Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2453 Destiny

Chapter 2453 Destiny
According to the rumors, this epic river is also a long river of origin controlled by the Lord of Heaven. The most terrifying thing is that as the universe reincarnates more and more, there will be more glorious history, and the epic river can record more glory time.

In the Haogu God Court, everyone who can open up a God Court is a leader among the Supreme Beings, and even some God Courts have more than a few Supreme Powerhouses.

"Tian Heng, son of destiny, come on! You will not be my opponent, because I am the last king of destiny!"

Wang Yu's figure flickered, and the power of fate ran through the epic. He punched the fist of the epic and shuttled continuously in space, like the long river of epics that stretched through the ages, mysterious and impossible, and many magnificent chapters of the history of civilization appeared.

And between these chapters and combinations, there are pages and pages of fierce murder books.

The power of epic can be seen in general!
"The epic is very powerful, and any brilliant scene will be recorded in the epic!"

Wu Feng stared at the epic chapter, and behind him a gate of martial arts slowly emerged, and countless auras were deduced at a speed of trillions per second, wanting to see how Lu Feng would resolve this magnificent epic attack.

A cruel smile flashed across the face of the God Prison King: "Yi Huazhi, I heard that you are extremely intelligent, but from what you have seen, who will win this confrontation between the children of destiny, and who will be the king of destiny in the end?" , ascend to the supreme position?"

The King of Destiny is the supreme existence cultivated by the long river of fate of all beings. He is not subject to disaster and is protected by fate, just like a child.

The birth of each King of Destiny represents a turmoil in the world, and the power sweeps away everything.

"It will be Tianheng, I believe him."

Yi Huazhi didn't think for a moment, and immediately said: "Shen Prison King, just watch, Wang Yu will be beheaded by Tian Heng in the end, his destiny was born just to complement Tian Heng."

"Really? Then we will wait and see."

The crystal light is eternal, the years are long, and the epic emerges.

At this moment, Wang Yu, the son of destiny, actually absorbed the scene of his battle with Lu Feng into the epic Hanoi, and he was like the master of the ancient epic, writing freely and profusely.

At the moment when the epic recorded Lu Feng and sentenced him to death, a force that changed history suddenly erupted.

The heavens and the earth split like a fright, the universe collapsed, as if reincarnation was reappearing, the myriad laws between the heavens and the earth actually showed a state of collapse, an eternal epic, spring and autumn, the aura of me as the master came out mightily.

"Eternal epic, every moment is the most brilliant, every moment is not mediocre!"

The vitality roared fiercely, and Lu Feng comprehended more epic mysteries in an instant.

The eternal chapter slowly opened and condensed into an ancient epic. He slapped it out with one palm, directly replacing fate, and he wrote it.

With just one palm, the power swept across the universe, Wang Yu's epic river collapsed, and was defeated by Lu Feng.

"How is it possible! I have really been taught by the ancient master, entered the source of the epic, and watched the epic. Why is the epic transformed by him so powerful? Am I really his foil? He is the king of destiny!"

Wang Yu was so shocked that he backed up, his face was ferocious, and he began to twist, and then roared: "No! That's not the case, there is only one King of Destiny, and that is me!"

"Give me death!"

Lu Feng showed great power, and slapped out again, pointing to the sky and the ground, the momentum was rolling, like the heavenly god descending, the rules between the heaven and the earth were extracted, and fell on Wang Yu's body in a crushing posture, making him The body rolled over.

However, Lu Feng also noticed the strangeness in an instant, half of his power disappeared out of thin air, and his brows frowned.

"One Finger of Eternity!"

Lu Feng's finger pierced through it, sealing off the space around Wang Yu's body.

Originally, it was intended to kill him between the eyebrows, but unexpectedly, there was a strange deviation, and it just landed on his chest, leaving a bloody hole.

"What's going on, an invisible force is stopping me." Lu Feng's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Fate is playing tricks, and no one is allowed to kill its son of destiny, which deviates Wang Yu's destiny trajectory, dead end It will also become a road of chance, and you are helping him."

Originally, Lu Feng's palm and finger could injure Wang Yu.

But the children of destiny are so easy to kill, each of them is full of great luck, and under the circumstances of fate, they are preventing Lu Feng from killing.

A soft colorful light descended from an invisible time and space, making Wang Yu's pale face turn rosy, and he was fierce again, without any signs of decline.

"Haha, this is fate helping me. Sure enough, it is still on my side. I am the king of fate. Although Tianheng is stronger than me and more evil than me, it seems that fate is not so Favor you, but use your hand to sharpen me!"

Aware of her own changes, Wang Yu became lively, thinking that fate favored him, and was full of boundless self-confidence.

"Where did all this nonsense come from? It's because fate saw that you were too weak, so I wanted you to play with me for a while."

Lu Feng sneered again and again, he was not the so-called Son of Destiny, but the Holy Dao of Heaven, the Lord of Eternity, the Emperor of Heaven, suddenly a burst of infinite magic power manipulated time and space, made time stop, and killed Wang Yu again.

"It's useless if you don't admit it, because it's just the way it is!"

Wang Yu went to meet him.

"Things are interesting." There was a joke on the face of the God Prison King, and he looked at Yi Huazhi mockingly: "Yi Huazhi, it seems that things are not as optimistic as you think, Tianheng is stronger than Wang Yu, But fate didn't value him that much."

Yi Huazhi's face was full of doubts.

She couldn't figure out why both were children of destiny, why fate would be so eccentric, and Lu Feng was far stronger than Wang Yu in terms of strength and talent.

According to the truth, the rules of fate descended to the rules of fate, this life is a rule of raising Gu, and there will be no favoritism.

Could it be that Wang Yu is really the destined king of destiny?

At this moment, her confidence was also shaken.

The battle continues.

After Lu Feng broke through to the fourth heaven of Eternal Source Saint, his strength has surpassed Wang Yu, but the rules of fate are helping Wang Yu, no matter how much he has the upper hand and how much trauma he has caused, he will never be able to deal a devastating blow to him .

On the other hand, Wang Yu, with the help of the rules of destiny of all beings, is so fierce that he is using him as a sharpening stone, and his strength is increasing all the time.

"I must be the born King of Destiny, my power is increasing, and the rules of fate are really sharpening me!" Wang Yu looked at Lu Feng: "You accept your fate, no matter how you make a move, you will not have me, fate does not favor you, but I will be the winner in the end."

"Do you want to use me as a sharpening stone? The rules of destiny of all beings, you have chosen the wrong object."

Lu Feng's mind calmed down, and then a cruel expression appeared on his face: "In this case, the eternal world, the domain of time and space, block it!"

(End of this chapter)

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