificially dug.

Following a staircase, Lu Feng entered the hundred-foot-deep underground, where the earth fire is most intense.

The ground is a huge square, and a wave of scorching air blows towards the face.

And in the center of the square, there is a huge bowl, and the magma rolling below can be seen.

The bubbling magma would immediately turn into fly ash even if a true martial artist fell into it.

Only the closer it is, the power of this earth fire will be the purest.

On the rock walls surrounded by purple flames, there are caves.

There was a purple token in Lu Feng's palm, and a purple light shot, and immediately a cave door opened.

The cave is not big, and there is a fiery red square fire platform with complicated inscriptions engraved on it, which can arouse the purest earth fire deep in the ground.

"It's not bad here."

Xiaohu appeared from the array, his golden tiger eyes glanced around, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"How to refine next?"

As for refining weapons, Lu Feng is a layman with little knowledge.

"Leave the rest to Lord Tiger, you only need to carve a few auxiliary formations."

Xiaohu said proudly.

Hearing this, Lu Feng drew out the formation that Xiaohu instructed at an extremely fast speed.

It is nothing more than some formations to ignite fire and increase the success rate, which is not difficult for Lu Feng.

"All right."

Lu Feng replied.

The little tiger moved its head, and opened its mouth to spit out. A small cauldron exuding a dark golden brilliance spit out from its belly, floating on the fire starting platform.

This little tripod exuded a majestic pressure, which made Lu Feng look sideways slightly.

"This is the natal cauldron that every member of my Tuntian Tiger Clan must cultivate, the Tuntian Huangding Ding."

Seeing Lu Feng's surprised look, Xiaohu was very proud.

"As expected of the crafting race." Lu Feng praised.

"Next, let Lord Tiger show you what a real weapon is."

A dark golden ray shot from Xiaohu on the fire platform, and jumping purple flames were ignited in an instant, and the power emitted by the flames burned the air hazy.

Standing by the side, Lu Feng's body glowed purple, and he was dripping with sweat.

But at this moment, Xiaohu manipulated the Swallowing Emperor Cauldron to slowly float above the purple flames, and suddenly a series of dark golden inscription patterns flickered.

The Tuntian Huangding Cauldron, which was originally the size of a palm, exploded to the size of five feet in an instant.

"Swallowing the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron depends on Master Hu's strength, thanks to you boy who restored Master Tiger to the fifth level of Xuanfu, otherwise it would be difficult to activate."

When the purple flame became hotter and hotter, the power of swallowing the sky was faintly exuded from the Heaven-swallowing Emperor Cauldron.

After half an hour.

With fiery eyes, Xiaohu said, "Bring the sunset bow and materials."

Hearing this, Lu Feng took out the sunset bow and a lot of precious materials.

A black light rolled over, and the precious materials were first put into the Swallowing Emperor Cauldron.

"Most of these materials contain impurities, which must be removed and smelted before they can be melted into the sunset bow."

In terms of refining weapons, Xiaohu is an absolute master, so Lu Feng can only humbly ask for advice.

This process is very slow, each of these materials is extremely cherished, and the last one is worth a heaven-level weapon.

Moreover, there is only one chance.

If it fails, the sunset bow is likely to be useless.

During this waiting, Lu Feng was also a little nervous.

Three days later, a pile of black-gray impurities spewed out from the Heaven Swallowing Emperor Cauldron.

Xiaohu's eyes were solemn, he waved his hand, and the setting sun bow entered the tripod of the Emperor Swallowing Heaven.

During this process, Xiaohu has been manipulating the heat and making inscriptions of refining weapons one after another.

In the final analysis, the refining tool is also a branch of the inscription master.

For example, there are alchemists, puppet masters, array masters and so on.

And Lu Feng is the formation master.

Lu Feng has a panoramic view of Xiaohu's weapon refining techniques, and he has gained some insight.

Two days later, there was a buzzing sound from within the imperial cauldron.

The original fiery red body of the sunset bow is covered with a layer of purple flames, making it look extremely strange.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaohu slowly injected the purified essence into the body of the bow, and there was no room for the slightest mistake.

In fact, refining a weapon is far more difficult than forging a weapon, because the formation in each weapon is a whole, and it requires superb skills to integrate it.

Even a master-level craftsman would not dare to refine this magical weapon.

"Moon Silver Mother Mine!"

Xiaohu shouted loudly.

The moon silver mother mine is the most important treasure of this refinement. Without this treasure, Xiaohu is not sure that he can succeed.

Put the moon silver mother ore into the imperial tripod, under the burning of the flame, it turns into a silvery moonlight and swallows it into the sunset bow, and slowly fuses other materials into the bow body.

Until this moment, Xiaohu was relieved.

Now, just wait for the power of Moon Silver Eye Mine to fully integrate into the sunset bow.

As time passed, the aura emitted by the sunset bow became stronger and stronger.

a moment.

The sunset bow erupted with a burst of dazzling sunlight, causing the walls around the secret room to be melted by this force.


Xiaohu's two tiger claws played a few special refining techniques to suppress the majesty, so that the power of the sunset bow did not disturb other warriors.

When the successfully refined Sunset Bow slowly fell from the imperial cauldron into Lu Feng's hands, a burning sensation rushed into his veins.

At this time, the sunset bow had a few more silver moon silk threads inside the fiery red bow body, and the bow like knives on both sides was like two fire sparrows soaring at this moment.

"The silver pyroxene sent by Venerable Wu Zhan is very good. This sunset bow has reached the middle rank of the honor level. Although it is the worst middle rank of the honor level, it is ten times more valuable than the lower rank."

Xiaohu said very proudly.

This is it, mastering the secret method of the swallowing tiger clan.

"Excellent Middle Grade!"

Lu Feng was greatly surprised.

Compared with heaven-level weapons, the division between Zunqi is more detailed.

To put it simply, it is divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, extreme, and Dzogchen.

Even if it is just a low-grade Zunqi, it is extremely rare, worth tens of thousands of top-grade profound stones.

Zunwu Middle Grade is even more frightening, only those strong after Zunwu's four transformations can get it, that kind of power can destroy a whole country in Zunwu's hands.

You must know that even some sages only use Zun-level top-quality or Dzogchen Zun Qi.

However, Lu Feng's strength is not enough to display his full strength, such as a divine weapon of the respected middle rank, and he can barely activate one percent of his strength.

Even so, this one percent power is enough to be proud of the Xuanfu Realm.

"There are still some essences to increase the power of the three sunset arrows."

Xiaohu said again, and then Lu Feng excitedly handed the sunset arrow to Xiaohu.

The improvement of Sunset Arrow is much simpler, it only took two days to increase its strength by [-]%.

Looking at the domineering sunset bow, Lu Feng couldn't wait to test its power.

(End of this chapter)

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