Chapter 2457 Reincarnation Profound Truth
Tianjue Empire, Nine Suns Mansion.

After Lu Feng returned to the Tianjue Empire, he did not attend the celebration banquet, but closed the Nine Suns Mansion, and entered into a deep retreat.

When he didn't go to the Taiyi Ancient Domain, he was only at the third level of spiritual power and the second level of Martial Dao Yuansheng.

This time, he got great benefits, which made his spiritual power step into the fourth heaven, and both martial arts and physical body also stepped into the realm of the fourth heaven.

For such a huge improvement, Lu Feng needs a long period of time to consolidate his foundation.

Otherwise, his cultivation would be illusory, and when he encountered a blow, he would be like the moon in the mirror, which would break at the slightest touch.

Fortunately, after beheading the son of destiny, Wang Yu, he obtained more than a dozen top-grade heavenly veins. In terms of wealth, no one is richer than him except the Great Emperor Tianjue.

Most of the sky veins turned into billowing flames, and the endless vitality condensed into a snowflake-like shape, falling down.

"Finally, the cultivation base has been consolidated. The next step is to make the spiritual power and martial arts enter the realm of the fifth heaven, the sixth heaven, and even the ancestor saint, but before entering the ancestor saint, only a large amount of high-grade Tianmai It can be done, but if you want to step into the ancestors, you need a holy heavenly vein to support the transformation."

Lu Feng felt a headache when he thought of this.

What kind of treasure is the holy Tianmai? The entire Tianjue Empire is just one, which is enough to support the operation of half of the universe in a first-class large domain.

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. It's useless to worry now. My current strength has been consolidated. Even if I meet a strong person in the second heaven of the ancestors, I can deal with it. If my martial arts, spiritual strength, and physical body all step into the sixth heaven, I'm not afraid of even the strongest of the Ancestral Saint Third Heaven, it may not be impossible to capture a Saint-Rank Heavenly Meridian."

Lu Feng thought silently.

Since he lacks the promotion of Tianmai now, he must focus on comprehending Taoism.

The Taiyi Golden Pill has turned into regular silk threads running through the whole body. Lu Feng's body emits a golden light. Progress improves.

"The heavens are immortal, time runs, understand my heart, light years in an instant!"

Lu Feng grabbed it with his big hand, and a spatial boundary condensed line, the way of time inside was changed by him, reaching the speed of one day outside and ten thousand days inside, but a high-grade Tianmai was also burning violently.

For Lu Feng, the greatest benefit of the enlightenment of the immortality of the heavens is not the improvement of strength, but the greater possibility that he can manipulate time.

With more time, he can do more things.

There are powerful men who can manipulate time to the extent of a dream, which means that a dream has passed, but in fact, a lifetime has passed.

However, this kind of dream, which lasts for tens or hundreds of years, will suffer a huge backlash from the long river of time. Lu Feng estimates that he can only perform it when he reaches the realm of the ancestors.

"The power of time is second only to the rules of the fate of all beings. Even the supreme beings, although they have the immortal life, they still have not got rid of time, because every cosmic cycle is a rotation of the annual ring of time, and they cannot Prevent the universe from reincarnating."

More insights appeared in Lu Feng's heart.

The air of fate reappeared again, respecting fate, supreme, and commanding countless avenues, all avenues of life, death, yin and yang, and five elements are just a part of fate.

"My eternal way of heaven is fundamentally different from the rules of the fate of all beings. Fate is respected, and other ways are just ants. But I want everything to be eternal. Eternity is just a meaning. Everything in the world can be eternal."

Lu Feng silently calculated the Taoism.

Around his body, the aura of Taoism shuttles back and forth, condensing into a long river of brilliance, such as eternal martial arts, eternal killing, eternal good fortune, and eternal Taiyi.

This is eternity, nothing is respected, but like the rules of fate for all beings, all dharmas can also be contained, and everything can be turned into eternity.

"This is the power of reincarnation"

Lu Feng saw another ribbon of reincarnation, condensed into a small long river.

It is rumored that this is a Taoism developed by a supreme taboo being, and even in the heavens it is difficult to call the name of that being, otherwise it will suffer a strong backlash.

He knew that this was not Yuanzu, but it was not inferior to Yuanzu, and even more domineering than Yuanzu.

"What is reincarnation, the karma of a hundred generations? The reincarnation of life? Could it be that you want to manipulate the reincarnation of the entire universe!"

Lu Feng was taken aback. The initial operation of the Way of Reincarnation represented his own reincarnation, but later, it was the reincarnation of all life, the reincarnation of a domain, and at its extreme, the reincarnation of the heavens, the reincarnation of fate.

At that level, you can control reincarnation!
But at this moment, his mind was also aching violently.

Even with his wisdom, it is extremely difficult to deduce the way of reincarnation. The degree of mystery of this way has reached the point where it is difficult to calculate.

However, Lu Feng is most interested in Yuan Zu.

Since he is the last invincible overlord among the heavens and recognized as the strongest, then what kind of heaven has he realized? Even if he got the heart of Yuanzu, he still doesn't know Yuanzu's heaven.

Thinking about it, the way of heaven of this strongest person must be earth-shattering.

"I don't want to. The next step is to plan my stay. The Tianjue Empire is too small and it is no longer suitable for me. I should leave here and go to a wider world."

After a month passed by the outside world, Lu Feng withdrew from his cultivation, his realm was completely consolidated, all kinds of Taoism were integrated, and his strength increased dramatically.

The Tianjue Empire is too small among the heavens, but it is only half a step up, and if he wants to step into a stronger realm, he needs a lot of resources. It is impossible to satisfy him here. He can only go to a bigger world among.

"Where is the best place for me to go?"

Lu Feng was also a little confused for a moment.

Although the heavens and myriad realms are vast, he doesn't know where he should go. Unknowingly, a kind of artistic conception called loneliness haunts his heart. Only in the Eastern Profound Realm will he feel like home. It can calm his mind.

"Do you want to go to Shenwu Domain?"

Lu Feng thought of Shenwuyu, but he didn't want to go to Shenwuyu in his heart.

The supreme existence of the Lord of Divine Martial Arts is too terrifying, with sharp eyes, and with his identity, wherever he goes, there will be a great commotion.

This is not conducive to his growth.

"It seems that I have to figure out some of the patterns of the heavens, and see where I can get the most heavenly veins. As long as my strength reaches the level of the ancestors, and I have the strength to resist half-step supremacy, then it will be my real place to shine." hour."

Lu Feng thought about it.

But not long after he had this thought, three terrifying auras suddenly descended on the Tianjue Empire. The originally clear sky suddenly darkened, tampering with the rules of heaven and earth and changing the secrets of heaven.

"Who is Tian Heng, the son of destiny, come out to pay for his life!"

A terrifying idea, like a cosmic storm, swept across unscrupulously.

(End of this chapter)

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