Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 251 The Will of Kendo

Chapter 251 The Will of Kendo
In the sky, a golden torrent galloped past, like a bright meteor.

When some secular people saw the golden torrent, they all showed reverence and yearning.

And that golden torrent is Lu Feng's warship.

At this time, he was taking Lu Min back to Tianmen.

Along the way, Lu Min seemed extremely excited, pestering Lu Feng to ask questions, and Lu Feng answered them one by one with a smile.

Afterwards, Lu Min's face showed longing. It turned out that Lu Han, who was once known as the first genius of the family, was only regarded as the best in Zhitianmen, not the top.

Then how magnificent the truly vast world of martial arts should be.

And ten days later, Zhitianmen shrouded in profound energy finally appeared in the sight of the two of them.

Putting away the battleship, Lu Feng took Elder Xie's certificate in his hand and directly took Lu Min to apply for a disciple token, and sent him to the residence.

"There are [-] celestial points here. When you reach the Xuanfu Realm, you can go to the inner gate to find your ninth brother."

Lu Feng rubbed Lu Min's black hair with a loving face.

There are rules in the sect, and those who do not reach the Xuanfu realm are not allowed to enter the inner sect.

But with Lu Min's talent and the support of Lu Feng's resources, breaking through the Xuanfu is only a matter of time.

Besides, he still has some prestige in the outer sect, and some disciples dare not bully Lu Min.

"Thank you Brother Nine."

Lu Min hugged Lu Feng's arm and said affectionately.

But at this time, some outer disciples walked towards him and recognized Lu Feng immediately.

"That's not Senior Brother Lu Feng, who is that woman?"

"I heard that senior brother Lu Feng is righteous, some disciples can go to Ziyang Peak to live in Ziyang Peak after entering the inner sect, so as not to be bullied by other factions."

When those outer disciples saw Lu Feng, they showed reverence.

"I didn't expect Brother Jiu to be so famous in the outer sect."

Lu Min chuckled.

"Okay, if you have any difficulties, you can always find your ninth brother."

Lu Feng smiled, turned into a ray of wind and thunder and flashed into the inner door.

"In the future, I will become as strong as Brother Nine in order to protect the Lu family."

Looking at the back of Lu Feng leaving, Lu Min clenched his fists tightly, his eyes showed firmness.

On Ziyang Peak, it was peaceful, and many disciples came to seek refuge on the peak.

On the contrary, the little girl came out and pulled Lu Feng affectionately.

However, Lu Feng was shocked to find that Yan Feishi's cultivation had reached the sixth level of Xuanfu at this time, and according to this trend, she would definitely be able to break through the real martial arts realm within one to two years.

This level of speed is close to that of top geniuses.

The bloodline of the Xuanling clan is really good, and the purity of the bloodline should reach more than [-]%.

On this day, Lu Feng played with the little girl.

On the second day, Xiaohu stayed on Ziyang Peak, while Lu Feng went to Tianwu Hall alone.

Of the [-] Tianwu halls, only half of them have the spiritual power of the Tianwu strongman.

And in that depth, there is a Tianwu Hall shrouded in purple thunder, exuding vast coercion, which was left by the sect master, and even ordinary Tianwu experts cannot comprehend it.

This time, Lu Feng's goal is the Tianwu Hall left by Elder Nine Swords, and sharpen his soul with the help of that sharp sword intent.

In the sky above Tianwu Hall, the sword intents left by the elder Nine Swords formed a large net.

With Lu Feng's current mental strength, he could easily condense a sword light to kill him.

"With my current mental strength, only the third layer can sharpen me."

Entering Tianwu Hall, Lu Feng directly stepped into the third floor.

The sword light whistled, and there were nine precious swords engraved on the third floor, and the sharp sword intent emanating from them could strangle any soul.

A swordsman is inherently fierce.

Cut everything within reach of the sword.

Cut out with a sword and never retreat.

When someone stepped in, there was a figure of a man in this space manipulating the nine swords, turning them into a stance of swordsmanship.

The sword qi is like rain, each one goes deep into the soul to sharpen.

One sword after another, non-stop like a violent storm.

This is the sword intent of the elder Nine Swords, which is like rain.

Lu Feng crossed his legs on the futon in the middle of the third floor, closed his eyes and felt the sword intent carefully.

Immediately, Lu Feng's eyes changed, as if he was bathed in the rain of swords, his soul became more and more determined.

As time passed, Lu Feng's soul became more and more fierce, and he pinched the seal with his fingers, swaying sharp sword energy.

Every sword qi seems to have the power to go straight to the sky, representing his heart of swordsmanship.

Although Lu Feng also practiced swords in the previous life, the swords at that time were not sharp.

But in this life, with the heart of a tiger in his heart, every sword is fierce and domineering.

Such a swordsman is a real swordsman.

In Lu Feng's heart, the sword will be stained with blood.

"There are thousands of swordsmanship, with various sword intents, but my sword intent is fierce and domineering, with a sword heart that does not flinch."

In Lu Feng's mind, there seemed to be a small sword floating, which was his heart of swordsmanship.

"Now, I will trigger the Nine Swords Howl."

Lu Feng shouted loudly, and his mind touched Nine Swords.

Suddenly, in the Tianwu Temple, the nine swords burst out with monstrous sword light, turning into mountains and rivers and pouring towards Lu Feng.

The Nine Swords were activated, and the kendo will evolved from that phantom became more and more violent.

This sword intent is unbearable even by a true martial artist.

Lu Feng frowned tightly, sweating profusely, enduring great pain, his soul seemed to be cut by ten thousand small swords.

Even so, Lu Feng continued to persevere, allowing the pain to grind.

Ordinary true martial arts would immediately shatter their souls under this sword intent.

However, Lu Feng's mental strength is as high as 43, and he can still withstand this sense of swordsmanship.

The stronger the sword intent, the greater the sharpening effect, and under this kind of sword intent, Lu Feng's mental strength increased a little.

"Elder Nine Swords is a powerful figure in the Ninth Realm of Heavenly Martial Arts. I am afraid that even a strong man who has changed his martial arts will not be able to deal with him, and his kendo attainments should be at the peak of Jianxin Tonghun."

"If my sword reaches it, the sword will split the mountain and the ground."

"I have level 43 mental power, which can be applied to mental power to make the god-slaying technique even more overbearing."

Under the sharpening of this sword intent, Lu Feng became more and more enlightened.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

A sharp sword intent burst out from Lu Feng's eyes, turning into a ray of cold light across the void.

"This god-slaying technique will be even more fierce and domineering."

Lu Feng looked at the speeding sword intent with satisfaction.

To seek the source of the sword intent is actually the spirit of a warrior, and the stronger the spiritual power, the stronger the sword intent that can be displayed.

"Now my kendo attainments should have reached the peak of Jianxin Dacheng, and I am only one step away from reaching Jianxin Tonghun. At that time, a random attack would be an incomparably sharp sword intent."

It is not difficult to achieve Jianxin Dacheng, as long as you work hard, you can achieve it.

However, swordsmanship is a watershed. It is difficult for one of the 1 sword practitioners to reach the sword heart.

Once you reach that level, you can truly be called a strong swordsman.

If it reaches Jianxin Tongzun, it will be a hero.

"It's a pity that this is just a leftover will after all. It will be more effective if a real swordsman can evolve his sword will."

Lu Feng shook his head helplessly.

He found that the sword intent here has been difficult to have much effect on him.

(End of this chapter)

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