Chapter 2542
The festival of ghosts and gods has arrived.

As far as the eye can see, the sky and the earth are pitch-black, rolling like thick ink.

The chill was deep, bitingly cold, and there was only a monstrous blood moon above the extremely high sky, which scattered streaks of blood light, shining blood on the earth.

This darkness will last for an epoch.

The easiest way to figure out how many epochs there are in a reincarnation is to look at how many times hell has changed from day to night.

Nangongxue was only surprised by the darkness of hell, but a different emotion surged in Lu Feng's heart. In the last era, he was resurrected because of the death of Yuanzu's heart, experienced ups and downs, and had a different life .

If there were no great changes in the past, Lu Feng might still be the crown prince of the Tianxing Dynasty, and his father, Star Emperor, would become an ancient sage and retreat behind the scenes.

He may maintain Tianxing step by step.

And the arrival of this new era is the chapter of a new epic. Lu Feng is completely full-fledged and begins to fight for hegemony in the heavens. For him, this new era will be different because of him.

"An old era is over, and a new era is coming."

Lu Feng sighed with emotion: "It's like a reincarnation has ushered in a new reincarnation in the past. No one knows how many reincarnations the heavens have experienced. Even the strongest overlord can't deduce it, but the rules of life and destiny are becoming more and more complicated. stronger."

"Well, there are many billions of years in an era, which seems long, but for us ancestors and powerhouses, if we understand the way of heaven, it is difficult to lament the passage of time. Time passes in the blink of an eye, and the beauty grows old, and the years change."

Nangongxue nodded, she didn't understand the deep meaning of Lu Feng's exclamation.

"It's time, the ghost festival is about to begin, let's go!"

Lu Feng led Nangongxue through the dark world, stepping continuously, and came to an ancient square. The most conspicuous thing there was an ancient altar mottled with blood.

Even in the dark night, it still reflects blood.

Countless miserable wraiths wailed on the altar, and it was unknown how many souls had been killed to be so terrifying.

And in the surrounding area, many Xiye Palace warriors have gathered, and those who can come here are at least those who are cultivated in the Origin Saint Realm.

Although the darkness of hell is ushered in front of us, this feeling is very uncomfortable for the warriors of the heavens. Even the ancestral powerhouse like Nangongxue is very unaccustomed to this hell environment, and has a great suppression .

But hell fighters don't have such a big influence. They have long been accustomed to the dark environment of hell, but the darkness of each era can greatly increase their strength.

Every dark era is also the time when the hell fighters are the strongest and the heavens are under the greatest pressure.

Lu Feng has no such scruples, his eyes are full of brilliance, and he can clearly see everyone in the square. After extracting the memory of Ming Liudao, he can no longer describe him with a simple disguise.

It is the real Hades, invulnerable.

Lu Feng blessed Nangongxue with a breath of the underworld spirit extracted from the long river of the underworld, which made her gradually get used to the hell environment and followed Lu Feng closely.

But at this time, he saw three figures beside the altar, each of whom was the great power of the three heavens of the ancestors.

The ones on the left and right are obviously the two powerful deputy palace masters of Xiye Palace.

Originally, Xiye Palace had three deputy palace masters, but Nangongxue beheaded one of them in the stone forest.

The one in the middle, wearing a dark red robe, with a white face and no beard, is a member of the ghost clan. Obviously, this is the palace master of the Xiye Palace, a true ancestor of the Dzogchen powerhouse, exuding a flawless aura.

Palace Master Xi Ye looked at the altar with a solemn expression at this time.

Originally, Lu Feng was a genius of the Ming clan, and as the palace master, he wanted to meet him. However, during this period of time, Xiye Palace had successively lost a deputy palace master and a palace master. A genius of the Ming clan from the Holy Land.

Having said that, he secretly conducted many investigations on Lu Feng.

But it's a pity that Lu Feng himself can summon the river of the underworld, which is the biggest symbol of identity, and he has extracted the memory of the six underworld, it will be strange if he can investigate the problem, unless he goes deep into the eighteenth level of hell.

Now, Lu Feng just let out waves of the Ming clan's aura to announce his identity, and quietly watched Xiye Palace hold a grand sacrifice of ghosts and gods.

"Tianheng, the festival of ghosts and gods is about to begin, at noon on the first day of each era!"

Nangongxue was also a little nervous. This is definitely a big move. If Lu Feng didn't help her this time, she wouldn't be too sure.

Lu Feng nodded: "Wait until the moment when the ghost and god festival is held, do it immediately!"

As time went by, every Xiye Palace fighter in the square showed a respectful and pious look on his face. Although the Lord of the Underworld God is the most powerful among the [-]th-level hell, the Lord of Ghosts and Gods is the most powerful in the ninth-level ghost hell. It is the one that can feel the majesty of the sky the most.

"The ghost festival begins!"

Suddenly, Palace Master Xi Ye uttered a sound, and thick vitality spurted out from the altar, transforming into an ancient hell map, and at the same time, a gloomy and distorted flame burned.

The deputy palace masters of the two ancestral sages who had attained the third level of heaven also had dignified faces, and at the same time cast their mana and began to communicate with the master of ghosts and gods.

At this moment, more than a dozen black crystal balls appeared from the hands of Palace Master Xi Ye. These are not ordinary crystal balls. Each crystal ball represents a small world. creatures.

These creatures are not from hell, but come from all races in the heavens, including human race, monster race, demon race and god race.

Every time a sacrifice is made, the effect of using the creatures from hell is actually very poor. Only the sacrifices made by the creatures of the heavens will produce pure aura, satisfy the master of ghosts and gods, and give rich rewards.

Palace Master Xi Ye pushed the crystal ball onto the altar.

This time, Xiye Palace lost two powerful ancestors of the third heaven, and their strength was reduced, which also made the sacrifices this time several times more than before. It is hoped that the communication with the master of ghosts and gods will make the strength of Xiye Palace within a short period of time. Quick recovery.

"Damn! Damn! This Xiye Palace deserves to die, and so does the master of ghosts and gods!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Feng's heart surged with fury.

In each crystal ball, there are at least billions of living beings, and as many as tens of billions of living beings, adding up to hundreds of billions of living beings, and it is actually necessary to sacrifice to the Lord of Ghosts and Gods in an instant.

Four words are not enough to describe it.

You must know that this is just a Xiye Palace, the strength of Xiye Palace ranks at the bottom of the 360 ​​palaces, and the scale of the sacrifices of the top [-] forces is ten times and a hundred times their size.

Some have to sacrifice billions of trillions each time.

Adding up the 360 ​​palaces, how many creatures from the heavens should be sacrificed each time?

It is simply impossible to calculate.

This is just a layer of ghost hell.

Lu Feng has killed countless opponents since he practiced Taoism all the way, but he never killed innocent people indiscriminately. He only killed people who should have enemies with him, and this kind of bloody sacrifice is even cruel The Demon Race will not hold it openly.

Hell, this is hell.

"Palace Master Xiye must die!"

At this moment, a strong killing intent erupted in Lu Feng's mind, and then a cold voice came into Nangongxue's ears, "Saint, follow my instructions and do it, don't let him go today!"

(End of this chapter)

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