Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2518 Hit! 【4 more】

Chapter 2518 Hit! 【Four more】

The sky was burned with rage, and a figure in blue, like a god emperor, smashed through the space and appeared.

Lu Feng, he is back.

"The Child of Destiny has come back from hell. He has such a domineering aura. It's not the same as before. I thought he didn't dare to come back. I didn't expect to put down such arrogant words as soon as he came. This is to confront the majesty of the Palace of Law Enforcement. Yet?"

"It's too reckless. Su Cheng is a strong person who has just entered the third heaven of the ancestors. Although he has the strength to defeat the second heaven, there is a whole gap between him and the third heaven, which is almost impossible to cross. How can he be so straightforward."

"However, the means of Destiny's Child cannot be guessed with ordinary hearts, we still wait and see."

When Lu Feng came back, the onlookers immediately looked at him one by one.

This is also a ruthless Lord, lawless, I don't know what kind of battle will happen with the Palace of Law Enforcement.

"Chairman!" Xu Hui roared immediately.

"You have suffered during my absence, but since I am back today, I will never let them trample on your dignity. If they want to play with me, they can only have fun with them. Even a small king of law enforcement dares to come to my territory to be presumptuous."

The indifference in Lu Feng's eyes made people feel chills all over.

"You're finally back. I said you were flattering you by calling Destiny's Child. Do you know that, in my eyes, you are just a poor bug, a little bug waiting to be eaten, who dares to disrespect the Hall of Law Enforcement? It's a big mistake, but it's okay, I'll suppress you first, before you are swallowed by other children of destiny, so as not to cause trouble!"

Suddenly, Su Cheng laughed wildly. He looked down on Lu Feng with a superior attitude, and even wanted to suppress him and not give him a chance to grow.

The others also frowned. They were very dissatisfied with the dominance of the Hall of Law Enforcement, but Yunxiao Shenting managed to produce a tyrannical Tianjiao, but they still had to be suppressed by them.

"Have you finished talking? Things that have no rules at all, and things that say you are dogs are insulting dogs!"

A terrifying energy rolled up out of thin air, and a huge coercion like an ancient sacred mountain appeared immediately.

Lu Feng stretched out only one hand, but it caused the time of the universe to stop suddenly, and then there were more than a dozen kneeling sounds in succession.


In the eyes of everyone, except for Su Cheng, the other law enforcement disciples kneeled down on the ground one by one, with disbelief shining in their eyes.

How terrifying is Lu Feng's strength now, beheading the Patriarch Second Heaven is as easy as eating and drinking water, no momentum is needed, just an invisible gravity can make them all kneel down.

"Kneel down!"

Lu Feng shouted, raised his big hand to suppress them, then asked Xu Hui, and said coldly: "Xu Hui, do you remember clearly, how many whips did they whip in total?"

"Boss, I figured it out!"

Xu Hui said viciously, almost in a voice of gnashing his teeth, "They whipped everyone in our Shenyao Garden thirty times, and each whip is engraved in my heart and branded into my soul!"

"Okay, you can pay back as many lashes as you have whipped, and you have to pay the price if you cause trouble in my territory."

Hearing Lu Feng's words, the dozen or so members of the Law Enforcement Hall were about to roar, but then the steel whips with bone spurs were lifted up fiercely under the control of a wave of mana, and they were pulled down heavily.

With just one blow, they were beaten to pieces.

Once they were drawn, there was no chance for them to resist.

You know, this is a special steel whip made by the Hall of Law Enforcement, and it is contaminated with burning toxins. Even the ancestors and strong people would feel worse than death. Immediately, the body bowed together, like a dozen prawns.

"This, this, this, the people in the Hall of Law Enforcement have also tasted the taste of the steel whip."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to believe it.

It was absolutely unimaginable that Lu Feng would use this kind of method to punish his own body to teach the people in the Law Enforcement Hall.

And when the steel whip fell, the whip was piercing to the bone, and the blood of the dozen or so people in the Law Enforcement Hall was spattered, and they cried out in pain.

But no one sympathized with them. The members of the Hall of Law Enforcement relied on their power to make a fuss in the Hall of Cloud Firmament. Many people hated them. Today, such a ruthless master Lu Feng appeared.

It was too late for each of them to be excited, and they shouted happily in their hearts.

"You are courting death!"

All this happened in the blink of an eye, Su Cheng's lungs were about to explode when he saw this scene, and a surge of blood rushed into his head.

What a shame!
What a shame!
The steel whip of the Hall of Law Enforcement is used to deal with those who do not obey their majesty, but it is used on their heads, and it is under his nose, which makes him, the king of law enforcement, face where to put it in the future.

In the future, if there is any majesty in the Hall of Law Enforcement, he will also become a sinner.

Thinking of this, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Nie Zhan, if you dare to attack the people in the Law Enforcement Palace, I will cut you to pieces!"

Su Cheng immediately made a move. First of all, he rescued those kneeling law enforcement hall people. He couldn't let them continue to lose face. Suddenly, the power of the three heavens of the ancestors broke out, and a big hand that collapsed forcibly broke Lu Feng's mana.

"As the person in charge, the punishment will be doubled!"

A cold light flashed in Lu Feng's eyes.

Previously, he was able to compete with Xiao Ye's two third-level heavenly masters and Ying Xuantong, who was comparable to the ancestor saint's third-level heavenly masters.

What's more, he absorbed the Thunder Punishment Sutra, turning it into a thunder talisman in his body.

Su Cheng was just a beginner, his shots had no effect, instead, when a burst of thunder force erupted, his body bounced back and he kicked back.

At this time, the thirty steel whips had been drawn.

As far as the eye can see, the dozen or so disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall are extremely miserable, and they still have the arrogance before. Even without Lu Feng's continued suppression, this special steel whip has already smashed their bones into bone dregs.

"It's too domineering. Seeing it makes my blood boil. I wish I could immediately slap these people from the Hall of Law Enforcement. They are all bullying things. Now they are even more ruthless. It turns out that they are nothing!"

"Only the Child of Destiny can suppress them. He is right. It is the Hall of Law Enforcement who is trampling on the rules!"

Everyone was boiling when they saw this scene, and Lu Feng's domineering attitude let them know that this child of destiny's methods are overbearing and cruel, and they cannot be treated with common sense at all.

But they all knew that the most difficult one to deal with was Su Cheng. Lu Feng was slapping the law enforcement hall in the face by doing this. This king of heaven would not let it go.

"Okay! Destiny's child, you are ruthless. You are not the only one who dares to resist us, but their fate will be extremely miserable. Some of them have been imprisoned in the Hall of Law Enforcement and endured torture that would be worse than death. You will also end up in the same way." fate!"

At this time, it can be said that there is no room for relaxation.

If Su Cheng didn't get back his face, he would be nailed to the pillar of shame and become a laughing stock in the future.

"Your crime is worse, I will give you sixty steel whips, and I will execute it myself!"

Facing Su Cheng's fury, Lu Feng looked calm, but this cold sentence made everyone feel a chill rushing from the soles of their feet to the top of the sky, and their whole body shivered violently.

If you really want to be whipped sixty times by the child of destiny, you won't be smashed into a pile of bone paste.

(End of this chapter)

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