Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2398 Killing the Emperor's Scheme [4 More]

Chapter 2398 Killing the Emperor's Scheme [Fourth Update]

At this time, Lu Feng finally successfully broke through to the second heaven of the Eternal Source Saint, and even his physical body went a step further.

Before going to Taiyi Ancient Domain, the strength increased greatly!

However, the two celestial veins on his body, the 12 god-grade celestial pills, and the [-] holy-grade celestial pills were all consumed, and so much energy barely supported him to break through to the second heaven of the eternal source.

That's it.

"My breakthrough is simply too difficult. I have a physique like a bottomless pit. A middle-grade Tianmai is enough to sustain the consumption of a family for hundreds of thousands of years, but for me, it is not enough to even break through the first level."

Lu Feng also had no choice but to smile wryly.

Although the Eternal Heavenly Dao is powerful, it requires sensational energy.

And this is only the breakthrough of the Second Heaven, and there are also the Third Heaven, Fourth Heaven, Fifth Heaven, Sixth Heaven, and even the breakthrough of the ancestors, even if the entire Tianjue Empire is sucked dry, Not enough for him to break through to the ancestors.

How many people would be scared to death by speaking out.

But Lu Feng had no choice.

According to his speculation, if he wanted to break through the Third Heaven of Eternal Source Saint or the Fourth Heaven of Spiritual Power Saint, he would probably need a middle-grade Tianmai with more than two digits or a high-grade Tianmai with more powerful energy.

He has to become an ancestor saint, and even needs a real divine vein, in order to be able to complete the transformation from the source saint to the ancestor saint.

Now Lu Feng is like a glutton who is hungry, thirsty, and dissatisfied. He needs to find countless heavenly veins to satisfy his appetite.


Lu Feng also sighed. Originally, his wealth was not even comparable to that of some families, but the breakthrough of the first stage consumed all his Tianmai, and he became a pauper in an instant. To get more Tianmai, otherwise the realm will not be able to break through."

"There is still a period of time before the opening of the Taiyi Ancient Domain, and now I am going to refine the killing weapon, extract the secret of killing, and turn it into my eternal killing."

Lu Feng's heart skipped a beat, and the Divine Slaughter appeared in his hands.

This Slaughtering Divine Weapon is made of the real gods and gods of the heavens and all things, and it contains the original power of the heavens. It is far more precious than some ancestral sacred weapons. imprint.

It is difficult for ordinary ancestors to refine the gods and artifacts of the heavens.

But Lu Feng is different. He is the source of eternity, the source of heaven, and suddenly a flame of heaven penetrates into the iron of all things. No matter what the substance is, in this flame, it can only start slowly. melt.

"Okay! The God of all things is not only hard, but also very soft. When it is hard, it is like a rock, and when it is soft, it is like water!"

Lu Feng stared at the Divine Soldier.

At this moment, with the burning of his flame, he has already turned into a substance like iron.

And what he has to do is to slowly melt into a puddle of pure liquid and pour it into the Eternal Sword.

"Once this divine iron of all things enters the sword of eternity, the power of my sword will be greatly enhanced, and the eternal mysteries will change all things, and it will become my trump card!"

Lu Feng put his heart and soul into refining the Eternal Sword.

"Who is it? Who dared to refine the emperor's killing sword? You are not the son of killing. You must have taken the mark that the emperor bestowed on the son of killing. No matter who it is, if you dare to use the killing sword, it is an offense to the majesty of the emperor." , will definitely suffer the punishment of killing!"

All of a sudden, a figure dressed in gray clothes, not very tall, even a little thin, but with the breath to kill the common people appeared from the Myriad Things Divine Iron.

This is the ancient emperor who killed the emperor, the supreme existence!

To be precise, this is just an imprint left by the ancient killing emperor in the killing soldier.

But it is just a mark, the power is also terrifyingly tyrannical, oppressed by the will to kill through the ages, even some ancestors will have their hearts broken.

"I am the child of destiny, and the son of killing is against me. I took away the killing weapon and taught him a lesson. Could it be that the existence of the supreme prestige of killing the emperor in ancient times also wants to come in person and take action against me?" ?"

Without fear, Lu Feng directly reported that he was the Child of Destiny.

In fact, he wants to operate in the eternal way of heaven, even if he killed the emperor in ancient times, there is no trace of him at all.

But in this way, his true identity is likely to be exposed, after all, he can't hide the fact that he captured Xiang Wushang and killed the divine weapon.

"Son of Slaughter." The ancient will to kill the emperor was silent for a moment: "You are the child of destiny, and you have committed a great crime by seizing the Slaughter Divine Weapon. This emperor will give you a chance, and you will be forgiven if you survive my palm!"

In an instant, the ancient killing emperor exploded with a killer move, and actually slapped Lu Feng directly with his palm.

"Hmph, even though you were a supreme existence in ancient times, killing the emperor, you wanted to kill me with just one will. Is this what you did as a supreme being?"

Lu Feng sneered, feeling the killing intent of killing the emperor in ancient times.

"I don't need a reason to kill people, I do everything at will."

The ancient Sha Huang's tone was fierce, and his will could not be resisted.

"It's good that there is no need for a reason!" Lu Feng let out a long roar, and punched away with the same punch: "The fate of all lives, create the skynet, and block the void!"

And when he punched, the power of destiny and good fortune appeared, and he couldn't use the eternal way of heaven, otherwise it would be a big trouble if he was caught by the ancient killing emperor, and the will was shaken again and again, almost shattered.

"Son of Destiny, you are very powerful. You can resist the emperor's will to kill without infection. No wonder the Son of Slaughter I chose will lose to you. He is not wronged."

Ancient Killing Emperor said: "However, you can't get your hands on killing divine weapons, you can't refine them."

With a flick of his fingers, the killing magic weapon trembled again and again, wanting to break free from Lu Feng's control and return to the hands of the ancient killing emperor.

"It's ridiculous, since the Slaughtering Divine Soldier is in my hands, how can there be any reason to spit it back? Don't think about taking it back, because I can use the power of fate to isolate your power from distant time and space, unless you I really have to come here in person regardless of face."

Lu Feng said this on purpose.

He struck out with one palm, the power of good fortune cut off the heaven and the earth, and completely blocked the summons coming from the void, so that the power of killing the emperor in ancient times could not penetrate.

"Okay! Very good! The means of Destiny's Child are really extraordinary, the way of nature, the power of creation, the power of creation in Minggu Shenting."

The voice of the ancient king-killer did not fluctuate: "I have collected my killing weapon, I hope you have the strength to control it."

"Don't worry about it, it's the elder who killed the emperor in ancient times to worry about it."

Lu Feng said.

"We'll see you later."

The ancient will to kill the emperor dissipated.

"Okay, without the ancient will to kill the emperor, the next step is to integrate into my eternal sword, so that my natal magic weapon has the magical ability to change all things."

Lu Feng knew it well.

Immediately after smelting the divine iron of all things, a sneer suddenly sounded: "The ancient killing emperor is good, I finally understand the meaning of you picking out the son of killing and bestowing the killing god weapon. It turns out that the calculation is really deep enough. Supreme existence!"

(End of this chapter)

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